,Response to bus routes positive But Cayell St. saJety concerns By GORDON MANZER Special ta The Champion Residents had Uieir say on proposed changes to Uic fown's transit sysfem se a public meeting Tuesday. At Hugh Foster Hail, representafives from Oakville Transit - which is helping set up Uic new systeru - made a brief presentation outlining Uic proposed routes. Three set routes woufd replace the exist- ing diai-a-bus sysfem. The three buses would retum f0 Uie Milton GO station f0 meet trains entering or leaving the fown. Heide Schlegî, Uic Town's co-ordinator of traffic and transit, said feedback from Uic community has been maint y positive. "Residents wanf fixed routes," she said. If will be far more convenient Uian the diai-a-bus system." Ms Scblegl said Uic diai-a-bus system wil be phased out once Uic buses are non- ning on Uic new routes. According to residents who aftended Uic meeting, Uic major issues were safety and convenhence. Many residents from Cavell Street tumed ouf to oppose Uic route showing a bus travelling down their alrcady-confmed street. James Coey said Uiat with sidewaiks so close to Uic bouses, here's afready a safety issue. "My pick-up is so close f0 the sidewalk Uiat if I'm backing up, I cant see if some- body waiks behind me," he said. "Now add a bus coming down the road and if becomes a big problem." Sandra Wright, who aiso lives on CavellI with a 26-foot bus drivmng ai ong their road. "We're happy that they (transit officiais) are going to change the route, but we're stif I going to take it to town council," she said. "We won't be completely satisfied une il we sec it in writing." Mark Stacey recently moved to Milton with hic family. He said that thc infrastruc- ture of a community begmes with the transit system and the proposed new routes are a seep in Uic right direction for the town. "A dependable transie syseem will reduce the number of cars on the street," he said. "If wiII give seniors a way around town and juse bc safer for everybody." The diaî-a-bus sysfemn now in place enables Milton residents to arrange for a bus to pick Uem up at a certain tine given Uiat they cafl at Ieast an hour prior to thc pick up. Tony Agozzino said he uses Uic current dai-a-bus systeru daily and fmnds it incon- venient. "If I have a doctor appointment I know what time il begins, but I don't know when if will end. 1 end up sitsing around waiting for a bus. WiUi a set route I woufd know when f0, expecf the bus." The finai routes wiil be in place for a mid-August launch, said Director of Community Services Jennifer Reynolds. "The current system is inconsisfent," she said. -There is no cerfainty in rouf ing or scheduling. WiUi Uic new sysfem we are adding a third bus for added coverage area and set routes and sehedules. People wif I find t he new sysfem much more usefeal. Oakvil le Transit and the Milton Community Services Deparement wil review the feedback from the meeting and make changes hefore going to town coun- lie 20 2 2 4- V Fitness Matters WhY shouId ivu aat su oftan and drink se mach irata, when stuanan exor- cise & nutlienal programn? t is essential f0 eat up fa 6-8 mini meals per day, every 2-4 hours, This regimen will speed your metabalism and allow you 10 burn fat and gain muscle mass. These meals should cossist of. Protein, carbo- hydrates, fruits and vegetables. *Proteins are the building blocks of muscle. *arbohydrates and fruits are fwo other essen- fiai nutrients needed fa stay fit and lice a fleathy lite. *Vegetables are also required in order b romain healfhy. The expert s at Health Canada say there are 3 types of acticities f fat we incorporafe into ouf ices f0 keep aur body healfhy & fit. They are: 1) Endurance Acti ione 2) Flenihility Acticif ion 3) Sfrength Acf icifles Anywhere from 3-7 timon per week ns ideal. 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