Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Jun 2004, p. 30

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30-The Canadian Champion, Fr1 day June 4, 2004 WESTERN SADOLE, sad- dia pets ant finti. Goot condition $500. (905)873- 7591. CASH pait for atiqueis est coliectibian, china, fig- urnnes, jewalaery, fumiturs, comns, etc. 905-878-3145 cel 905-876-7950, BEAGLE pop 3 months f s- maie pedigree HunIer $150. Coul 905-878-5800. 1M06Boicit Park Avenue 3.8L 136,0OOSms, nec parts, rus ce. As is $400. 905-702-0817. 1909Z24 2.8L, asoo, power cintoca & locits, t98,000kms, CD player, body in great shape, mens greet. Asking $1,900. 080. Cal Mat aller 6pm. 905-702-9258. 1991 Ford Taurs 'Wagon, mtalic bina, 2 htch, up- gratet shocits, apoinga. Nec batlary, good ra, an- gins Regulsnfysace $1000 or offesaseisaCali 905-873-2711 aveninga. 1992 Chrysiar Grand Voyager van, body excel- lent condition ana n rmn- ning condition. $500.905- 822-0768. 1993 Mercury Grant Ma- quis, 156,000 kmrs. $2400. Coul Chris aI 905-873-7567. 1996 Volo 940 345 km. Al pocsr, nec trs, grey vary dlean $3995. Kevin 905- 878-7926. 1999 Chevy Cavalier, 99,00Sms, black, tinet chodoc, upgradait sount, A/C, pwer windomsitocita, great condition. $6600. Coul 90-854-3654. 1992 i-orudlair cab o 1/2. Fuiiy loadet, V8, natural gas aquippet. Excellent shape. Catifiet/e-tented. $7,500. Cail 519-853- 2142. TUTORING AVAILABLE Grades 1-5, Reading, stril- ing and More. For informa- bon plese coFall aricia aI 905-693-0695. GUITAR bESSONS PrivaIs guitar lssons availabla from an asperiencet, pmofassionai istructor. No registration fan, reasonable ratas. Rick 905) 8754601. CassÉed Hours Monday ta Fhday 9 arn ta 5 pm 0 6 ELMSLiE /MUONS - Hob Elmslie and Rebecca Moore are proui to1 announce 1he firth of their son Bilan Jamtes, 7 fes 3 oz aI Mitron District Hospitai on May 17, 2004. Grandson of Ano Elmlis, Bruce and Uin- de Elmslie, Ana and the laie Dr. Brian Moore, Great nGranidma Daisy Brazier. Wannly wsicorod by his many Aunts, Undles, and Cousina. GOWANLOCK - Mark, Kieran(ns Altken and big brohar Dylan ara thrilad to announce the birth of thir son and brothar, MichaelWiliam, on Api 13, 2004 weighlng 7ibs. roud grandiparents are Jim and Donna Gocanlocit f Brschin and Bob and Rabatte Aitmen f Miton. Many thenks t10the staff aI Southiake Hospital for enuring Micheelas sale arrivai. Oc May 141, 2004 aI 4:12 s.m. Vanss Sace nd ward, a baby bruddet" for 2 yr. aid Rosy RosaAs Dr DanlielaOver relras, ce cenled 10 banS barfor ha cane ant expertiseat binging our sons mto the corfd. You are cordaliy invited Ioajain Bert Waltonf(Ca rlinbeth Fuels) andl faniily at their open hanse celebrating hie 80h brthdny at Mo0hawk In 9230 Gelph Une Campheivuille Jane 111h, 2M0 2 par. - 5 p. Bean Wishee Only Peacefuliy t Lakeridge Heati Bowmenviiie on Mon- day May 31, 2004 MARILYN BRONSON ae 67 yeaum. Bloved wcie of the laIe Donald Bronso. Loving moth- er of Dle (Donna) Bronuon; Doug (Sandy) Bronsoon: Dawn Bronson (Garry Tessier); DWight (Mary J0> Bron- son; Duane (Robyns) Broosaunit Diana (Robbyl Getber. Loing grandroother of Christophar, Knisiyn, Andrec, Ashieigh, Kaiiay, Bryan, Mathew, Jacqueline, Michael, Ae, Justin, Joulae, Kavin, Brandon, Nicholas, Mghann, Jordan, Jacobi & Kati. Dear ostar of Dot- othy Hart: Clair Manits: Don Meeko andt preitucaanad by brothars Doug & Gerry. Vsitation touS place ai THE NORTHCUTT ELLIDiT FUNERAL HOME 53 Division S. N. Bowmanviiie 2-4 & 7-9 pm on Tuaoduy Jane lost. Funarai Service wus hld in the Chapei on Wednasday Jane 2nd