Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 May 2004, p. 26

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26-The Canardian Champion, Fnday May 28, 2004 CONGRATULATI ONS, YCURE APPROVED Gai a M G H xrizo n P C xr o alyg $899 or tant 81 cents/day Fee Laxmark 3 in 1i nntar Fre ODtaCamnera, Free Vicciîîo No Money down, Cuit Txdayi 1-8i00-510- 4042. FREE Esimatea. Cxi mxb- bty chirsr, tired lonkivg eaxd inires? Fields Cus- tom Wood Reialirlong aid Fumrtura Repaira. 9-9, 905- 632-9090. Hot Tub: 2004 ailtioa calottai, - a reood cabinet, neyer uaad, atili ln wrapper. Coat 89,99. Sali $6,000 416-95"-197. KOEKSISTERS for aile,, 94/doz. Pieusecal, MaIa 0 905-876-2883 ifi your xrder. Olivery ea=inele1 the Milion aras. POND Opaciele: 8r Rein- bare Tant .99 escir, (min. 100). Speddaed & Baown Trout speciais ioni Keodrs 16 eersting rervdmilt or Otterbires /6 hx 120 gal/mio aeraior $74999. Calt OiverCreair 519-83-2559. Taout ast raxaqaiexe. SEAT Salai Fresieaup yxar dinetie/divivgroom chirrseaus a/seliedd lb- rira froin $19.95/ea. Sea cusiriovo qualil res <-I placement hors 29.9/as. Rids Famitue aid Fab-1 rira, 9-9 datly. 905-632- 9090. SONY meelt ta al, 3 heari starax, 50 recarnfed fapes, 3 lra xf llteiog music. Cati 905-875-1212. STOVE for sasie, eletic, whita, saif cdaavlvg, excel- lent condiion $150. Cati 905-878-1245. $$$$$ WANTEO -Al Clii ne, OiverCrystat, Tsi lery Cld t% ~Coliectibls Estaton I1 JoinTracy, 905-331-2477. CASH perd for antiques aid co tacibles, chime, ia- urion, ieellery, tamnitare,1 coins, etc. 905-878-31451 cati: 905-876-7950. i 1975 Corvette, lere mile 1992 Buicir Radmastere fLimtedil, 159,0Okmsr tO.00os sagive), al pomer pli n seraeo, mad, batiery & ires, air con- diner U=dadto sea calcla tant condi bion, ahite imarcon i vei- or). Cati 905-877-9623. 1994 GEO Tanker, 4- wheat drive, stadar, liard top. 136,xoims. $2,750. Cal 519-853-759. 1996 Fxrd Tarrs LX, 180,OOOrms aisle. Bxdy goad, eaher interior, pre- miare sound, 4 bmand oaa tires. Neada some motor molli. $750. Cal 905-873- 0825. 2000 Honda CRV, 4 Cy, 5- spd, arr, ABS, amfsC, p/a, PA, cle", 100k ks: 018,500 obo. 905.878: 0455. VACATION Hous Cra- knoxeaigeabla, commitari, uiveraity stadeots avait- able nom anti September tnti for staM aid hxrse cane. 15 yeam aaxpanance ridivg irunter4aumper aid aven-? in9. Wil lisaita yaeîr lana or sip in. 519-927-3196 or 519-942-M32* 1 POffKUFF suoez Pl IZE MES, FOOD 41 EFRESHMENTS $ 10.0 i M ERO O G R E I 7 - -M mroghtn, homs oun Af$PM "0c0utyx SnaPE ay2R d 00, v ia74trea auronedbyta amt a 0eMiin ieid -lsiii Peaely, ronitreray, MerayRit roug0,iixJs Iheu- yt oion and an et rino anr ogrtoui. e dceedby ir r oi maWBynt e (Bro)gOoui lgi bo, ar Cre(l), Baryoy)ne9 130routn ad brand fitdrer, grandfaiuher ai aneid mya atmg fermer, bores enerhockey oaer, ane rtero- a, aid cie r d yert(uh rugire ages (avor-f Toete b missbter bly teroughoneri. Famty and b1l in Sbtt MiOioon -878.4 193, Tosde h aloeraie sevcresed i aierx n. o rie Chu o fedmr snessyMay21r, 20c4ey Aahxptresishesr- painr, mmndaciecadnaions ix lireing adoite ).be Aoc %iat e ionaet eared by ait k ie Faiyan 11a wM0 rain S rrlon 9ri 0efa-Mn Tar ut, an-Th oune adrien auung. Ctalrmoitea aurvrvd y ratn tireMay, Maepmotr20r4BArba xreasibongofLînde IPityrnifa retdntirensIozeanadCiseniabl Assato rede yiarber Ruedby 11931 a ait ati ls beaiymsoo hted y manyautr aes, meni norieis aidd cousin. rierimar rceved et lirelJ. SCth erary FUNotERarbarHOME, Jansna S. MPi)emtde Servie n (leuItreesoais ix Mit- tn Uenad(Fayank id ieMon ndis ailcesri Cari