12-The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 4, 2004 Alysha strives for success in entertainment industry By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion F or Alysha Kobow, 'normal' isn't exactly, well, normal. One day she might be îeaching children at a performing arts summer camp she started. On another, she migbt be flying out-of-country for a dance competition. And of course, there's always homnework for her on-line igb school courses. For anyone cisc, that would be enough. But flot for this 17-year-old, wbo, for the past il montbs, bas also been recording ber ftrst CD. Now added t0 tbe rural Milton resident's days are trips back and forth to a Buriington recording studio, folowing a sehedule capable of making anyone's bead spin. To Alysha, ber busy life - and Iatest project - is ail part of ber motto: 'Don't do it if you can't give it your ail. "This is a once- in-a-i ifetimne experi- ence, sbe said of ber CD. "If I don't give it ail I've got, it's flot worth doing." Alysba expeets the CD to be finisbed FounderS' estival M,,,,, 5d-Rr,, km PupptSh lA atn Chid , , Iflatb- h .... E cýPnung M-,o Live On Island Stage.. Saturday, June 5, 2004 e Mary Lambert and Libby Olsen of "Jam Sandwich" " Steven the Great " Funland Band Sunday, june 6, 2004 " Snow White " [)oo Doo the International Clown " Sleeping Beauty General Info Uine 905-816-1640 www.breadmdhoney.com some time next montb. Unabasbedly country, the ive-song CD) features songs written- botb lyrics and music - by Alysha berseif, witb music consposed by ber producer, Steve Asblcy. Taking f'uil advantage of' Canadian talent, tbe CD features several songs with guitarist Bob Lucier, wbo bas played f'or the likes of Shania Twain and Adam Gregory. Alysba said ber sense of accomplisbment doesn't depend on bow well tbe CD does once it's completed. "Even if tl gos nowbere, ai least i cao stili say i did i," sbe said, adding, I don't want to look back on my ife witb regrets." She doesn't sec berseif as much différent from otbers ber age, Aiysba said. In fact, in the humble teen's estimation, the onty dif- férence is she does wbat others only dreamn about. To compiement the CD, Alysha will soon be working on two music videos witb local student finimaker Jason Botes. As Alysha looks forward 10 the comple- lion of this projeet, shes well aware that an April car accident could bave squelcbed al ber dreams in an instant. On April 7, ber car milled over threc times as sbe swerved mbt a ditch to avoid a bead-on colision witb a vebicle travelling in the wrong lane. She sufféed a major 1 TrHIS WEEKEND ONLY!1 injury 10 her Ieft wrist and hand as well as cuts, bruises and a sore neck and shoulder. l was told if I hadn't been wearing my seatheit, there's a big chance 1 wouldn't bc here today. It was an extremely scary situ- ation." Aitbough thc incident resulted in just a minor time deiay for thc CD as she recov- ered. the teen said it's responsible for a major change in ber perspective on ife. Altbougb she'd aiready been working on the CD aI thc ime of the accident. Alysha said she continued the project witb an added sense of urgency, realizing nobody knows which day is goirt 1 be bis or ber last. -I tbougbt, 'If I don't gel this donc. now, who knows, I migbt neyer do it'." Behind Aiysba's sining success as a dancer, forÎner cheericader and singer, stands ber proud momn Sally. "She makes sure I practice every day and stay on thc (rigbt) path," Alysha said, adding, -Sbe's Uic firsi 10 bear any of my songs. Ms Kobow said she couldn't imagine nol supporting ber daughter's dreams. And she realized early on that would be a big part of ber job as Alysha's mom. -Shes wanted to be on stage since she was three," Ms Kobow said. "She loves t0 make people happy." TMis summer, Alysha wilI be performing at a number of southem Ontario fairs and rodeos. And, as bas always been the case, her mom wil be somewhere in the wings, -see LOVES on page 13 To »aY A l ysa hà kefflbusy would be a huge wer statement. ilb. 17-.mr- old spts lier Urne between tesching youflg per. f or mers, competi ng at varlou danc meeta and record- lng hurfWM CO. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE The Choristers will present a few welI loved, traditional east coast sangs ""A Birthday Baôt-h"p Cape Breton CesiLidh Saturday june 19 at 8:00 pm ("newtime") (Doors open at 7:15 pin) Gambrel Barn, Tremaine Road, Milton Inciudes: Brthday Cake & Party Fare, Second Silent Auction and Cash Bar Tickets: Aduit $12 Senior/Student $10 Child (12& under) $8 Tickets available at Delacourt's (Main St. Milton), Lewis Craft (Milton Mail) and Leslie Music (Oakville) or eaul (905) 876-3203 www.mitonchoristers.com West Nule virus: Gardening. Protect yourself when gardening: wear mosquito netting, long steeves and long pants. Tuck your pants into your socks for extra protection. Use bug repellent containing DEET and avoid gardening at dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most active. To learn more visit our Web site or cati for a brochure. 1-877-234-4343 TTY 1-800-387-5559 www.HealthyOntario.com FighttheBite! Ontario 'io