24-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday Juna 1, 2004 Free Career Seminar For: lnternationally Trained " yer Perabl S uportWi rikaeryan Company average wage aver $2000. Local & long hauts anailahie. Al waiting ime paid & barder crnsing. Excellent benef il package. Company paid RRSP plan aler lig'ilily, Apply la pmera or fax te 905-8È2225 2111 Lakeshre dM, Miissauga, ON L5J 1 A be boum *Missssauga, ourlinglon & Milton (AZ) Fat Decks - General Freighl *LUS/CSA Approved, Short Haul 300 - 400 miles) Corne ure us ai: 1561 Tihe Queensway, Toronto Tuesday, lune 1st & Wednesday, lune 2nd 4 p.. til8p.rn. We offer: great Irînge henefits BLUE BEACON TRUCK WASH s now hiring fuiltime arnd part time 4 pin - 12pm and 8-4 fuîltrime The successful applicanrs musr be flexible, highly mnotivared and able to work the weekends. Your rootivational skills could eam you an average baurly wage of between 10.00 and'16.00/hr with a base pay of 8.OOlhr. Please apply in persan at 40 Cbisbolm Drive No phone catis pleaue We are iooking for an energetc peson wit mechani- ca/carpentry skita whn a alan capable ofsanme ocea-i innai heany liiting for 30-35 houes per week Thuraday to Satarday. The saccSaful appicant sui be a matinal- ed, cheerfal sef-tarter whn as able ta wnrk an part ofte Piease sendipresent ynar reaumne wih reterencea and eapected wegea ta: Borne Bargain Barn 311 Steeles Ave, E, Milson, ON., L9T 1Y2 (905)876-3185 *SSEAFrN EXTrRA MONEVOS D-LIVER THIE NREW SUPERtPAGkEa ITELUS DIREanTORIES M.,, sand me,,., la y.es 5and lder -Ith Iesue.d sIhil.s r neded t. de- ar&wu are &l. lokIni-g for office niersk.and inoa rs. deiis,.,y alerte &out June 111h. Wnk aminimum oe if 4 dey- light hou.,,.par d.y .and g os pela mithi,, Cali1i-000-979-7978 boOm... 90ooan and 5:00Op, Mond5ay-Fridy Rtý, t. job #90 1 5S CURVES for WOMEN Permanent part-time position avait- able. - Mature outgoing individuali required.- 2 - 3 eveninga par week and Sundays 9 - 2. - WiII train right person. Fax resumo ta: 905-702-8790 Haltonsearch.c0m CLASSIFIEDS __ ON THE INTERNE ww ,os .g e, se e SUPER VISORS Court Operations The Ministry of the Atorney Genoral seeks three leaders for its dynamnic court operafion. As a team player mho excels with change, challenge and problemn-sotving, you milI: deat simultaneously with numerous/conflicting priorities; build positive relations with staff, union representatives and stakeholders; enjoy a hands-on approach f0 planning, organizing, co-ordinating f0 maximize operational efficiencies mhile learning from experience; provide daily staff leadership/change- management support, ensuring delivery of front-lie services; culfivate improvements for efficiencies and improved customer service. Location: Brampton. Qualifications: proven supervisory/leadership skilîs in a front-fine service- S delivery capacify mithin a collective-agreement environment; hiring, training, performance- management and staff -development experience; management experience in a highly structured operational environmenf mith many stakeholders; highty effective communication skills at aIl levels of tht organization. Salary range: $57,961 - $73665 Note: To obtain an application form, contact Susan Milton by e-mail xl susan.milton@jus.gov.on.ca or by telephone at 905-645-5252, ext. 3656. Resume and complefed application must be receivod by 5 p.m., June 11, 2004. Quoting file AG/CRT-5872, sendt t: Susan Milton, Central West Region, Court Services Division, Ministry of the Attorney General. Fax: 905-645-5390. On/y hose appiicants selected toroan interview wîll be contacted. FREE TRAINING Drive 4 Us. School Bus Drivers Wanted Cail 905-877--4448 Laidlaw is an equal opportuniiy Company HELP WANTED Post aecondary students and ma- ture peraons required on strawberry farm in Huttonville area beginning mid June for approx. 