att1 pm. Intermant '(ctona Cemalery, Plain- fiait. In lieu of floatera, Memnoriai donations may fe mada 10 The Cancer Society. www.northcuttelliott.com. Canadian Cancer Society Société canadienne du cancer n Memoriams in the form of donations to The Canadian Cancer Society are deeply appreciated. ZANATTA, Amabtiloe, <Nos Parol n loving memory of Amabile Zanatta atho passed away peacefully Tuesday, June lot, 2004, n her 101sf year Eugenio Zanatta oBin on June 25, 1925, and hud been a resident of Coniston unti 1996, wften she moied b Extendicare FalconbieBeioved erif e of Eogenio Zanatta, predeceasad Oct. 8, 1982. Lovng mother of Abino (wife Eleanor) of Fort Enae, Dina Cho- myiy (husband Harry predeceased) Sudbury, Severo (wife Loisa) Sudbury, Frankt (wfe Lorraine) Copper Cliff, Eugena (wie Malhn)Waerloo and Allen (wife Grace), Mlton. Chenashed Nonna of Noreen, Dan, Rfoy, Tony, and Diana Zanatta, Aida Molga, nda Fior- vent, Chloe Romanet Meisaa iblostt, Leanna Gra- ham, Robart Zanatta, Kelly Bartolucci, Todd Zanatta, Troy Zanatta, Tracy ReftaIl, Tocia Kennedy, David and Kevin Zanatta. Survived by twenty-three great grandchildren, and four great great grandcftildren. Dear daughter of Lucia Sciavon and Antonio Farolin, bath predeceaaad. Alao predaceaaad by four oltero and three brothara. Sadly misaed by maly niaces and nephaws n Canada and ftaly. The famtry wisfetalc lnowledge, witft gratitude, the dedication, comopasaion and excllent nuraing skils cof ail Peraonnel t Estandi- care Faiconbridge. Amabie 'Nonne" was loid by al atho antended f0 fla neneds. Amrabie waa atl-knoorn in the communhy a devout Roman Catholhc wfto faithfuty attended St. Paul the Apoafle church, and belonged 10 the Catholic Womeats Laqgue for forty nia eyaara. Aroale was a honorary member of Club Alegri. Her lova and pride of ban so chlodran and tfril famileswen very obvious. She caebratad fier 100th birthayon Jufy 26, 2003. Amable will be remambered fol y, tae counitiana chililshebaby-sat; 10 thero ohe waa affectionately known as Nonne. A maitllyalant, inde pendent lady wfro waa daterminad f0 remain in han own home an long an posaibe. Han favorite pastime was erobroidenng and crocfhaig Ralatrgi fe Loughead Funaral Home, 252 Ragent St ai Hazel St Funaral Mss in St Paul Apoatll Churcf, ConatonFrday, Jana 4th, 2004 et il ara. Interment in 1he St Johns Caroetary, Garson. Prayars 7 pro ThuradaIn lieu 0f floreera donationa 10 the Notharo Cancer Reaanrch Fond or chanty f your cfoce would be eppraoiatad by the fam ityFnds may cal 3-9 pro Thuraday. BARNES, Joseplil 111Mary Hwnngon) pasai daway peacefunly on May 29, 2004 et Peel Memoniai Hospital Brampton, ON ai the age of 88 yeara. Wfaof the tlale Edward Bamea, beloved daugter f the ita Ncholas and Ellan Haffonglon, Carbonear, NUlitChanishad mother of Margeat Banes, Brarnpon, ON: Jeaome La- forge and Tim, Wndsor, 0ON; Edward Baries anldLin- da, Edson, AB; Manion Goudae and Ken, Ml.Peanrl, NfId; Eileen Cobacik and Rob, Mil, ON: bîllian Cadmeell, St. John'o, Nfld; End Stronig and Jim, Clarenville, Nfld; (the laie Isabelle Hogi Else Parsoons and Maude Barosa, NIk!d. Belovad gandmnohar of Scott, Bobby and Don- ne, Lioa andt Dan; Nicole and Dave; Nicole B, Sean andt Christine, Maim andt Julie. Adorad great grandmOth er of Nicols, Vtb and Victoia. Sister of Eiza Ember- ley and Kevin: and the laie Mane, Frances and Maunice Hamoiglon, Carfonear, NfU Josephina mll ha sadl rmsait hy many othar relatroes and finands mho lovit her dearl. 