d- lion wxudeeaied by s tre femily. CaH es eN glofle arimitoed bymany papns nles , i ad e xi res iadMcotins rer'a arma". ve aith J Ponacefuly8&etUAoedai es dy My 2 200fora tny Uniedoa nd 0feMilion on94Disreimesmite0fna bo10 l e aie Cy iat e Lxvrng xhe f0I CMroil Hia geso l Milio Aleany emb ere hnand iri-o deanel, i AlboI erNana nTriLy -a 04 oai Mire f Krisay) Hison aitf Milon. Sire att bae greetty missed be irer greet-grendcidres Kasandre aid Coudi"e Hilsxn aid Aes and Bobbi Kerr. Sumviveni by lier brx10er Aff Leftey f Peterborougir. Predeceese by her brtirem lxohn and Len Lettey, botxrmlfyof Pe- terborxough. A Funemil Service mai ireld frxrs the J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOM, 21 Janea St, Mei ton (90) 878-2669 on Taonday, May 251, 2004. Inier- ment txtiowed ai Evergreen Cemetery. As expronuixns of oympathy, donatixns may be made to the Mition i- iric Hospital Fxunaeiin xr the Alendaie Foandation. < PEDDIE: MabaiChffriaa (1902-2004) Paacafaity, ai Allandala Long Tarn Cara Faciliiy on Wednesday, May 26, 2004, Mabal Paddie iv her lO2nd year. Ourvived bn har brothar Jacki xf Milion and brx10- ar-ta-tee R.J. Monre of Rodhenier NY. Mebel vviii ba greatly missad by vnany nieces and vepirees. Predeceased by her brtera Alberi, Frak and Harold aid sisiers Jeai, Mary aid Myrtia. Frienda eit ba raceivan f rxm the J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 JAMES ST., ILTON (906> 878-2669 xv Frtday, May 28htrs 10:0AM aotiil e imef service et 11:00AM frxmte Fun"raHomeChaea. As epre- saons 0f sympefly, donatixn ayey taeata the AaIedala Fxundation TONIN: Lida (nu Nova)> I n OTIc o EnTON Saddeaty et home xv Wednday May 26 2004. Lida Cradfttxra0f f10e Esisinof xl ienda (lso mxcv ai Eter) Toni vof Mion lnirer 6510 yaar Lxvng adaf for 460 Zdn da dceased, aIe of 4444 Henderson Road, Milon, yeaas of Gudo Tonin Lovng mnm of Lndo and hev OnarioL9T?2X5 h id on Mach 1s 2004 must vl LJdI .,,istiuriüro. ooieiibheù ii[ia id civîchael, Melssa cli, .1u us .sUil 'e &,Jais Uiù and Jusin. Predaceaned by lier parants James andi An5501e ToBcanO Eleanor Nxva aid lier bother Jon Nana, frmiarty o Ec/ Io avid olelesk Milon. Lidamilt be greaily missad by hier brx10ers and Units 11,»0 wy-coit no" iter-i-iee aid lier maiy niecesanad nephema. k9e Ontario 1« a Friands milta raceived t J. SCOTT EARLY FUNER- AL HOME, 21 Jasa. St, Mihton, (9W)>878-2669 on Friday, May 2M10 <iday) from 2-4 & 79 PM. Vigil Pray - ara llb mki eled et 8:30 PM. A Mas0f Christian Bu- rt iai r elt rid fror olfy Rxsery Roman Cetirxli Cirurcir on Oaturday, May 2910 et il:00 AM'Irlnita t lx IxlowetaiMition Energrev Cametary As express rns 0f sympe10y, doutionsa may bt a mde lx theMilixonDs s [ tU I1 ta ric trict HospitaliFoundation. C R E D 1 T U N i 0 f TO W! Jl 0 Holy Si. Jade, Apoatie and Martyr great in valunad ric invmacanes, near krsai 0f Jeans Chris teithfu inierceasor 0f ail reio invxire yxur speciai patronage in lime 0ftreed, ta yxut1 have recourusehro the depth 0f my freni aid humrbly beg ix reiror God la igvian midi greai powertix naine ix my asaitance. Hep miein my presont aid urgent petion. In retnim 1 prxmmse ix maire yxur namne lnoren and ceuse yotx be inxired. St Jade pray fxr us and ait whioaie yurraid. Amon. Say 10<0e Our Falthers, three Hart Merys and Gloria. Publicaion muni be prorsaed. Thira Novena liai nver been knaw rta feu. t lianelied my raquai granied Publication prxrinaed. NOTICE TO CMDITORS AND OTHIRS ESTATE OF DAVID EAAL SARARAS ANO DAVID SAAARAS ACCOUNTUI Ai persans hesleg dlaimrs againat 10e esiete 0f DAVID EARL SARARAS, cxmmorrly koxas a DAVID SAP- ARAS, deneaed, tata 0f the Cliy 0f Brampion, le the Regionai Maniniraliy 0f Peelwirx died on or about 10e 910 day 0f Jairaary. 