Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 May 2004, p. 9

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 25, 2004-G9 iÏ HJHSCHOOLREPO-,RT '61THE ROYAL REPORT"9 Preéton MacNemi Liana-Darla Pressé BISHGP REDINO Biran SCUoLo What a week of victories at Bishop Reding! Last night, the music department put on their annuat Music Night. The choir with their tovety s'oices, the junior and senior bands with their extensive and chuttenging repertoires, the guitar class with their melodic strings, and the jazz band with their energetic swing tunes each worked very hard to put on a spec- tacutar show for the audience. The direction of Mr. Atfano aand Ms. Caruana was essential in aiding the musical groups in mastening their songs heautifully. A speciat thanks is sent 10 Mr. Jonker, the host of the evenig who aioused the crowd with his witty comments, and Ms. Lee, who is a constant support of the music prograin each year. As well. Thursday marked the 2nd Annual Terry Fox Ru ai Bishop Redîng. Periods were shortened 10 accoamodate the Ru. Studenîs were engaged ut activities ad were ale 10 purchase hambhurgers îhroughouî the two hours in the afîernoon. Ketsy Orpen, Ahhy Daîgle, Joey MacSween, aond Mati Mastrangelo were the stadenîs of the S.A.A. who put so much effort into orgaiizing the event, atong wth the constant hetp and guidance of Ms. Rîdeout and Ms. Lucas. A greai donation wil e ahle 10 he made to the Terry Fox Run as a resait of the ptedges gathered and the paîd sprit civies day. Thanks to att who particîpaied and the resi of the S.A.A. for att their time aid dedîcaton. Also in sports news, the Varsîty Boys'Basehatt îeam has claîmed anoîh- er vicîory 10 iheir namne afier playing Notre Dame in a gaae that ended with a score of 3- t. PJ. McCol piîched four ntings wîîhouî attowîng for a ht hy the other teaut. whle Liain Tennant had another five srîkeouts in three innings. Reggie Taylor offered imo hits 10 the game, whîle Nîck Mazzorato aid Jaîme Pedra each had a ht that roughî a ru home lor Bîshop Reding. On the girls' field, the Varsiiy Sofihal eam also played a gond gaine againsi E.C.Drury that unfortunaîely cnded ta a close loss for the girls. Jacqueline Gooding. Ashley Camilieri, Katie Nacaralici. and Michelle Serafîint ail provcd very talcnled as îhcy deînonstrated greai defensive and offensive skills. Meanwhile. Jodie Mandanino aid Leah McNeil also showed great detertonation as îhey batiled their cross-lown rivaIs. Congratulations 10 hoih icass Lasi week, Bishop Redîng's Special Olyapic Athtetes participated ta the GHAC finals ai Nelson Hîgh Schoot. Among the maiy remarkahle tri- umphs were Michael Patience. who ptaced 2nd in shot put and 3rd in loîng jump. Kelly Shears. t si in long jump aid 2nd in shot pai, Tania Frochtîck, 2nd in the 100 acier in her division, Christie Nice, 3rd ta 100 meler aid It in shot put, Adam Kane. Iti n his 100 acter heat aid It in long jamp, aid Ryai Twiss, who seîzed the GHAC championship wîth hîs 16-second 100 acter ru. This week's Athîcte of the Week happens in come fromnt th Varsiiy Girls' Softhall teasa. Sarah Cartwright is the faitustie ptcher hat haits froa the softhalt teain, consîaiîly cxhihitiug greai leadership aid cooper- ation with the rest of the teaa. She has heen a great asset 10 the tram lis season! Grad ohits aid yearhook surveys are heing haided oui now aid cai he found in Student Services lis week. Quote of the week: "Thooe who dream by day are cognizant of many thinga which escape those who drean. only by nght." Edgar Allan Poe' MILTON DISTRICT 3185 SCIGOL '"MUSTANG MESSENGERn" A flurry of activtty erupted in the halls of MD last week brnng on the busiest day of the year. To start of Wednesday s packed itinerary, MD played hoot 10 next year s grade 9 students who travelled from their respec- tive uchools, The prospective Mustangs enjoyed a mom- ing full of student made videos, snacks and tours. Judging by the reactions of the visitors, the event was a great success. Wednesday also brought senior students 10 the auction block. In an effort to raise money for this year s prom, a number of senior students resigncd 10 peer pressure and sold thcmselves for the greater good. The highlight of the event was the sale of Fraser McGaffin for $270. Another notable was Firefighter Kevin, who was apparently a big success with the younger grades following with the afler school gosoip. Honouring the terms of sale, those pur- chascd wcre dressed by their buyers, and many boys wearing ukirts could be seen as well au girls in some extremely meretricious outfitu. In a thrilling game Tuesday, the Girls Soccer team battled