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Btock Clerk - wli train Tueaday days Please fax resume to Kathy 0 (905) 875-2910 John Ehs Fuis, a divisicof etPoMiPanrs U.ited is seeking a qualified individual. # Lubricant Sales Ropresentative for tht Mississauga, OakIBurI. & Hamilton areas. m.ifled Apllcants ulli peous iUn folleolg uÈillis Excellent verbal and writfen communication sklls -computer literacy - As well as sales eoperience and tht ability tri develop and deliver resuits, based on sales tar- gefs. Salary compensation, commission & a competitive bene- fts package ofiered. Ptease seod yoor resome fo ~ John Eos Fuis, 13808 GhaeiLaw, Bullnsto, ON U7S MW fax 905-333-3569 or PER -U a " omalito tracy@eos.ca J. Michaels Inc. A PrOgressive Ladins Wear Chain Currenfly looking lotîtl part-tîme & tui-ýtîme sales asso- caies Positions in sur Mapleview Mail location. Qualfld individuals wili posseso prior experience ir sales and have a passion for Ladies Fashion THIS IS vOUR OPPORTUNITY TO GROW YOUR CAREER WITH A GREAT RETAILER. Please subri your resamne ir person or by fax: 905-681-7479 or by emnail: ptachr@jmichaels.net Walker Chocolales, a 20 year old, local, family-owred Compary, requires fl and partime sales hein for bosy Burlinglon store. Must be erergelic, oulgoing and have an aristic flair for displays and packaging and be avait- able some evenirgs and seekerds. Will train. Apply rn persor wîlh resume f0 Walkrs Chocolats WoAs (Faotory) 4391 HarvostoRd., hrhlngto. « Fax (M0) 333289 LA-Z-DOYPE Furniture Sales We'e building high-perfermance, costumer-driver sales team jr tht areas most beautiful home furnish- ing stores. We need people with backgrourds jr rIte- rior desigr, fashior or fine arts ard somne selling flperience who waot 10 loir our team. We wiut train you to be an effective, customer-driven sales protes- sioral. You wilI need eocellent communication skilîs and a desire lu learn. If Yeu have what we noni wo want te tai taeu. Den't wory about sadlIn ua f051110 0fpoilfllo. Jint el Chadis at 905508&2211 - Ext. 150. Leading Ford dealership is csrresflly seeking applicants for tht fettowing position:SA E R F S USED AUTOMOTIVE SALES e Epeienct rot required e Company car PROFESSIONAL e Benef ils package e Training prograi Must bo oxporloncod. e Adarcement opporturiies e Oeserned ecogr Ablo ta soit a minimum of 15 units/ma. e Eocellent work ervirormenl e Stan at 30,000+ with p We sufer. FOR BOTH MEN AND >Strong management support Successfulty selling cars requires enjoying Pt( ~-Large inventery >-Advertising support ptrsorality and inttgnity... rot understan( Subroit your resume by ftrio l: Lazo Borota, Used mumbo-jumnbo and toving cai Vehicle Sales Manager. One ut Ontarios finesf aufomnotive dealershiî S570 Traalagar Rd, Oukviîle, L6J 3J2 'livi Agen Sales Professic Fac 905-844-4472 .C E-mail. shofman@oaklandfordlincoln.ca \îPlus oie Culai We thavk alilapplicants io advance, howeveronly thosv vNi«Id visi1 svlected for an vIterve w w/ii0e contacted or unil: paiN TO WNE js ot *aa. , -' DRIVING An EXCMNG ovnortunitv y Has openad upl elyu oaul o We ana looldng for an MWOmo hoGads Na ASSISTANT MANAGER, FULL & PART-TIME PrOSTONS Our SPect At Harvevas 50 Markeai Drive, Mifton .Mrrg We offer compafitive aragas. benelits, ç yau tm fexible hours and an opportunity r à ta for career ativancarnent S.tun DrIbfr ai kannny.24350Cana naa 5f)rt 0, fa« t.: (905) 878-7733 s* Joe2,M MANAGER/BARTENDER _ Night shift. Also experienced 22 et 4:-00 p..V Cooks & Servera. l'Namem 40 u* psse' edftCar Plcaae fax your emne t: Expry O 905-864-7247 1f ipolenlia 10 60,000+ eopte. havîng a great ding technîcal is is searchîng for omils. to eisChes-Olds Nttmacbev.co. Dn Trafalgar Road, rt of the OEW. OAKVILLE 25 HR. EMERGENCY SENIORS' SERVICE DISCOUNT Removale Prninng Trlmmlnge Stumpine Feedings Cabling Demat Woodlng Shrub TrImming 25 VEARS EXPERIENCE r -1 F