rtrrxi, uren Folk music making quiet, but major, comeback Woman organizing local 'folk house' concerts for fa/i By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion I t's an underground movement that's quickly- aibeit quietly - sweeping across Canada, bringmng folk music back to its roots. And it's about to make its mark on Milton. That is, if Miltonians are willing to show their support for one woman's new venture. It's calleti a house concert. Anti while that might bring to mind memories of olti aunt Martha banging on the piano anti urging the family to sing along at Christmastime, Rose Brooks has somnething else in mind. "tt's folk artists who tion't do big venues who come anti play at a house for 30 or 40 people anti visit with their fans," explained Ms Brooks. I'ts very low key -jeans anti a t-shirt.' Concert-goers can shmooz with the artist, have a CD or two signeti, anti, basically, enjoy a personal concert. About a month ago, Ms Brooks attendeti her first folk house concert, which tumeti out to be an eyc-opening experience. "I was blown away by the calibre of people who are doing this," she saiti. Ms Brooks became so exciteti by the unique atmosphere of the perfalorane ti two fta o itonand htpes tu co ncermorse.a plefonnranettustraMilon aner hst atdoncertose.a Sh'saplytile hr ndavurJust MltnFolks. Sine erhoseis't igenu fr 0 o 4 popeMsBmooks sashe tiecitiet Hugh Foster Hall, at 43 Brown Street beside TonHall, woulti do juat fine - since it seats 50. "It's a bouse concert that just happens to be at Hugh Foster Hall," Ms Brooks saiti, atiding tic fseility is "a big living room size." 'Mei first two concerts will be September 24 with Tenry Tufts anti November 26 with James Gordon. Both shows will start at 8 p.m. "Its klnd of like you can go back to the coffee house atomosphere from univeruity."1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and cost $20, which includes coffee, tea anti pastries at intermis- sion. "The mintiset is that if you want entertainmnent, you have to be willing to drive to Mississauga or Toronto (and spend big bucks). But with this, you can get something for $20, stay close to home, and get to know fellow Milton residents with sinillar interests." She said the concerts will benefit Milton because il will help keep people in town for entertainment. So, after the concert if they want food or a heer, they'll do it in downtown Milton instead of downtown Toronto. There's no profit to he made, Ms Brooks said. Even if both shows, are sold out, with 50 tickets going at $20 a piece, that stili just covers the hall rentai, insurance, refreshments anti the per- former's fee. What she'li be getting out of it is a chance to sece some great musicians in an intimate, acoustic setting, she saiti. It's kind of like you can go back to the coffee house atmosphere from university," she saiti, explaining there will he no spotlights, microphones or amplifiers. Teffy Tufts is a "fabulous Canadian folk guitar virtuoso," Ms Brooks saiti. He has been writing songs anti performing for more than 30 years, both solo anti as a guitarist for Canadian artists such as Susan Aglukark. James Gordon is known for his abdity to capture the Canadian identity through songs about its people anti events, Ms Brooks saiti. His newest CD, Endomusia, was releaseti in March. Ms Brooks saiti she already has plenty of performers lineti Up, ready anti willing to travel to Milton. 't'm finding with the folk community, because they don't do big venues, they're a low-kcy, giving kind of group. Tlhey're willing to share thcir talcnt for having thcir cxpenscs covered." Before she gets too far ahcad of herseif, organizing more con- certs. Ms Brooks saiti shc wants ta sec how many Miltonians are interesteti. So even though the first concert isn't for a few months, Ms Brooks is encouraging Milton residents ta pre-purchase their tick- ets. She saiti she'd love to present four to six concerts each year. To buy tickets, visit www.justmiltonfolks.ca, or cal (905) 876- 2645. Stephanie Thiessen <an hei-euached ai sthiessen@milîoncanadi- anc hampion.com. (Out ob the Ordinary A gala concert vb l al time lavurite Operatic Choriuea Sunday, May 30th at 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm The Royal Bank Theatre in the Mississauga Living Arts Center Tickets at Box Office or Tel: (905) 876-3203. Also available at Delacourt's (Main St. Milton), Lewis Craft (Milton Mail) and Leslie Music (Oakville) wwwmiltonchoristers.com Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Rose Brooks is hoplng ta bring Canadian folk pertorm- ers ta Milton for fail concerts et venues like Hugh Foster Hall.