2004, xr daims egainat DAVID SARARAS ACCOUJNflNG, are xliledta send Mmi ix the aodamlgned duly verid, on or balais the 1510 day 0f Jane, 2004. Aler 10es date, the essais 0f the above nssmed Pmatatm adit be dieritbuted among die persans entiufd Io flain. having regard onty ta dlaimns 0f wreth1e eseortors saiaithfin hase notle. Dated at the Txwn 0f Hafton Hilsts 1t1 day 0f May, 2004. Q&IUAN M. IIJCK KUTrARNA SOPINKA à KORT Barrianad Soliofora 146 MiiiShsa Georgtown, ON L7G 2C2 Soiiora for theaExacutoran NOTICE TO CREDMORS AND OTHERS AJi pemsons haviog c00dm againni theesotaie 0f MADE- UNE LOUISE KRONBY, lte 0f 1de Towen 0f Mton, in the Regonai Munidipalty xl Haftxa, eho died on Febra- ary 14, 2004, are hereby notiied ta seod perticelaem 0f tire same ix the uademsigned on or belore the 2610 rit Juiy, 2004, aller mhicir date the oniate miii be distibat- ed, mith regard onty tx dlaims oxtminci h rliademsigaed saaithran have received. MESORS. WILLAMO & PRICE Barristera and Sxiitxra 402-372 Bay Street Txronto, Ontario M5H 3W1 Solicitixr fxr MALCOL.M C. KRONBY, C.C. and DR. MICHAEL H. KRONBY, Estaie Trusees I» -M- Marketing Ca. veeda 16 nom repu for naew cati program. No voeFxpER Flt TTFRING I telet arketing. Excellent Mu1st be availabl psy.EiolegeUaieraiy I eveninos & eekanris pay.CollgeMnversty Havylifting & eorking atudeats melcame. in a refrîgorated Cali Pater lu hrIlle 905681-2739 IFIIIIISTMIAIO Credit Union has exciting career opportunities for community minded, motivated and resuits oni- ented individuals. We are looking for people wfro thrive in fast-paced, challengivg environments that would iko f0 teo axrt od f an innovatve and dynawmc grcp of team payers cnared to meffing our hasders firoanua ees. FirstOntario Credif Union is one of Ontarios largest financial cooperatives operating in Niagara Peninsula, Greater Hamilton region, Oakville, Bort ington, and south-western Ontario. Membership in FirstOntario is open toalal resi- dents working or lving in the communities we serve. At FirstOntarlo, we believe thut sur Members have a uniqae banking experience because they are owners. Currently FrstOntario las seking individuals for the tollowing positions. Senior Database/Applicatlon Architect Ref # F011 At our technology haadquarters in Stoney Creek, where you wiut be working, we operate a variety of applicafion and inter-faces systems such an JAVA, C-+ and RPG4, operating on AS/400, UNtX, and WebSphere plattorms. With a university degrve in Computer Engineering, Computer Science or the equivalent, you atso bring 6+ years of direct eopeience in AS/400 and client server or web-based Application Development. Your capacîty for application and datahase design complements your hands-on programming and database administration skills. You possess top leadership skilis and enjoy challenges in a tant puced, techoological onvirosment. Manager TechnIcai Services Ref # F012 An eocîting opportunity for an ooperienced Manager of Techoical Services t sur technology headquarters in Stoney Creek. Reporfing lx the Vice President fInformation Technology you're responsibla for strategic leadership and guid- ance f0 support your staff, infernal clients and ther IT groups with the management and operation oftT inf rastruc- fore services includîng: networirs, AS/400, open systemo and LAN desktop services. Preterred candidate has experience