Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Jun 2004, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 4, 2004 *Commenut *The Canadian Champion Box 248, t91 Man St.E, Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classifned: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Associate Publisher Edmor-io Chtef Maoaging Editor Adu'ertsing Director Production Manager DistrtbutontManager Office Maager The Canadian Champion, pubished every Tuesday and Fiday at 191 Main St E., Milton, Ont L9T 4N9 (Bon 248),. s one of The Metroland Printing, Pubishing & Sîstributint Ltui. group of suburban compaties which includes. Ajax/Pickering News Advetser, Aihton Herald/Courier, Barrie Adoance, Bolten Enterprise, Brampton Suardian, Burlington Post, Burlington Shopping News, Cty Parent. Cty ut Yortk Guansian, Colingwoot/Wasaga Connection, EasItYorks Mrror, rin Advocate/Country Routes, Etobîcoke Guantian, Flamtntrough Reoîew, Forever Young, Georgetown Indepeottent/Acton Fee Press, Haton Business Times, Huronia Business Times, Lindtsay This Week, Mantham cnnnmist & Sun, Midand/Penetang- uistrene Minnur, Miton Shopping News, Mississauga Business imes. Mississauga News, Napanee Guitde, Nassagaweya News, Newmartnet/Aunora Ea-Banner, Nohumberlanit News, North Yortk Mirror. Sakville Beaver, Sakvîlle Shopping News, Olitmers Hockey News, Oilia Today, Ostawa/Whitby/Clanngton/Pont Penny This Weels. Peterborougth This Weett, Pîcton County Guide, Rchmond HillllihonnhilNaughan Lîbenal, Scarhorough Mrror, Stouftvile/Uebridge Tribune. Aduttising is accepted on tht condition that, in the esent ut a typo- graphicat erron, that portion ut the advedîising space occuptd by thet trou neous item, together wth a reasonable alowance ton signature. wll tut be charged tor, but the balancentf the adoetsemtnt wîl be pasît tonal tht appli- cable rate. The oublsher rtstrses tht nght to categoriot aduertisements on teclintý Tht Miton Caadiat Champont s a Recyttablie Pmoduct I That sinking feeling ,-PAUL?) Prime Minister Paul Martins worst enemy leading into the final four weeks of campaigning may be bis own party. 'he tainted legacy of Jean Chrétien, bro- ken election promises of Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty and an unresolved spon- sorship scandai inquiry could prove 80 be the weight that sinks bbc one candidate who was supposed to cruise no victory. Less than six months ago, few thought Martin would be touched in the next feder- ai election. He was seen as the heir appar- ent, a cant lose candidate, who would iead the Liberals into its second decade in power. What a difference a govemment scandai and some broken promises can make. Ail Martin's efforts go distance himseif from Chrétiens Iegacy cvaporated the day Auditor General Sheila Fraser revealed the money-for-nothing sponsorship scandai. Suddenly, Martins Mr. Clean image is under heavy scrubiny. Supporters are forced to question how mucb their man knew about secret dealmngs while serving as Chrétiens finance minister. If Martin knew nothing about il surely bis compebence as a leader would be questioned. These were the fnrst substantial cracks in Martins supposedly impenetrable leader- ship annour. As mucb as the sponsorship embarrass- ment bas damaged the Liberals in Quebec. Martins stronghold - Ontanio -ns shap- ing up 10 be the site of tbc PMs last stand. Ontario bas become tbe must-wtn province if Martin is t10 ding to the fading hope of a minoriîy govemment. McGuinty certainly basn't made Martins greatest cballenge any casier. Thie premiers pre-election promise of no new taxes foi- lowed by a budget that slapped working people with geared-to-income bealtb care premniunvs will undoubtedly impact voter perception of the federai Libe-rais on Junte 28. Combine the Ontario electorates currett mood with the fact tbat many incumbent MPs are tbrowbacks te, the Chrétien-era, and it becomes casier 10 comprchend bow a Liberal minority is likely Martins beot case scenanio. Today, the PM finds himucîlf politically adrift - losmng ground with the release of eacb new popularity poil. Somcwhere, Jean Chrétien is probably smiling - baving escaped Ibis political quagmire while leaving a legacy that bas become Martins headache that wont go away. *bOur Readers Write Trash pick-up isn't working, says rural resident Dear Editor: Multon's experiment with rural garbage collection bas been, for mny money. a disaster s(t tar. Here's