QE Park in what Coach Ruth termed a cloue cal, Baily Murray helped the tcam along by seoring the only goal in the game. On Thursday, the girls playcd their Acton rivaIs and stumbled in a 3-1 buss. The girls gave a strong effort but could not corne away with a win. Sports at MD are winding down with some teams already thinking of next year s season. Football recruiting has started for next season, and already, a few potential play- ers have been hoîanded 10 keep the teamn in mmnd. Students wiIl be readjusting 10 the rigours of sehool life today after returning from a well-deserved long weekend, ISU projecto are beginning 10 overload the very sensitive neural pathways of the students bramas, posing a very scnious health risk. High doses ofecaffeine combined with a minute amosont of sleep are they key ingredients to ISU success. Good Iuck with those! FR R A LT!' (Fîve 801b. bags) and FREE INSTALLATION - When you buy a Culligan Water Softener (a $200 value) 623 MAIN ST. EAST, MILTON (905) 878m2474 Alicic isc areiJohn Pstersoa rk Srn E.C. DREJETBieIn SCUGOL Welcome ta the'Chez Drury'Ristarante. Her ar yor m nusfortoday: Tht hoyt' soccer huam compeled in a loumument lait week, which resalted inlthir elia- nation frmteplyfs e coogrutulute thet hum for tOuir comaimeol and positive attitudes towardt their statua. TheDraa toup ha anexcllet prfomane ci My 1th.The performance nul only shocked tht viewers, but alto meniteit mauy uwardt. Stephen Gruund was awarded the Mira Award of Excellence for hit portrayal ut tht charucler Serge. This itua preutiginua honotr for Stephto, as the awurds were designeit Oy tht maker of the Jaoo Awurdu, undt on top of tOt, ooly 6 are haoded 10 actors in tOe festival. Meiuiu Neahel wao awarded one 0f 15 awards uf excellence, while theetlre production was alun gîoeo ao award of ecelleoce. We would Oike t0 coogratulate the rau ai rary team on ltir stellar per- formances this yearf Tht rau uat rury departmeol is ouI doe, however, su stuy tuneit for more toto on upcomiog productions! "Grade Elgfd Salad" O Wedoesduy May 19, aod Thursday May 20,10he halls for Gaury aire filIed witO tuger Grade 8 studeots who were treated loau tour of ltir future campus. Senior and gmade 9 studeots were usked 10Inuit sall groups of grade 8 stîdeotu around 10e uchuol, mOlle lakiog cure of uoy iosecurîties thut tbey ay have hait. See you on Septeaher kidol Entréesa 'MMAD Surgir" Ov Thursday May 201h, SAS helit a barbecue 10 raise mooey for Mothers Againot Gruok Griuîng (MAGG). Burgers were sold for $1.50, Hot Gogo for $1.00, unit drinks for $.50. Eueo thougO 1he wether was't spectacular, a greut ime wus Oud hy aIl who participai- odith 01eeet. "Pifatess Club Sandwich" Fluo hy Mr. Shephard, the fîlvex ubu takes part on daily uctivities lu help studento oluy in shape. Argone who wishes 1010oi0 op, shoulit lisîeto t01e momiog uooouocemeots for more detaîls. "ýRugby-IielouesRie This pasi week, t0e boys rugby Ixa 100110 0010 Mentor Colege and Gakville Trafalgar, wOîcO uoîortuoutely, elimivulex 10e boys froa goiog 10 GFSAA. Similuity, 10e girls'rugby teams were lso defeateit, and mere deotei th1e chaoce 10 coapete in GFSAA. "Sprlng Cancert Dinner" O Juoo lot, ut OPM the Music Gepartment wilI 0010 ils second aoouul dinoer/concert combo: 'ruryAasng 1he Stars. "Tickets are availahle througO Music stuitents fur a cool of $15.00 for aitulîs, or $8.00 for childreo 10 andituoier Also, commuoity meahers are able to0vi0w ust 10e cocert t a coul of $5.00 fsr adulîs, andt os cool for chîldreo 10 andt uviter TIre Music eprment hopes 10 tee you Ihere for lis ooce in a lifetime oppor- luottyl Desseels à Ae, Dinner rnks "New ram Chesecake"' Stadeots lef this momîog os a leogthy drive 1010he G' Bg Applel!10e wiîh thea a sale joamey, us lhey tour 10e sights unit sounds of lis magoificeot ciy We'Il see when you gel buck! "Coffee (01thlie) lieuse O the eueoîog 0f Wedoeoituy May 191,1the Language Gepartmeot hosteit their aial Lilerary Coffee House. Tleotedi îitvîdualo from maoy dîffereot iotas of the uchool pe- formeit their marks. Augone who was t the eveot coulit see thul lis ichool o uhuolaute- y ouerflomiog mitO talent. Eoeryooe tovolveit deserves a heurty put on the buck for the excellent eoeoiog that 100k place! Trinla Last Week's Question. Whal buildings ai E. C. Dnîr>' de net have air candlllening? Animer. The Aooen, the Gyms, 10e Kitchen, The Oeuf Hall, andith1e Tech Hall. In place of lis week's qaestion, me would just like lu suy we hope thut eoeryooe huit a sale May 24 meekeoit Au melI, on a sepurate note..ooly 15 dayso eh ftochoulf

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