ut- - ..-~ 6 - The Canadien Champion, Tuesday May 24, 2004 *Commenit '..nliLilig ouL--ù1eetfl Ontario Finance Minister Greg Sorbara acknowledges his promise-breaking budget bas cost bis party some "political capital" but insisted a day aller clubbing Ontarians witb a $9-billion tax hike (over four years), bis fiscal plan was "inspired." We bave otber words for it, but none we can pnint in a community newspaper. We also hope Ontario voters bave a long memory, four years hence and remember how the Liberals knowingly lied btb e electorate. What frustrates us most about this Gril tax-grab that bits every income level and penalizes every person whether five years old or 85, is not tbat the Liberals lied ro the public in last falî's election, but tbat they seem so damned proud about doing so. Last faîl Premier Dalton McGuinty signed tbe Taxpayer Protection and Balanced Budget Act vowing, I will nor raise taxes or implement new taxes wîrh- out the consent of Ontario voters." Six montbs later he has done botb, guaran- teeing three years of defocits and reintro- ducing the very health-care premiums a Liberal govemment eliminated 15 years ago. Under the Act, McGuinty pledged to hold a referendum if be hiked taxes, but last Tuesday announced lie will gut tbe Act so bie won't bave to hold the referen- dum. Wbat gaîl! Today, under the Liberals' new Ontario, residents will pay more for chiropractie care, eye exams, drivers licences, phys- iotherapy, alcohol... the list seems end- less. And for this we bave Liberal promises to invest this money in education and healtb care, to belp cities witb transit costs, to aid the disabled and create day- cm-e spaces. Promises, promises and more promis- es. We have seen how this governiment handles promises and, forgive us for say- ing so, but we will believe it when we see 't. *Our Readers Write Mlfton'e developmgnt concemlng: readerReader says he 's concerned byoutlook (T&efolowig leterw a dessed to cmu inesm"ai; for ta ir oacca i i lm n yI#,mita ~ ., gh members of town cowscil, and a copy wasfied with The Champion.) Dear Edor. As a long-lime Milton resident, I'm tieeply concemned about the route we'te taking regartiing our new housing tievel- opnients. Responsible and atbniw&e new bous- ing Must inclutie: " curveti strets; " room for grenery and colour, incluti- ing Iawns big enough for treesanti gar- tiens, boulevari, smail parkettes, walk- ways ineti with planings anti sual group plantings at intersections and *Varying elevation ins ways, raiaed gaudens, ber playing amas; -*vaiety in size anti desig es, as weil as lot shape. Theae basic esacotials n poereti into om next phase nment. Let's make Milton a tm beaty - a town that vîý prutiy as different fmor bouts, a showpiece conir living is a pleasure. *The Canadian Champion m amowv Box 248, 191 Main St. E. Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editoial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver Associate Publisher Jili Davis Editor-in-Chief Karen Smith Managing Editor Wendy McNab Advertising Director Tim Coles Production Manager Charlene Hall Distribution Manager Teri Casas Office Manager h Canadian Champion, publssed eveny Tuesday and Fiday ai 191 Main St E. Miton. Ont ,L91 4N9 (Box 248), is one oi The Meroland Priniing, Publishing & Disiniuting Lid. goup of sobonban companies which inclodes: Aja/Pickering News Advetiser, Allisioni Heralit/Coonien, Banie Advance, Balten Enienynîse, Bampton Guandian, Bulington Post, Bulngion Shropping News, Ciy Paent, City o Yonk Goandian, Cnlinwnod/Wasaga Connection, East Yonk Minnon, Ein Advocae/Countny Rouies, Etobîcoire Guaniian, Flambonougin Reew. Foeoen Young, Geongetown lniterendentlsctnn Fee Pess, laiton Business Times, Hunonia Business Ornes, Lindsay This Week, Mariam Economisi & Sun. Midland/Penietang- uishene Mînno, Mton Shopping News, Mississauga Business limes, Mssssauga News, Napanee Guide, Nassataweya News, Newmankei]Aurona Ea-Bannen, Norumbenland News, NontinYornnin Mînnnn airille Beanen, Qalînille Shopping News, Otdtmenn Hockey News, Onîtia Tnday, Oshawau5iiittty/CaingîonnPort Penny Ths Week. Petenbonough This Week. Pîcion Caunty Guide, Rchmond HiitTrhnnnhilNaughan tîbenai, Scanbonogi Mînnan, Siooffville/Uxtridge Tinbune. Adertiting is accepted on the condition ihai. in tire eoeni ni a typa- gnaphiriaennon tirai portion ni the adnentiiîg space nccupied 5y the enno- neos item, ingethen mii a easoniabie aitomance inn sîgnatune, wili nni Se cirarged ior, bt rie balance ni tire aduedîisement wii be paîd ion ai rire appli- cable rmie. Tire pubithen esennes tire nrih to categonize advertîsements on decline The hMiBee Canadio Cin ia s.RccW*iaePmduct Î ros, dive- ras and sniaii Dear Editor: For years we heard tbat Miltons n ofthe hous- growtit would pay for itself. nust b inSr- Recenrly we've been beaing fromn se ofbe tacop- the TIown and Region how growtb e oftieVloP- is good for us. wn of ViR This message just had to mean vii stand out that somelhing was up. Tums out il n our neigh- wa.s about taxes. nunity where Milton bas just released a consul- rant's report entitled Long-Term B*tay Homn Fiscal Impact Assessment of' Milton Growîb. It takes into account increased developmenr charges, an Region as it struggles to pay for growrb-relared transportation, water and sewage eosrs. Current Milton residents, espe- cially rural folks, had better Iearn 10 drive through the coming gridlock 50 tbey con gel their money's worth from aIl those new Milton facilities. It makes you wonder what ever bappened to the politicions wbo set us on a bigh-growtb patb years ago and told us it would pay for itself. Gary Ellis Reader agrees that civil servants'-pay is too high Dear Editor: sucb a generous salary? 1 couldn't agree more with AI Lisk's recent lerrer ro With ail the new residents in Milton, why do taxes the editor regarding civil servants eaming more than need ro be increased, instead of decreased? $ 100.000 per year. lIlI give you three guesses. Il seems the more you pay themi the less work you A. Galioto get out of tbem. Wbat îs îr, exactly that they do to earn Milton E-mail ail your letters ta the editor ta mitoned@&haltonsearch.com. Pud by Steve Nease ~IU4AW e OU1 IJI, is lATYUQ 4" pP bg TOYELIM HUGUP OMM(Pus incremenral developer fee of $2,t000 per unir, assumptions on industrial growth, and use of slots revenue. And still jr concludes that the average increase in Milton taxes berween 2004 and 2021 will be 4.7 per cent per year. Yikes. Meanwhile at the Region, lawyers for developers are lining up 10 contest large increases in Region developmenr charges. No doubt there will bc further tax increase projections from the j 9efw *&",A il#%## WCZI4-YW'O uI5e &VJ VIIllfivit * IL/vviti