TRG insurance Brokers Inc, a leading independent brokerage f irro, s a sttong and progressive coropany whose pronsnucceon Iras corne ry ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE PERSONAL UINES INSURANCE The ighf candidate mutl be reaponsibte for iteveiaping, prorooting and soul- ing Personai Lines Insurance ta ou extensive client base throughout the Milton and surrounding areas. TRG wiul provide you mth an excellent mar- ket representative f0 assiat vou in reaching nem heiglts in your cameer. Yur R80 License la coropliroented wt h yoer superior interpersonai and arganizatioxa! sIilis andt the drive fa be the best - yas knom a career in inauraxce sales its the mark. Proves sales esperiexce asd a commit- ment ta souSd reiatîanstrps make you idealiy suted ta maximize aur ct/ext base. We offer a compatitive compensation package andt excellent growth patentiai. If you are selt-motivated and ready ta work in a remarding enviraxment, please subroit your resumnein confidence no later than: JUNE 18, 2004 ta: Humax Resaurces epartmext Pao: (905) 374-3739 E-Mail: We thank respondents ror their interest, bot odvise that only those selected for interviews wiII be contoeted. LA-Z- 0BOY '£RI Graduate Interior Designer Positions We are expanding our Sales Team in support of our'In Home Design Service . n our stores in Burlinglon, Brampton and Mississuga and me are looking for some fsienfed people 10 jo/n us. If you are a graduate of an accredited Inter/or Des/go course viho /0 looking for o unique opportunity ta use your skills and talents thon ffis may be the job for ypu. The dt/es invoive working directiy with our clients and our In Home Designers bath in aur showrooms sodini clients homes. Vou wil need excellent communication skiis, a flexible ochedule, reli- able transportation andt a desire ta learo. This position /0 a prerequi- site fa becoming a full t/me In Home Designer in our stores. If you have these attr/butes me mant fo hear f rom you. Do 00f morry about send/ng in a resume or portfolio nght nom. Just cali Charlie at 905-789-5800 Ext. 150 f0 ppl CERTIFIED DENTAL ASSISTANT Required Full Time for family dental practice Piease fax resume ta 905-877-4003 Free Caroor Seminar For: Iter.atiomlly Trained Protessoals in the Helth Caro Field ePhysîcian e Pharmacist e Nurse e Persanal Support Worker Msndy âne 7,2004 Cai ieoYUCAcCaRieevelnent Lealq CUtre@U5ma-llrster Papr immi- iFREE TRAINING Ii Drive 4 Us. School Bus Driver's Wantedj Ladlaw i .s an equal opruiyCompany BLUE BEACON TRUCK WASH s now hiring fuîltime and part riime 4 pro - t2pîra and 8-4 fulime The successfui applicants muosr be flexible, highiy roorîvared and able ru wotk the weekends. Your rootivanionai sk its couid earn you an average houtty wage of between '10.00 and '16.00/ht wirh a base pay of 'i.00/hr. Please apply in person at 40 Ciishalm Drive No phone calis please Busy collision shop n Mihon requires Automotive Pcinter. Fax Resume to: 905-878-6922 or Cail: 905878-5142 Wsrmblood Breedlng Farm seekai experienced fult time and part time employees with excellent ref- erences f0 feed, muck ouf, groom, turnout and miscellaneous barn chores. Cati for interview 8 am - 4:30 pm (905)873-1899 4:30 pm - 9 pm (905)873-8501 or fax resume f0 (905)-873-1919. CURVES for WOMEN ACTON FuIffime position available, possible Manager position. Will train right person Fax resume to: 519-853-5123 CUSTOMER SERVICE/SALES ASSOCIATE PutI-time. Enthusiastic. & energetlc par- son with required for busy copying, caurier. business services campany. Pull training. Computer experience re- quired. Fax reaumne ta 905-873-9383. Email ta or deliver ta MBE. 162 Guelph Street. PERSON with ability to braze re- frigeration circuits, mechanicaily in- clined for assembty art commercial air handling units. Please fax resume to: 905-702-2759 We ihank you for youe vfleeest in or ompany howevee only applicants consideced foc the position ril Se contacted. GeorgWtown Tri-El Industries inc. Full-Trime/Part-Time positions open for: CLIOKER PRESS OPERATOR MATERIAL LAY UP PERSON GENERAL LABOURERS -wtling ta Trrain -Muait be s team player as