~,1 i 2-The Canadien Champion, Fniday, May 28, 2004 Dance Elite sparkles at Terpsichore Celebration Competitive dancers from Dance Elite recently trav- etled to the Terpsichore Cross Canada Celebration competition in Brampton where they shone to the Ilitenlcdiatc Solo award for his jazz routine, 'Diogîn on James Brown'. Dance Elite's Jazz Tcamn E exhibited their love of pcrforming, taking first place in the intermediate Large Group category with their James Bond perform- ance. The dancers in this group were Allana McLcod, Jade Ryan, Allison Sidnell, Addison Brasil, Katie Gillis, Sarah McLeod, Allie Barcomh, Nicole Cnulsnn, Tara Nova. Meghan Sinclair. Krista Ward, Jodi Banks, Scasoncd comnpetitors Andreai Stockton, Mallory Ryan and Nicole DeAthe received first place in the Senior Duet/Trio category for their tap routine, 'Walk This Way. Mamie Palmer, Dance Elite owncr and director, received the Besî Choreography award for the modem dance routine Steel Dreams. e e a a - ATENTIO - MILT . ORS-. - e ** Detac uer gl* - ch.th liinsd a- e in the eCha pon20 0-I Canada Corp 100 Chisholm . 878-0521 OK Machine Tool Services 26t Lasrier ..........878-3815 0K Tire Stores 8060 Lawsos Rd .876-1168 Qake James 1505 Evas'sTerr .. 693-9823 Oshes G 577 Sunnyvale Or .. ..876-0136 Oakley C&L 265 Feathersîsse .... .875-0193 Oaks-Concrete ProductS Lt d 475 Harrsp Dr ..... .. 875-0035 Oakvllle Esecutive Golf Course 4414 Fourlh Lise . 875-3932 Oakvllle Health Centre .. .876-0287 Oakville Re-entry Homes 69 Main E ..... ....875-2799 Oaireille Signe Ltd 8193 Esquesisg Lise ...... 876-1210 Oates B Hap RR6 Mlons. .. 878-9152 Osîman Joseph :168 Lorse Scos Dr .... .876-1730 0att Ted 697 MiddletosCr .. 693-0473 Obach Carmins 1522 HarwoodDr .876-0549 Obee M8H 1540 Morse PI . ...693-1738 OBeirne C 741 Woodward . .. 693-14.48 Obeng N&Y 1580 Eari Or ....876 0702 OBrien D 131 McLaren Rd N . 854-0733 0'BdnsG 768 Basting Cr .. 878-8310 OBrien G 318 Cenennial Forent Dr ... . 693-8935 OBrien S 1842 Ramshawçr .. 693-0922 OBrien W A 100 Laurier ...... .876-1076 Obusan A 235 Ontaris N ... .876-3603 OCarrol S&M 481 Kearso Dr ... 878-3673 OConnor K 244 Pettigrew Tri .. 876-4593 Octave Vibari 9 Robarls Dr .... 876-3447 ODonneli J 371 Brone S .. ..693-0782 ODonnelî L 122 Brote S ... 875-0781 Ohoohe Jl137 Martin .....8788512 OelB 8690 Tremaîne . ...875-3687 Dent E 804 Trudeau Dr..876-9049 Qesf F 829 Joyce .... ....... 878-5276 Det L Ii Dawson Or ....... 875-3661 Off the Scale Direct Marketing. .875099M IOffice Mover T% 545 MarnE ... 8e76«070 i Otterski Paul 532 Trafalgar Homby ...... .878-7799 011*15 CorporatIon 332 Steeles .8760526 OGomas M 822 Coulson ..... 878-9812 OGorman Michael T CGA 155 Main E..... ......... .878-1258 OGrady B 73 Anse .... .878-3225 IOGrady Seani 1616 Waldie.876-0235 Ogunkanrai Chartes 1083 Deacos Dr......- .......693 1879 OHara Chis 625 Joyce ...693-8584 IOHara Michael 209 Fitzgerald Cr .693-1422 Ohsi M 696 AugerTerr ...693-0845 OhdH 1053 Deacos Dr ...875-9147 OKeefe B 551 Commercial . .878-5356 OKeefe C 318 Laurier ...876-0734 Ofeeffe C084 Bronte S...878-8272 Olaco Elnor Lu 649 Bennet B8.. 876-9050 Olco Gem Station RR3 .....878-1897 Old Michael 726 Middlelon ri r... .878-3353 iOldacre L 1534 Clark BI ...87-4817 O'Leary J 1149 Zimmerman Cr ... .875-0798 Oleses S 318 Laurier ...878-3039 OleszkowiczV ............. 854-1315 Oleszkowicz W P 631 8eaver Cr .878-2509 Oliphant D 5749 8 Lise...693-1714 Oliveira A 411 Busdy Dr.....693-8940 Oliveira F 1577 Evss'sTerr .... .878-3697 iOliveira J 468 Fsriow r . ... .876-2410 Olveira Lis M 9041 5 Sîde Rd Nasa ...876-0652 Oliveira M 27 Dilîs Or ..... 