4 weeks. Vari- ous positions. Please cali: 905-455-8155 Warmblood Br..dlng Farm seeks experienced fuiltime and part turne employees with excellent ref- arences to feed, muck out, groom, turnout and miscellaneous barn chores. Cati for interview 8 arn - 4:30 pm (905>873-1899 4:30 pm - 9 pm (9058738501 or fax resume to (905)-873-1919. PART-TIME Sales Person Required. Experience an asset but flot necessary. Please fax resume to: 51 9-853-4722__ CURVES for WOMEN ACTON Fulitime poaltion available, possible Manager position. Wit train night person Fax rasume to: 519-853-5123 FA5TSIGN.S. SIGN MAKER Lika woklag .'th yoar bonds? The ideal candidate will be a gond communicator traînable and have a strong desîre to succeed wth a growing company Experience withroilmn tors an asset. Join our teamn in the fasi paced sign indastry Mast be quality-conscioas and work quickly under deadites. Resumes ta: 4031 Fairviow Si., Burlingtan, ON. L7L 2A4 Fax: 905-631-7471 e-mail: diane.henderson@fastsigns.com PRODUCTION DEPARIMENT Full lime, day shifi enfry tatil position with paid bnefifs & training. If ynu art an onorgetic, self mnfîvaiod, dotail orionled leam player wifh effective communication & basic math skiffs, an abiiity Iodo some lifting, & a desire to provO yor worfh, Famward resume la: TECKMAAK LABEL SYSTEMS INC. 850-#23 Loglan Road, Barlinglon, ON US 115 or by fax ta N05-681-7072 Machine Atendant Location: Oakville An eaoeiient empioymenl opportun'it work în a pro gressive, established and auccesatalcompany. Qualficatins: *Candidaes muai be able 10 proide a fanourabl badçground screening and auccessfuliy complele required lesta *Grade 12 edacation *Must be able to work ail shifts (roiating), including coninental Experlence: 3 310 5 years auperience in a mechanical environmeni environment *Undersianding of air cylindera, presumalica *Strong mechanical aptiude *Eaceptional iroubiethooting akills *Able 10 diagnose and probilemsanve machine deiciencies *Experience with coespalerized analysis toola Qualifieti applicants are asked to submit resumes via fax 905-849-2094 Fil BEER FILTERING POSITION Must be available evenings & weekends Heavy lifting & wxrking in a refrigerated envirnnmenl, Caîl Peler 905-681-2739 - classifieds! o- Automotive Detailer Fast paced body shop needs seff-mnlinaled delailer. Automoline knowledge & valid dri- ver's lic. required Gnod wages & benef ifs. Cati 905-689-5283 Housekeeper VISTAMERE RETIREMENT RESIDENCE Part-time sommer relief hoosekeeper Holel or retirement esperience necessary. Pieaueapply ut 380 Sherin Drive OakvilIe TR6 Insurance Brokers mnc, a ieading independeni brokerage ires, s a trong and progressive company whone pranen aucceaa heu corne by ataying on the leading edge. Currentl, their Miton Branch la expanding and requires a resuit-driven individuel ta tI the ioliowing positions: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE PERSONAL LUNES INSURANCE The right candidate oi be reaponsible tor developing, pramoting and aaliing Peesoal Linos Insurance ta aur extensive client base throughout the Milton and aurrounding areas. TRG miii provide you with an excellent msarket representative 10 asiat yau in reaching new heights in your career. Voue RIBO License is compimenled with your supenior