The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 4, 2004--35 THE DODGE CARAVAN S"IRe)KÏ" CHANGEUS GOOD 03000 IN THEATRO3 _____________ Shrek f Drarn orks LL -(ý'ýiekŽ u inao oe S INtIIH an «., 2004 DeanWnloks[ (**.L.CDI.N Power windows, locks and doors "Cruise control - 7 passenger seating "AM/FM/CD stereo * Sentry-Key@ pTheft Deterrent System - Multistage driver and front passenger airbags OFAVIAR EMm ove PACEAGE Myko Ward of Hunt Chrysier prisent: lucky V,~ wlnnor, Moyra kldd of Milton (above) wlth a portable DUD player. The ballot was submlttod ai Showcaso Mlton 2004 . CHOOSE 21 f,88U CASH PURCHASE** purchase financing* for 60 MONTHS SPLUS 82,000O CASH BACK servicepartswww. j 0202222000 NEIGHBOUR2200D CHRYSLER. JEEO, 40400 RETAILER 0OR 002M0000022Y ER.CA Wse mllionairem444M4fine2. :t2, t22 2h44.,,m 404.002 42444422002 22.422M 4 mlbar -Wid .42 42MY ole.24442O.442 G,80~24..1«t, .22ad0Py .42 miel44204.20400on2- .2. 2004442.002 .q nOpp4asd'. parfait4..22002424-Y244444 44. Ses mi foi 22424222424 444.4444002422244 -122244404a. $14,427(0%) 0404.44.2210042004Y, dCb24G; $14,838(l.3%) J.44Lberty 248B.244422242441422440246261,02.4000 024gef 0.1 444..foi 44222.22. t22 tLsse. basi0.4. 0 rmt40 lete,02444. 20040404.e SX M21D, Total f44se4024444420244inten4ai2400e44a12.440(33%) 444042444044.022 102.000; chare c040122422242 44tis 0 440.2. 2rs0 Jee l.249024000.44.24.0 of...044002y244204244404422 440020421licence, y 400442.2042. 224lm. a 04044444 b«ryofDnler0h2ysW omo00mb40 4on . clde fagrt ($2,00). lcence 2.24. isi4ne p444044 444240400. 24tu"4. r hagsad PPSKA 0% p4mhm00.4.0224002244for20022242, n20042404.0424402 .220and4Grand44222424044 444. Eumpe4.000 Grnd2.204. 240.CYS .44220242M244.03404,422 p4minent Lm intr«422 42440%. 222 .422224.02242.481,00; hag0140402 on2for2ecess k0lom2tff @Je4p i24a re 22400.0. 0400!n0,222f4402224242420 Corpoation u 20l m.,22244nc 04.404Wn 4.204ys 4041anada 4424,y4022.0 244424.444402of4224. h t $3 0Corporati .04 224.24244220L4LL C 00004ii44002204 -MM - fy~.L444. «9xi _22.2..244 1 , " ,4 - î . . .4'. .. ..2. .-' .' .