24-The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 4, 2004 - ., sleblanc@haitonSearCh.COm i Setbacks can't crush competitive drive With seasoned racer training her, local woman _____ inteni' onfinishing triathion with more oomph Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Lori Zozzolotto la excltedi about the training support she'li b. recelvlng this summer In preparation for the 2004 Women's Triathlon Milton. By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion L ori Zozzolotto must have feit like the victim of some cosmic conspir- acy. Just weeks before ber first crack at triatblon corn- petition in 2000, tbe single mother of now 1 0-year- oId twin boys was involved in a car accident tbat left ber severely banged Up. Sbe could bave cbalked tis up to simple rnisfor- tune bad tbe sarne tbing not bappened tbe very next year - just in time to put tbe kibosb on anotber atternpt at tbe annual Women's Triatblon Milton. "I was corning borne from a friend's rnotber's funeral wben we were bit by a transport truck," ZoLzolotto recalled of tbe latter accident tbat reag- grevated ber original injuries. "I tbougbt, 'Arn 1 jinxed? Does God not want me to do tbis'?' Regrouping from a seemingly cndless period of physical and mental angutsb, tbe deterrnined motber ftnally made ber triatblon debut in September 20X)2 - but the results were far frorn spectacular. Sbe said, -My kids asked me tf 1 was going to win tbe race, and 1 told tben I would be bappy to just fur- ish. On tbe day of tbe race, I came second last. 1 bare- ly managed to finish." However, two car crasbes and a ratber rnodest per- formnance bave donc little to darnpen Zozzolotto's spirits. But tben sbe's got a little 'practice wbat you preacb' incentive working for ber. "I've always encouraged rny kids to bc active, so I don't want to be a bypocrite," sbe explained. "If I'm gotng to talk tIhe talk, l'd better walk tbe walk. I want my boys to tbinik they've got a cool rnom. not some- body tbey bave to bide from around tbeir friends." The budding triathlete will now get sorne assis- tance with the latter, as one of tbree recipients of tbe newly-established Tri for tbe Sky program. Anr off-shoot training initiative of the Ontario Wornen's Triathlon Series, Tri for tbe Sky was open to aIl wornen wbo've cornpleted two triathlons or less. It required a written request as to why tbey sbould he picked for sumrner-long coaching and couniselling frorn event founder 'Vina Braam in prepa- ration for thse annual Labour Day weekend competi- tion at Kelso Conservation Area. "I'1ve always encouraged My kids to be active, sol1 don't want to be a hypcrite. If I'm going to talk thse talk, I'd better walk the walk. .................................. Zozzolotto's tale of adversity and determination struck a particularly strong cord with the prograrn's co-ordmnators and gave hier- as well as two out-of- town counterparts - the nod among a group of roughly 80 applicants. "She 's a prime example of wornen wbo want to make a difference in their lives, as welI as be an example to bier kids," said Braarn, recently back frorn another world championship appearance overseas and eager to start rnoldmng ber new prodigies for Wornen's Triathlon Milton 2004 - the lOtb instali- ment of the once grassroots event that attracted rougbly 900 racers last ycar. -Lori's highly motivat- ed and has sorne friends tbat are living vicariously tbrough bier and wborn she'll be sharing what she's leamed witb, and tbat's really what we like to see." So what can Zozzolotto expect frorn a summer spent training with a world-class triathiete like Braam? "We're going to arrnlber witb tbe knowledge to reacb bier goals," said Tri for tbe Sky's taskrnaster. "We're going to belp bier improve in aIl tbree disci- plines." Tbat rnay be a particularly tall order wben it cornes to swimrning - since Zozzolotto bas corne close to drowning balf-a-dozen times in ber life and even since cornpleting tbe 2002 Wornen's Triathlon Milton is still a bit weary of dark water. Yet tbat apprebiension seerns clearly oversbadowed by tbe desire to, as sbe puts it, 'know I can finisb a race instead of praying tbat 1 can." Training bas barely begun, yet Zozzolotto is already filîed witb adrenaline - and more irnpor- tantly, confidence. "I'rn ready for Tina's boot camp," sbe confidently proclaimed. wwcakegolf.com Great Big Blg Bertha Warbird Callaway Bertha Il Steelhsad 111 Golf Balis Golf Shirts 300cc » Ifivis Gcakhfts O"f$1795 nu03stoc $34895 $14895 50%0" ROI. M9." Rno. *370.05 Iriok.ts Golf Ofeyoade Junior Shirts Gloves Frein$16.95 1$995"$9 Ladies Golf Shoot Fr.. $19,95 S-PLDCI 0,b-8 8-818Iw I C7&iêt LTON SIk»gClub Noilce of the Amnuai <3eneal Meeing Location. Milton Curlng Club~ 65 MIIekie Prive, Miton, ON Date: Frday, June 1th, 2004 lime: 7:30 P.m. Ali parente of Pre-Canlekate, Canlekate, Canekate for Hockey, CanFowerekate andl Hockey 5kliIe and Fleure 5katInq memlere artemecourageeI Vo attend.