interpersonal and organizational skîlîs and thse drine la be tte best - you know a career in insurance sasies hile the mark. Proven sales expenience and a commiment ta solid relatianships make you idealîf suited ta maximize aur client base. We 01e a competitine compensation package and excellent growth potentiel. If you are seii-motinated and reedy to work in a rewarding ennironment, please aubmit your resumne in confidence no later than: JUNE 1u, 2004 10: Human Resources Depariment Fax: (905) 374-3739 E-Mail: rking@trgins.com We thank respondents for themr interest, bot odvise thot only those selected for interviews wilI be contoetedl. HOME COMFORT ABVISOR We are lookîng for high-tnergy, resolts-focused indîvîdoal for tht Hamilton asd Burlington areas to represent sur Home Comfort Systems to tht residenlial mar- ketlace white providing tht îndustry benchmark in costomer service and salis- faction. Yoor primary doties will be f0 develop and execule strategies lx grow tht cus- tomer base throogh tht application of a systematic, protessional persuasion system, which is exclusive te Union Energy. Minimom expectations inclode an enceplional commîlment Ioc cstomer satisfaction and service, which is backed by the indostrys most extensive Warranty and Guarantet programs. Our objec- fines are simple: 'Tht Costomer Wins - The Employet Wins - Our Company Wins' in thal order. We ~f e *Generoos compensation with $70,000+- pofenfial *Comprehensive benef it package * Oalified leads and appoinfment schedoling *On-goîng training and professional developmenî YOM affer: e 3-5 years of successfol sales esperience *Soperior written, verbal, presenfation and communication skills *Outstanding Costomer Service focossed skills *Escepfional inferpersonal and probles resolofion skills *Highesf level of self motivation wifh resuifs orienfed expecfafîons Ooalified applicants are asked f0 fax a resome 10 the attention xl Debra Irvine re: Home Comforl Advisor: Fax# 9054-3M No phone caI please. We thank ail applicants for tht hirtte rest but on/y hose se le cted for an interview will be contacted. as nneng for 10 CNI ser 30 poddloi fr Ihth industial pacfarag irn the, Uiton t inn 2t.. AM MU L ru Marketing Ce. tende 16 new reps fr sew eau program. Ns esp. Neceaaary Fu lraining. Celi phono pronideil. No telemarfceting. Excellent psy. CollegeiUniversity statttsts welosme. e eeew-îu*11 CASH peid for antiques and ccalectiblea, chine, ftg- urnea, eweiierti, famniture, moina, etc. 905-878-3145 ceii: 905-875-7950. TRADE SECRETS New in Borlîngloni Nnw hîrîng FiTN.lsts FIT r Ishl olua Mil Tecàalol. Ige, rusma te: lradesecreisburlinglxn @hotrnail.com PUPPIES, purebreet plI- baiia, seven weeks aid.' $50. each. Oeil Sasan aI 905-693-0449. 1985 Buick Park Avenue 3.8L 138,OOOkms, new parla, ransaoeil. As as $400. 905-702-0817. 1SU Z24 i2.8L, auto, power windowa & locka, 198,OOOkma, CD piayer, boedy in great shape, sans greal. Asking $1.990. 060. caîl Mat ater Bpm. 905-702-9258. 1992 Baick Roadmaster (Llmied), t59,00Okma (105,000 on enginel, ail power optinn, new brakos, rad, batlery & tires, air con- diioner apgraded fa new standard. Excellent centi- lion, white (maman ntmeri. ar). Cali 905-877-9523. 1992 Chrysier Grand Voyager van, body excel- lent coniionsand in nn- esng condiion.$500 905- 822-0768. 1994 GEO Tracker, 4- wheel drive, standard, bard top. 138,00Okms. $2750. Cail 519-63-8759. 20100 Handa CRV, 4 Cyl, 5- apil, air, ABS, em4WmCD, p/w, pd, eniae, 100k kesa. $18,500 obo. 905-878- ~E3-lit t:lcmpj- Is 1 1 1 Immul IFMM .. -) ii 1