Candidates launch their campaigns t ram HAITON on page 2 ioyRca//y aned Haùi/n.à1y Mn. Naqvi's list of concems started with health care, and the need for it to stay in public hands and resist "creeping privatiza- tion." Social justice and foreign policy are also main points of interesi for him ini this campaign. "We should have a fine balance with the world and wiîh the United States," he said, pointing to, the NDP's cati to back oui of talks regarding the missile defense system with the U.S. "We don't want to commit our resources and our people for nolhîng. We have to think and we have t0 exercise independent judgment." Mn. Naqvi, who's a lawyer. author, poet and human righîs aetivist, said he will also spend a lot of time discussing Mr. Carr's swiîch from a provincial PC MP to a federal Liberal candidate. But Mr. Carr insisted he had good reason for becoming a Liberal. 've been falrly oulapoken in the past and 1 didn't wanî to go 10 Ottawa if 1 wasn't going 10 bave a voice," he said of Prime Minister Paul Martin's promise 10 alow MPs more opportunities 10, stray from the party line. Besides a hope for that freedom, Mr. Carr said he's not con- vineed the right-wing merger wasn't a takeover. "I believe, like a lot of people, my feeling is that the new Conservative Party of Canada is juot a new Alliance-Reform party, and I was not a supporter of the Reform Party." Ms. Carr was Oakville's MPP for 13 years, stanting in 1990. He served as deputy house leader, parliamentary assistant 10 the sotie- itor general, and was on several committees. He was also elected 10, speaker of the Legistative Assembly of Ontario in 1999, a posi- tion he kept until he retired in 2003. The Liberal Web site bio fails Io mention the fact that he did al that as a Progressive Conservative. "The most important issue will be the one of leadership, as an MP, and as far as the prime minister," sald Ms. Carr. "(Paul) Martin bas been fiscally responsible, but he 's also been progressive soeially." Frank Marchetti, the candidate for the Green Party, said he's feeling optinnistie about the upeoming eleetion. 1I think it's a matter of reaching outI 10 voters," he sald. To leamn more about the candidates in Halton, visil these Web sites: Gar-y Cai-r - www.garyearr.ea; Frank Marchetti -; Dean Mai-tin-; and Anwai- Naqvi - Students bring fresh ideas, tP e* epergy and Èno the r wàrplace Resident says lie can't afford hikes trrm REPORT on osqe' I p. id .. JiSCM S s oii1claig Me/toil seseesent Bob Beyette thinks local taxpayers need to ho aware of. He notes that an annual increase of 4.7 per- cent translates into a cumulative increase of 58 per cent over thse next 10 years. Retii-ed, and living on a pension, Mi-. Beyette said he can't afford taxincmreases and doea't want tdmn. "I didn't vote growth," ho said. "I voted no tait incess." Councillor Rick Day, who was elected on a plaiorniof slowing growth, said he's nol surprised by the predicted tait increase, noting tIsat economies of scale don't oceur in gov- emment oapontions. "The bigger il is, the moi-e il costs," he said. And whie tIse tawn nnay end up witb a bigger libi-ary andl more ai-eas as a result of fise iigiser tait rates, ho doubt at will translate miao ter services. "I don't kniow anybody Ilsat wants dise growth - not mer-- chant opoliticianr resident ntluis LMn of growth," said Mr. Day.' However, aI Tuesday night's council meeting, Councillor John Challinor criticized Mr- Day's complaints about growtb. "Qisite frankly, iî's completely unconsteive, given what's facing Ibis community, t0 say you oppose develop- ment," he said. "Sanie forrn of development is going ta corne forward. "Wbat's that development gomng ta laok like and Isow is il going taoce? 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