leadinq multiple concurrent projects and is disciplined in developing people and organizationul systems. You hring a sense ut urgency to situations, demonstrating an active approach and willing- neos fo get inoolved fo accelerate the puce and achieve torecast obectives. An undergraduate university degree in Computer Science, along with 10 years relevant eoperience wilI accent your uhility f0 lead and motivate. Apply today if yoo would like to apply your techoical menforîng savvy in a chat lenging and rewarding envirooment. Technicai Consultant Rof # F013 Excellent oppoflunity for an infrastructure specialist ut our technology headquarters in Stoney Creek. Reporting f0 the Manager of Techoical Services, you provîde techoical expertise and hands-on support in the development and maamnour ffenv ms-w*fo fo±mleyinrnIRre. You *111 ifoelcç an [E infrastrcture srallgy, slirtiordsand guie- ires for tha AS/400 plaifoen, taci IAN, clint sarva, e sevics, neIworiaand des«i psavice. Vour 6-10 years of experience iv teclinology related fields are complernenfed by a Bachelors degree in Computer Science, related discipline and/or extensive esperience in MI S or operations. Additional education iv management or appropriate technologies is an asset. This is an opportunity 10 apply your advanced knowledge ut techoical infrastructure, application development prin- ciples, methodologies and solutions. Branch Managers Ref # F014 You are an independent self-starter eho is confident, drîven, imaginative aid enjoys a fast-paceet dynamic environ- ment. A leader eho strives lx eoceed turgets despite challenges along the eay, you are service tocased, resuits dri- yen andt eelcome evaluation hased on your record ut achievement. Strong communication and people skilîs are important aspects of the job. Your ahilify f0 leud, engage, train and support others fa ment objectives is key. You eillingly praise those efro do eell, actively coach fliose eorliing lx achieve better resulfs and have a proven ability fo foster a culture of operational and service excellence. You ffink strategically and help others f0 share long-term vision. Yu en it a e sn ser vice tbas in yucox leaidi docting ail aspects s biefi catinms aid a** gahcipain s i t rais daeopmert 98fr your sW yen wll irbÈaina ccapellimm ervrqience for oai Y" eatMrfra You value living and eortring iv the local community andt have an appreciation of the benetits ut worlring for an orga- nization ehere'big' does not define success. You eant lx eork ehere your opinion counts. If you believe one of these positions is the rîght fit for you, pleuve submit in confidence, before June 4, 2004, your resumne aid coverîng letter, quoting the appropriate reference #, f0 meloeie.allea@firstontariocu.cam or send lx FirstOntario Credif Union, 148 Niagara St. PO. Bon 982, St. Catharines, ON L2R 6Z4, Attention: Melodie Allen. GUITAR LESSONS Primate gu lier tassons anailble fam an expedieaceni, patfessovai instnrctxr.No ragatretiotee, reasanable rmies. Ricir (90) 875-4601 #inoucemen ri mu 1 Reci E131 Sheldon Drive, Unit 22] (HWY 401, exit at HWY 24) Cambridge, ON NIR 6S2 We are holding a ýpen House for Owner Oporators Look4ngFor in NMiton BartenderiManagerfor fie vigiri shift. We aiesrequire eapeaenced Cools aid Sammar. Picatefia your me ta 905-864-7247 t ort w Use t GIOVANNI - Arcuda Dareci May 14,1976 - May 31, l"I A HM trWe mail and tender. just to say we sbIl remember saay muSd by &Mm Bnitý% Mudia, and pmddMm David, Di-o- & Ken 1 1 ML 1 1 z

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