693-1762 Oliver A F 82 Milside Dr . ..876-3880 Oliver Todd S 870 Trdeau Dr .... .875-3860 Olek K 1600 Waldie......693-1342 Ollek K 1600 Waldie......203-0029 Ollek KarI 1600 Wadie ....875-0780 Olleresshaw E W 825 Cabot Tri . 878-8531 Oîerenshaw G 771 MackenzieDr. 876-0164 Ollivier J E 371 BroniteS ... ..875-3292 Olree Van Marie 9450 2LieNsss .854-4389 Oses J 11060 Sisth Lise Nasa ..878-0063 Olthoors J 8083 Appleby Lise MiII . .. 854-2291 Olynik J 441 Broadway. ...878-6263 Omnagl I Oble School Lower Base Lise . -- .878-9156 OMeara Pal 690 Rloseheath Or . .876-1767 Omni-Stone 9144 2 Lise Naso 8, 54-2766 On-Target Telecommunicatlons 7035 Twiss ... . .. .. 875-1276 Onciel Michael 872 Aderssn . 878-6894 ONeil Verse 272 RandalOr .. 878-1245 ONeill A H 650 Childs Dr . ...875-1211 ONeilliB 211 Ellis r .. ..878-3407 ONeill M E 308 Malck .... 875-3584 ONeill P 254 CentessîilForest Dr .. .875-2770 ONeill S 111 Onitano N ....878-7767 ONeill Terrance J 570 Sannyvale Or 878-8230 ONeill T&J 4237 1558 Hareod Dr ... . 875-9904 ONeil-Harson K&J 483 Ontario N . 876-0488 1096377 Ont Ltd 25 Steeles Av . 875-2209 Ontario Agni - Food Educatton lnc 8560 Tremnase .. - . ... 878-1510 Ontaro Conservatory af Music 55 OntarioS -- .. 875-0202 Ontaro Electrit Ralway Ifistorical Aaun POBo 578 Milton-Rockwood ..856-9802 Ontario Halai Meut Packers 5593 RegionaiRd 25 ... 875-0270 Ontario Hlgh Tenaile Fencing Ce 5460 Steeles Ave W.. 878-3976 Ontario March of Dîmes 917 Nipssg -, . 876446 Ontaro Mortgage Action Centre 55 Ontario St. Milton Mal .. 875-2333 Ontario-New Engtend Espreaa lnc 10862 Steeles . - .....87&3996 Ontario Ptine Forest Products 5460 Steeles Ave W ...878148 Ontrto Provincial Police (099) 24 Hour Service Commanicaions Centre, Burhsgton Telephone Dely No Charge Dial ... 1-11111-310-1122 TDD Dely, No Charge Diall-888310.1133 Ontario Public Service Local 234 661 Mertn.............. 876396 Ontaio Rlllngs lnc. 348 Bronte S875-M36 Ontari o Renaisuance Festival 6252 Eighth ............... 87-694 Ontari o School For The Oeu SoErnest C Drury School-Reglonal Centre For Hcurlng Hanidlcupped Ontarlo Vterinary Medical Assocaton 245 Comsmercali........... 874756 Ontaro Waller Productu 7449 AubunRd .......693M0 Deyango F 358 Main E..87-8913 Openshaw K 235 Bronte S ..878-5770 Opletal J 12363 Steeles ..693-1771 Opstees C 5 Side Rd ...878-3988 Opstees F 137 Maris...876-1209 Opsteen John 9636 2 Lise Nasa .854-4559 'QOuins R 5224 No 15 Sdlrd ..854-4639 Orange S 1032 Barclay Cir..878-9032 Orchieson C 930 Lancaster BI1.... .876-4651 OReilly J 662 SassyvaleOr ..876-2332 OReiily K 80 OntarioN...693-9269 O'Reilly M J 7513 Tremaise ..878-8830 OReiliy M J 7513 Tremaiie ..878-9008 Oriental Culslne&Doughnuts 327 Bronte S ............. 87-717 Orkln PCO Services Pest Centrot .............. 8753887 Oriowski C 185 Ontario S..693-8571 Ormerori Davi 141 Jessie .--, .854-4016 Ormosd R 425 Broadway .... .878-6998 Ormosd R O 7904 No 15 Bord .. 878-2171 Ormsby Rosslisda&Paol 10065 Pine Vîew TrI 854-5388 Orselas David 318 Laurier.... 878-2811 Ornstein 0 Dr. 9811 Reg Rd 25 .878-4890 Orooz O&S 1041 Zîmmermas Or .876-3778 Orpes C 371 Bronte S ... 878-6585 Orpen CG D 55 Main S W ý, 876-3798 Orpen Peter 226 Elmwsod Or.. 878-6750 Orr J 588 Hayward Or ,.,,.876-2785 Orr Kessneth 433 Kngleigli Cri ý8784488 Orr Orville RR2 Hornby . 