weti as be able ta work independentty -Mature individuals weicome Please fax resume f0 519-853-9138 HILo Profesalonal Home Services RESIDENTIAL CLEANING In Georgetown requires energetlc cleaning staff. $900 - $1500 per hour Contact Penny 905-702-9452 To arrange appointment The Canadian Champion, Frday June 4, 2004-31 MIDAS AUTO SERVICE EXPERTS Counter Person! Junior Technicien Opportunity for a self-motîvated, ý- i., 'l ý joys working with the public. Fie- sponsibilities wili include vehicie re- pair, handling store in Managers absence and sharing time between service bayai and counter as re- quired. We offer an sflarting salary, group benefit package and ongoing training available. Drop off resumne Attention: Tim MIDAS Auto Service Experts 178 Guelph St. Georgetown, ON L7G 4A1 S$EARN EXTRA MONEYSS DELIVER THE NEW SUPERPAGES /TELUS DIRECTORIES Men and women 18 yeara and aider with insured vehiclea are needed ta de-1 iver in Brampton, Georgetown, Acton,1 Terra Cotte, Balinafad and surroundîng ares. We are atua fooking for officei cferka and loaders. defivery starta about1 June 1llth. Work a minimum ait 4 day- f ighfi haurs per day and get paid wfthin 48 houra upon succesafuf completfon ofi yaur route. Cai 1-800-979-7978 between 9:OOam and 5:OOpm Monday-Friday Rover ta lob #1901 5-B Wraeap revcteddusly adr s ire letîalst xiii nue oer p ikng sin. u t rei llî APrvinusshpgereone eperesrcetorwt excellentmperorg Aveatnna edomUniction Nk/ or eqîetW phneobcaity agoncome lyn are resed in înîno ouderi dnameîlec ad iro i- cutopnvpvsies/snrwar95. you resum entyse ga 4104 Snualfrr Serie os tait, ar/ing o Ont L iX AfviussIpn: H/ Narehouse prec oehrwt On/y ae seecl ed ffeorbneri wl/ agcoace training. ame We yuare itlook i jiin r dynamic and xprin Mopny lanfrager fur alues An mre.os tranin maeriL o educaton. W ar seknga eron to has«ou Ths uiuccetu icnt eiif hav e eputerience inbcput ei ode entry puin r ai and eadvainced Rel b AX or emaimmarzn tatons f0:Wae -Bnei Pcq Fax: (905)877-0929Badle WODREESR NEEDEDIN PMcerlaChece ostion oeasia e T me pon Mrani1 n. B 10 cl o rpietedt-Tc ptioso oilt vaîGreat rporniytsiSuersnto Ailapplaso mo lite pcge prt/ ardisg casng The sucessfle cndie r b, hae e experience ieomute Bele lee le2 Eceaeth Setes R.W.Odieet HARPR OUT»rOVDMUUL-ALIUNu T RU C K& CO0AC HT F C HN IC 1A N Location: 10 Diesel Drive, Etobicoke, ON Required immediately to pertorm repairs on Detroit Diesel engines and Allison Transmis- sions. We otter a competitive benefits and compensation package combined with in-house training and a world class environ- ment. Apply Today! Emnail: doe aaelyand efficinty ctojosinr hiyaccofu- iie ad paeam. We ofeopeni nth iftiv aea fdra you hae caMilewits & 395475009 4aUIejeEar Appeui esta&(a ivis0o- et nare i.a u)scurn seeking anhymoiae individu wt aixcrelMle t ochnicai lo f or llig lchegjng prientemnefessry nrepainn trke gand stak Wopesmiive wgefis, xcllntbeefts ad pro lran/nrnpa»fxyu eue ldnprga F ainineum BattlnidEqulpedEqlpentai t aisno r- Mutatrntul L9t3G Eail: Bneesary in edRairam sran trok onie ihay those caadidteofselec tricd fol.Poane/ateral wa unSescoatiate ud Anofrcopttvewgs excellent emlyent pprtryt orkn a o prefsi/e sabihedan scoful mp ayu rny. Saniatsmua es rvie a faoablef ad Eund crenn a 375e fly omlteeqed tve.Est NncPhonngCcontinental We f fean eeriencei ectroasical on* ndstnig 0facndes pnemabc Sfrong stenil apbte otce Macineedettcnnons gressieetbcompnd uterce analysis anys Qualifcapplinon rease:t ubi Cadiaesusts viabfax 905-849-2094 Lkofaoura bgrtoppunty 10 bocoman mmerrt high loch tcomp lov reuker ospi[d icsreli ecopninnht NR maalintiilo grop as esmkin 0n mploya nir agnttbi cian T pevretntersIhv amciaca hackground be dynaic, liberse, e moti vale ao g e wiii ptitarssCnd.d rkreiSi otteacpetiotivube saigads xcll en mpse behne l pacece Candidaes va f f l e rqureensr Loinlt get ppb rling fxo r c mail bof a Bruker omay n itoBlaSp r in td. t. 555 Sntlyes Anute EatM lbon nsLtalysio cAlto . Th omre andiaeser hae aServ c ana anu ilgtootvel cosCnd.Bue iSi nfas packedoyso versdicaresredf11 Gosit eurmet r w5 aes enestMloO Q Fex: 905-689-5283