Report expected to corne in July a ram COMPANY on page 2 "There are several legal issues we're gomng so have to consider," Halton Region's lead counsel, Mark Meneray, told thse com- mitnce. Jane Clohecy, Haltons acting commis- sioner of planning and public works, said after the meeting "we're stili evaluating the full application." 'Mat ncludes looking at rnost notably the impact on well water users and mitigation issues, among others. -1They (Hanson) have done a fair amount of work with us, but these are fairly com- plicated issues. As recently as week we gost the last bits of information from them." she said. The commintee decided that in July a staff report will corne forward listing the legal issues and some of thse "planning implications of the application as we know it at tIsai time," the acting comrnissioner said. Then in September, its expected a report will corne before the planning and public works committce ouîlining how to proceed with tIse application, Ms Clohecy said. Public meeting to be held A public meting will be needed and fali approval of the quarry is a possibility, shte added. Ms Clohecy said she understands Hansons dwindling shale supply problem, but "it is their business dilemma. They're asking us if we can by ail means review it quicker than we are, but we need to look at ahl of the information and not make a dcci- sion without evaluating aIl of tIsat informa- tion." In interviews after tIse meeting, regional counicillors said they have to make sure they feel comfortable with the application before giving their approval. Hanson "are good corporate citizens" but the Region needa to have all of the infor- mation, said Burlingion Councillor Mike Wallace, also planning and public works committce chair. Oakville Councillor Allan Elgar said It's absolutely premature" to make impor- tant decisions without tIse right data in front of them. Its a long proceas." Nomrs said after the meeting he doesn't know if tIse mid-August deadline for the property acquisition can be extended. WAL.-MART CORRECTION NOTICE Due to circumstances beyond our control, the Boys' Cargo Shorts (#245200126) featured on page 5 of our current flyer (ending June l3th) wiII flot be available. We apologized for any inconvenience this may have caused. Pooling isn't the solution, say Halton councilors tram HALTON on page 1 Toronto pay for social services afier the city was amalgamateti. Only Toronto reeeives pooling money anti tiere bas been growissg ceaccru froan Halton politicmans andi staff diai adding Hamton to the mix would mace pooling an even heavier financial bur- deni on regional taxpayers. "Property taxes fund signiflcantly more social services costs tisan mn olier provinces," tise regional report stateti. It also stressed itiat if an econonic downturn ever strikes, costs for social services "wifi translate into tax uncreas- es that wiil severely strain municipal budgets." Encoragung isews came two months ago wlsen tise Muistiy cof Finance con- finne th ie poohing systemnwant mce Hamilon But regantiess of what thse province has inticatedHaIton cSincillors, aghst by tise numbers presenteti before diein attise comnuittee meeting, insist the staff reports conclusions point out pooling simply isn't tise solution. System needs flxng: Mulvale "We necdto articulate that tise system is wrong, tisat i needs tw be aijusteti," said Oakville Mayor Ann Mulvale, also president of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario. Halton Chair Jloyce Savoline - who rai.sed red flags in ber inauguration risks undcrmining Haltons quahity of lifc- ecsoed M& Mulvale'scotnments. Itlsunk is imiportant we tell tise clear stSy, tise fuil sory - poolng isnt tise answeL"P Cowscllors were isowever sympatiset- kc wo Hamltons financialpliglisi i tiy- mng w pay for wisat politicians and bureaicrats tisre say are rising social services cosi. Halwon politicians just dont want regional taxpayer s ioulders wo bear tise weight. Burlington Mayor Rab Maclsaac resigied t ise fact "pooling ssnet going wo go away" - saitiHaltois "export- ing" social services cos wes tw Hamiltantlser ihan east w I Dum. Wlsen Hamilton is suffering socialiy, ils bai for Budingtmsis tbâi for Halt.s" ie toli tiecomnittee. "I dont know isow to fix ail of luis. ls such a huge mem.' The chairs office wiil senti a letter wo thse Province cmphasizung Halwon's dis- appioval with pooling, tisatiti be abo- isiset and tisai new formis of adequate fwsding be createdto whclp municipali- tics like Hamilton adtiress their tougis social services necds. Overailthse Halton staff report stateti pooling, ini general, doeant encourage efficiency and lacks accountability, pre- dictability and timely information 88 Deriy Rd. E., Homby (905) 87-i907 (between 6th Lmne & Trafalgar) HaniznmCà9 The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, June 1, 2004-7 FÀACTORY TILE DEPOT ÉÏ ý -9 HUUE SIELECTION 1 *we -ndl M fflew» lemction Offto« fi %leu M"fw hdfwuy& b«Ovoenis, mid,«%** hoq»Il 905-277-1760 505 Queensway East, Unît #5 Mississauga IN cbautou Show off your precious pet in v the Coesadlan Chamlpions mon#W1 section of Champion Pet Showcaae. If your pet is chosen as -oPet Of the Month" you WIN a gift certificate tramn one of the participating vendors on the page. a wo us i 0 Spikes - Uiple mix - Petunias & Pansies - Shrubs - Geraniums -Végetabi Plan i Po P-a-fio Planters Top So Potting Son 'e M 547 Main Si, Es MILTON 878,0931 lus Much r r Mme