Basebali Royals win away from S kyDome The Champion One more win and Bishop Reding's basebail team is SkyDome bound. The Royals put themselves in this mom- ing's al-Ontario Blue Jay Cup regional playdown finals- againsi Windsor's Herman High School - witb a 7-2 pastillg of St. Michael 's yesterday aftemoon in Guelph. Redeerhing himocîf after a soonewhat rocky finish against Whitby 's Anderson High the day before, veteran ace Liam Tennant stole the show with a complete game five hitter - which included 10 strikeouts. He also had - two hits ansd a pair of- RBI to help BR baille back from an early 2-0 - deficit. Marcas Gray, Nick Mazzarato and Tiru Sean Mathéc Kirk also made timely during a solid cA contributions 10 the do- Anderson Wedni or-die victory over Toronto's league champs, wbo gave Reding new life earlier in the day by virtue of their laie charge and subsequent 7-6 decision over Anderson. The Royals' chances of advancing iook a bat Wednesday morning, when they were edged 2-1 by Anderson. Reding was a mere one oui away from whiiewasbing the Redman before heari- break struck in the fonn of a bloop bit 10 di Cal Ine and a two-ruas single againsi Tennant. The Royals bad worked their way oui of two previous jams - tbanks in equal parts 10 impressive pitcbing by Sean Mathé and a fourth-inning double play with the bases loaded - but jusi couldn'î seat the deal. Offensively, Mazzaraio led with a pair of singles- the latter driving in Reg Taylor froru second in the top brek sree sx s snigtl ofreasixth inning 10 maie. Mathé and Kirk - would posl one bit apiece againsi Anderson starter Derek - -Junkin, who collecîed nine strikeouts and was the overaîl standout of the moming clash. - Mathé gave him a strong mun for bis money tbougb, witb four-and-a-third innings lelivers a pitch Of scoreless mound impaign against work plus two key outs Beday. ai firsi base afier be was replaced by rookie soutbpaw PJ. McCoîl. With ail tbree leamos sporting 1I-1 records, BR advanced by virtue of a runs differen- liai tiebreaker. Should the Royals prevail ioday, tbey'll compete in the Blue Jay Cup semnifinals ai SkyDome Wednesday. Tne finals are slated for Tbursday. Meanwhile, BR and Burlingion Central are st expected 10 square off for the GHAC tille somnetime nexi week. The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 4, 2004-25 We ý-Haydarui's Ads lead 2-O eiee. Darren Haydar and lus AHI. countMm an sd bas eight goals and 14 he-Ipilmg. Milwaukee AdmiraIs can practically belpers - which bas no doubt eamned Ara"Y<ne. FucicU by a three-assîaî effort by the playofi NIVE local NHL hopeful Weduesday night, His playoff scoringinclucles six mulh- the Admirais doubled Wilke-Barre 84 pointt gaines. to draw within two wins of claiming If victorious tonight, Haydar anddite unevu aiae~r nup nue..uU. Haydar - poised to continue die championship-rich hockey career that began witb the Miton Merchants sud continued at New Hset Univpoersity -goale setmpshire Uniersity -goapls and another as even stiength 10 anchor a six-goal uprising for Milwaukee. Combined with an assisi the pre- vious evening to aid the Adinirals' 2-1 overtime triunspl in the senies opener, Haydar is now ied witb Wilkes-Barre's Tom Kostopoulos for top spot in league playoff scor- ing with 22 points. Milton's electrifying right winger bas played two lm gaines than bis froo-numer iwAuiaes wsea nave a enance 50 sweep - the series Sunday evening. Ninth LUne Family Golf Academy (On the 9th Une between Derry & Steeles) Driving Range Wth Night Lighting *Summer Junior Camp Spaces stili available Qfl!-7!-9!fM MILTON INTERCHURCH SOFTBALL LEAGUE STANDING AS 0F 27-MAY-04 1 KNOX 5 4 0 1 9 2 ST.GEORGES 4 4 0 0 8 3 BOSTON 6 4 2 0 8 4 HOLY ROSARY 5 3 1 1 7 5 ST.PAULS 5 3 2 0 6 6 NEW LIFE "A" 5 2 3 0 4 7 SOUTH SIDE 4 1 3 0 2 8 NEW LIFE "B" 4 1 3 0 2 9 MILTON BIBLE 5 1 4 0 2 10 HILLCREST 5 0 5 0 0 qua.ning uaVe LOfllDo Sgnature- Collection home comfort system Offer Eztended until June 12th Terry Rowley Mechanical Ince 925 Main St. E., Unit#3, Milton (905)8 78- 1979 'e CARRIERS WANTED for Lorne Scot Dr. HoIIy Ave. Court St. N. Abbot St. Martin St. Dixon Dr. Childs Dr. Robarts Dr. McNabb Cres. Buck Dr. Cedarbrae Satok Cres. & receive a prize. Cali Sandy or Andrew at 905-878-594 4anabian l (jipion Awesomne Girls' BithayParties * Princess Parties (to6yrs) A Litie Girl is She Who Dreams lo be a Pretty Princesso *Glamour Girl Parties(girs 7&up) Everyflrirg a girl wants, Make-up, Air Styles, Pairired Nals, Crafts and more Girls .iust Want ta Have Funf!' GI.SBYMIjRTIE&oRB Crats, storles, make up, bain, nuill, Ca lm MIW costumes, cake and boot bagsl (518) 853-8084 C.- IV IE 1-888-321ý3433