5e louchai th1e lises 0f aIl who knew bar. Vstation aI Ward Funaral Home, 52 Main St. S, Brampton, ON - Saturday, June 5, 2004 from 10:OOAM- 9:00 PM. rayer Service at 7:00 PM. Interment 10 laite place in Carbonear Nfld. Donations cal ha made 1015he Heart and Stroime Foundation or the Juvenile Dabetes Foundcation. McClilnd - Suuan Diane n lovrng memory 0f our Mother, Daughlar, and Sister wfto laC uo June 4, 2001 If leara coulit build a olairway And memones coulit bu a lana ste would walk al the way t0 heaven And bring you home again To remember you is easy ste do it everytay But mssîng you ila heartache That neyer goeo away Forever Svra andtaiways resemhered Mober Brbairei ldrmi Cheril Carrite & Edie, Brtders Mike, George, Paul & Danry& SilterPaula &Famitl The Family of James and Cacher wioh 10 thanit al thoseata Allentala an Milon Hospital that afented to1 Ken James. For ail their thoug51 and cure which was vety much appraciateit. For al thona that viotet dbt their love and ympathy ai J. Scott Funeral Home and attentat St. Steveno Church, chat wonterful suppont wich gave us stength 10 carry on. The flocera and carda oo kinly aent Thank You. The prenanca f the Canatian Lagion wes greatly appriatit Haga and Kiom wanstb God' love to yen ail. pal Jantel NOTICE TO CREDITORAND04 OTIIERS ESTATE 0F DAVID CARL SARARAS AND DAVID SAAARAS ACCOUNTING Aui persans hevnog olaumisagainst thnenlsateofotDAVID CARL SARARAS, comvmoviv Ovouvu as DAVID SAR- ARAS l, J r 5ARARA5 ACCOUNTING, are motuieri lvseod them lu the underougosu duty ventfied, on or hators Sos lOtS day ot Jane, 2004. ABter Sues data, the essets of the atrove namaed estate Miii ha distrihuleit emong Sos persans ent5ded to Soaro. basin gregard onily ta daims 0fwcich the sasoatora sheil tenh ave notice. Dated et Sos Townofa Hanton His Sis 1415 day 0f Mev, 2004. GILLIAN M. TUCK KUTARNA SOPINKA & KOAT Bandataraand SalleBora 145 MilI StresS Geargetaun, ON L7G 2C2 SoSeona for thea Eaacubona NOTIn TO 0EnDITOE Creditora 0f the Estata 0f lende (aisa knoocoan Eter) ZdIfii, deceaseit, laIs 0f 4444 Heodaroon Rond, Miton, Ontaro L9T 2X5 cho ded on MarcS 1lnt, 2004, mont tie dlaims befors Jane 2515, 2004, aller chicit the Estate I be disributsd, heving regard cely 1015he daims 6used. Antio" OSa o/o DevAli ILN. Eoekn EBaraair MSOliolt unit 11, »0wysamit Bond Oakv, i, sao ie, L« Ta NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHER Ail persans heving claires agains tSos saaIsot MADE- UNE LOUISE KRONBY. telisofitSosTowen 0f Mincen,i Sos Raglanai MunickSpaty ot HaIoOn, chadisit on FaOns- amy 14, 2004. ara haraho, notised ta ssnd partiodtans oi Sos saea oseundesignsd on or halons Sos 26th et Juiy, 2004, alter chicS date Sos astata ah ha edistrasu- sd. ciSo regard ony tla daims of chicS Sos undersigned shah Sohan have racaived. MESSRS. WILLIAMS A POiCE Barislers and Solicitors 402-372 Bey Street Toronto, OmIseso MCM 3Wl Sciertons for MALCOLM C. KROO4BY, OC. sond DR. MICHAEL H. KROr4BY. EsaesTrutea MilIon Luroban Yard Has F/T poations for AZ Drivers For local deliveries 10 Construction sites. Cafl: (905) 693-9663 Fi 'o,225> To satiafy our currant cuatomner nead andita I the raquant 0f oncomng accounts, AI's mn accept- Iing resuroes for: MfISSSSAMUA Day and ensning positions available for: AZ COMPANY DRIVERS DZ OWNFR O5'ERATORS Day and evening postions avaîlable for: AZ COMPANY D)RrVERS Pisàses forward your resume to JUS CARTAGE P.0. Box 9042, S"adesC idiclaaner, ON N2G 4T4 Fax; 519-893-5835 CrEmaak ro»a@ssmagýcom Word Format iOndy DRIVERS WANTED A-Z 3 yeans vetîfiable eoperîence. WîiIftrainono dry fank. Company