878-9420 Orr W C RR3 ý876-2472 Orsel H 84 640 TrudeaaDr 878-3791 Orser K 250 Satok Or .. 875-4631 Ortiz Carlos E 1236 Mswat Ln 878-2960 Detîz E&A 678 Auger Terr .,.876-2152 Ortiz J&J 1051 Kennedy Cîr... 878-7854 Ortiz N&O 1041 Bradley Tam ... 693-1018 Orflieb D&L 180 Ellis Or ,.ý... 876-3925 Oryschak Davd 250 Heslop .693-9009 Osatchak C&J 719 Syer Dr . 875-1392 Osborne J&D 550 OhldsDr 876-2777 Osbomne Mike 812 Graham Bell Crt .. 878-0313 Osborne P 1076 Deacos Dr .875-9901 Osborn-William Edward 171 Satok Or..>,. 878-3266 Osboarne Bll 235 Brote S 5 . 876-2530 Osboame Patrick 388 Baverstoc OCr ..... .203-0210 Oshoame Robert 1521 Croft Av , 203-6148 Osboarse-Cook N 195 Ftzgerald Cr... .... 875-3961 OShea M 1191 Turner Dr ...693-1281 Osmond D RR3 Georgetown .. 878-3665 Osmond Richard 30 Hesîop .876-2867 Osour Bob 345 Oak . 876-3940 Ostap Jîm 1075 LowerBaseLîneW ý876-0423 Dterreicher A 810 Woodward ... 875-2982 Detrowski M&J 11 90 Tomner Dr.. 878-6202 Dewaid R 8849 Boston Charch Rd .... 876-2868 Dewald R & E 399 Bell... .878-1709 Othman Z 389 Pead ... .. 875-9284 Otip Raeo 1030 Gordon Heighls . .875-3712 O'Toole M 40 Ontaio S.... 876-3074 Ottaway Lit15 Bell...... .... 876-4489 Ottaway N F 154 Hesiop ..878-571 Otter D 598 Joyce........... 875-4644 Ot6ey B 101 MillsidrDr ...87-3297 OttoS 12199 uelphLine..854-443m Oueliet A&L 1615 Waldie.-- 6931975 Oueliet R 662 Laurier ...875-4757 Deellette Don 164 LnmeScotsDr ..875-9994 Deellette Murray 7052 Twisa -..876-1686 Ouellet8e Robert E 681 McColI Crt .876-0516 Deimel G 709 BriarOr ...875-3925 Our Lady 0f tIlctory School 540 Commercial....... 876-4379 Outcr Reehea Thc 17 Wilson Dr......... 875.4799 Overait J 111 Ontanio N..... 693-804 Deerenri M 8 395 Broadway... 878-2137 Oveerasd J 116794 Lina Nasa. ...854-2473 Overland M&L 2055 Mimne Cri ... .854-5302 Deedesan Rebecca&Armeni 1605 Ramshaw Or . 8....76-3444 Owen Brace 7129 Tremaine ... .876-4573 Owen G&E 80 Ontario N ...693-9709 Owes Kevis&Karen 17 MillI..875-3765 Owes Reg E 272 Ledwith Dr - - .693-8890 Osford D 642 Elliot Or...875-1844 Oxford Leaamlng Centre 917 Nipssing............. 693-9978 Ozcan K 1027 Cordon Heîghts -. .693-1819 Ozcas P 51 DawsosCr ...693-0462 Oziemkowski KO0 8083 Fist Lise Nass...854-4708 In need for some T.L.C.? The streets of Mississauga wiII be filled witb shiny cars and happy drivers when Royal LePage Meadowtowno Realty paricipates ID their... 1~POO, .- FUNDRASING COMMUNITY CAU WASH DAY Saturday May 29th 1 Oam-2pm 6555 Mississauga Rd. at Erin Milis (Rai. Date Satrday, June 5) Across the country, local community and church groups, sports teams and other flot-for-profit organizations will be participating in the fifth affluaI Armor Ale National Car Wash Day by host- ing car washes in their communities. Drivers are invited ta help support Royal LePage Meadowtowne by bringing their vehicles down to Royal tapage @ 6555 Missîssauga Rd. ut Erin MIII: belwaen 10 arn & 2 pm and letting the car wash team work their magic! By stopping by to gel their cars washed & enjoy a 680, local drivers will be helplng ta raise lunds for The Royal LaPage Slielter Foundaflon. A great success ta 2003, Iis national program helped more Ihan 1, 600 groupa raise over $650,000 for their respective causes across Canadas. For futher information, pluase contact Lori Schwanoers ai 905-821-3200. oeoouHN12oî1 9 F ejbu am ,*M cfatLes cees ROYAL LEPAGE Ryl bmMnateun 0881180088 foyi Romg Me1oý eetey Bicker 8-M flISMiUUpRd * 905 -40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1