a prime exampie of that. One moming not long ago 1 was walking my dog on First Lite, a bit soutb of No. 15 Sideroad. A garbage truck suddenly came thundering over the horizon head- ing soutb. The driver at tbe wheel, upon noîicing the bags of garbage aI the end of a driveway, siammed on the brakes and brougbt bis vehicle 10 a shudderinsg stop. TMe dramatic black skid marks are stili visible on the road. He tossed Uic bags in the truck, gave me a big smile and a thumbs-up, and sped off. lt's only a matter of lime before a garbage truck causes a serious acci- dent somewbere in rural Milton. Wiil it invoive sotneone walking a dog, a josgger, a child or just anotb- er vehicie? Now that we're snack witb rural garbage pick-up, how about giving some tbought 10 ways of doing il safely? Chartes Smel Moffat Woman says reporter displayed courage expressing view Dear Editor: 1 recently camne across Champion reporter Stephanie Thiessen's Milton Players' review enîiîled 'Play bas too mucb sexual innuendo for my taste'. 1 was so pleased 10 read that you do hold fast to tra- ditional Judeo-Christian values like sex within Uic confines of marriage, and i Uiought unieso I let you know somehow you mnight not be aware Uiat you indecd aren't Uic only one in Milton holding Ibat view. So that is Uic purpose of these few uines. Hearty con- gratulations on your courage in sharmng your values with your readers. Kecp up Uic good work. Esther Mitchell Milton This 'snapshot in time' isn't looking very pretty The look on Uieir faces said it ail. Nrsitors to 'Me Champion's Showcasc Milton booUi reactcd wiUi disgust whcn Uiey sbopped 10 pick up last Friday's paper bot off Uic presses. Their heads shook 10 the left, and then 10 the rigbt wiUi disapproval as Uiey read Uic front-page story 'Report projeets 4.7% tax hikes'. "Preuty soon we won't be able 10 afford 10 live in Milton," one woman commcnted 10 ber bus- band. The stoty centred around a recently-released consultant's report that anaiyzed Uic long-term financial impact of Uic town's population explo- ston. "A snapsbot in lime" is how Town treasurer Jim MeQucen referred t0 il. The report by C.N. Watson and Associates.- which estimates that tax hikes of hctween 4.7 and 5.1 per cent will be Uic norm cvcry ycar hetween now and 2021- is only a prediction of Uic future. But let's face il, tUii year's municipal propcrty tax increase was a sign of what's to come. C.N. Watson only confintned il. Gone are Uic days of 0 and i per cent tax increases. Thosc who believed, or were led to helieve, that growbh would psy for itscîf may now be feel- ing like they've been conned, wbile others wbo've scen it al before may be stating know- ingly, "It neyer docs." And those who bave opposed growth may not be able 10 resist saymng "I told you so." The Showcase Milton visitor's comment about Uic town becoming unaffordable led me 10 won- der Uiat while low intercat rates bave enahled so many people 10 boy new homes here, will Uic ris- mng taxes cend up driving Uiemn away? Or will ic new services in town - like transit, From the editor's desk an arts and cultural centre and an cxpandcd library - make Milton even more irresistîble and worth every penny? MWle 1 srongly oppose tax mecreases - Canadians arc alrcady taxcd 10 deaUi while il secms iere's s0 mucb wasbe - I furst ried 10 cope with Uic news by looking 10 Uic bright side in bhning of ways our growUi explosion could actually keep some cash in my pockctbook. 1 tbought, won't1I save money ini gasoline and wear and tear on my vehicle by taking advantage of Uic ncw shopping opportunities that growth will bring? 1 will no longer have 80 drive 10 Georgetown, Mississauga, Oakville or Burlington 10 go 10 Wal-Mart or 10 a movie thc- atre. WiUi gas prices as bigh as Uiey are and with no end in sight, the savingo over lime could be buge. And Uia's not 10 mention the amount of time ll bave 10 spare - and you can't put a price tag on that. Then I gave my head a shake. More realistical- ly, we're going 10 bave 10 fmnd a way 10 put a lid on these projected tax increases, whicb rcaily semr prctty ridiculous. You don'î nccd 10 be a fortune teller to forese Ibat Ibis will be a big issue at election time for years t0 come. And who knows, mayhe Ibere wilI even be a tax revoit. -r- il Neil Oliver Ji Davis Karen Smith Wendy McNab Tim Coles Charlene Hall Teri Casas w "0 by oql&

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