30-The Canadien Champion, Frlday, May 28, 2004 REGIONAL ROAD 25 IMPROVEMENTS AT MARKET DRIVE- COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT TOWN 0F MILTON The Planning and Public Works Committes for the Regional Municipality of Haton proposes at its meeting on Wednesday, June 1 6th, 2004 f0 recommend to Regional Council at its meeting of Wednesday, June 23rd, 2004 f0 pass a by-law for the construction of southbound right-tumn lanes and centre median extension on Regional Road 25 immediateîy south of Market Drive in the Town of Milton. These road improvements are.required to service the redevelopment of the Canadian Tire site on the southwest corner of Regional Road 25 at Market Drive and the new right-in/right-out accesses to the site from Regional Road 25. Construction drawings showing the proposed work may be reviewed at the Planning & Public Works Department, Halton Regional Centre, 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville. For further information, or f0 arrange an appointment to review the drawings, please contact Mr. Mail Krusto, Transportation Co-ordinator at extension 7225. E-mail: kmustom@ region.haton.on.ca J. Clohecy Acting Commissioner, Planning & Public Works www. region.halton-on.ca/ppw/planningroads This notice issued May 28th, 2004 TREMAINE ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD 22) FROM LOWER BASE LINE TO BRITANNIA ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD 6), BEGINNING JULY 1, 2004 AND ENDING ON NOVEMBER 30,2004, TOWN 0F MILTON DERRY RD(REG. RD. 7) BRITANNIA RD (REGý RDý 6) ww -J D LU L AREA OF ' L CONSTRUCTION LT 5AINE DUNDAS $T (RE& RD 5) The reconstruction of Tremaine Road (Regional Road 22> from Lower Base Line f0i 2 km northerly will include the replacement of the two bridge structures over Indian Creek. CONTRACT NUMBER: R-1942B-04 SCHEDULED START DATE: MAY 25, 2004 SCHEDULED COMPLETION DATE: NOVEMBER 19, 2004 CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR: DOUG SIMPSON EXT. 7744 W Bulk oeitn Place items at curb by 7M0 a.m. on your designated spedal collection day. Check the map for your corresponding collection zone. Rtems wilI be collected on the day designated for your zone. Zone 2 _Wedneayjne 9 j ednesdaylJune30 Ima ~WednesdayJune,16 j j- CI ~ELL1 ~C olST '£2» ruwtg Matoesau wUIfMOT b. aou.ote.d Propane Tanks *Tires *Building and Demolition Debris Concrete and Bricks t Household Hazardous Waste N Cardboard Boxes Tree Branches *Tree Stumps Sod, Soul and Rocks Automobile Parts These items May be disposed at Haltons Waste Management Site 5400 Regional Road 25, Milton. Open Monday - Saturday 8:00 arn. - 4:30 p.m. If you have W~wantedtems tlsat amren oW dconditbonconsder dotwMig dwer to a dtai ratainor rtrw ecentre. Vou va be d$vet n nima he %preulinedat he saMe To promoto scavonging, bulk materlal may be placed by 7:00 arn. om the Wednesday before your schedulod bulk collection day. Metal itemis and Appliances will ONLY be collected on a catlin basis and will no longer be coilected on your scheduied Bulk Collecion day. Te o cve coion, pliseeil dHktu kgm at 1-6442-M&N Metali âems and appliances indude refrigerators, freezers, disbwasbers5 stoves, wasbers, dryers, metal fumiture, broken down swing sets, barbeues/no propane tanks, bicydes/no tires, etc. Plaise nsur appmiiiim domi are remu>vm for safety. In recognition of National Access Awareness Week, I would like f0 highlight Halton Regions ongoing efforts towards removing barriers for people with disabilities and f0 thank our Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) for their guidance. As part of the development of our 2003/2004 Accessibility Plan, we looked at how we could improve access f0 the Regions facilities and services and 1 arn pleased f0 report that we are moving forward with irnplementing a number of the Plans recommendations. The Plan is available on our Web site. Together with the AAC, Halton will continue f0 work towards raising awareness of accessibility issues and the elimination 0f barriers. National Access Awareness Week serves as a reminder of the importance for ail individuals, businesses and government partners f0 work together f0 promote an inclusive and barrier-free community. Joyc Savoiine Reglonal Council: June 2 9:30 arn 1 ,T LAURE' 5ý