average cage over $2000. Local & long hauls avaitable. All caiiing f me paid & border crossing. Ecellent benef i package. Company paid RRSP pion allen eigibiity. A* la ý o foxse ts a905-822-2275 GRN 2111 Lakeshone Rd.W, Mississauga, ON L5J 1,19 iCorne grow with us! We offer top Iwages, a fast paced environment and benefit program. Fax resumne ta 905-878-9010 Att. Guy Ramsay or apply in person 2705 Durante Way, Milton. - - ~ ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 0F GIRLS INC. 0F HALTON Weclnesday June 16, 2004 7:30 PM Upslairs aI Loblawss Change n Bylanas RSVP (905) 854-9"53 THEC UNIED WAY 0F MILTON INVTES YOU TO ATTEND THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Thuraday, June 241h, 2004. 7:30 pro LoaeaCommunltjRooro U itlms alLotriaea 75 Business loba cooducteit: AudOitdFinsociai Stalemneols Elections 1015te Board 0f Direclora AcardsofaIApprecialion. R.S.V.P 905875-2550 hy Jane 17h, 2004 1 - - ý ý Experienced Hairstylists Faîl-time or Part-lime Great commissions; Career advancemenl; Flen cork hourS; Solid benefit programn To arrane an interview pleaso cal Dos905-849-4490 TRADE SECRETS Nec in Bulîngîonn Noc hiriing FI arslylst FIT EslhsholaalMail Tocholclm. Emîl rsmetlo: tnsdesecretsbantington @hotmaii.com GUTTANDIEU ESTATE AUCTION SMALL AD- BIG AUCTION Sunday Jue6 lpm Sharp, Visuing trois 12.00noeu held alBes) Westero Hotel .....Admiru Rd (North or Hwy 401 east off-Hroolario St.) To be auctiol off Furnishiogs/ collectabies saved oven tho pas> 6 months for (his veny speciai auction, rare and unique, al l obe sold by absolute aucion. Veîy Parial listing.. Tes eoremeiy Rare and beautilul Chppendale /R sets fit fo010 palace, Ig chita cabints ail caroed wî)h banquet tables and bail and duew chairs, plus other diniîg sets 2 spec- (acular 6pc bdrm sets, sne eith queen size sieigh bed and tlau armoire wth large tripe dresser & 2 niqht stands, the other with queen size poster bed these sets are in minI con- dition, ready 10 go staight int the home. Odd pcs: Oit painings, colectors glass, antique occasionai pcs in Chippendale, duncan phyle, victorian, east lake, empire, .A., French/lederai styles. You natte il we have il, panIers desks, wonking olcîrola w/tg braso bort, g bronze collection, taiting soas, Rose caroed sofas, wing chairs, Plant stands, dressets, mimrons, antique doit collection, hall tables, iniaid oust6th comodes, gruodta- ther-mantle-wal docks of ail description, neon signs, Tiffany lamps, liquor bars, cheoeiie mîrrors, secretary deoko, g adf collecton by Group of 7, T-wagons, eather sofa, cedar chests, hall seats w!mîror & iff base coffee/end tables, poncelain oases, set suma coi- lection, curîo cabinets, baby grand piano lîke new, buffets, drum tables, mahog fireplace mantde etc. The aboe mentioned is just a veeyravrseuil isting, sud avay pc l efft ld Qualliy Aaoeaem hi.. Thene are literally 100s ot pcs ut ail this featane quality tu be suc- tioned off, plus atot of ad conk, tuînish ynun home in unheievable style t auction pices, you wont believe the amuzing items you cao puchase ton yur dollanOelioery avaitable 0 Terms: cash, visa, debit, ineeac, mce 10% buyets pemium Futhen details! pictares visi) www.auctionquality.com The Body Shapini Fitiioss Studio for Womiss seekîog Monnlait&Evonino shifts avllablo Receiitîonist 6am-2pn Faxesume: Tsl: 905-849-1919 Fax, 905-849-1913 Must be well groomed & hîlneso mînded 183 Lakeshone, Oak. (o)osgfor f06MI over 30 pstons for tîgbl undoSri packaging in Sou UihIdtn v

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