30-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 25, 2004 lRespectednbelovedprevais at Mohawk 1,Big finish does trick in Princess final By JEFF RENTON qoPccialinh Tn 'h turn, Re spectednbeloved and Milton's Steve Condren wore down Aibro Berlin in deep strctch to capture the $95,500 final of the Princess Series in 1:52.3 May 17 at Mohawk Racctrack. As part of a two-horsc entry that had emerged from tramner Joe Stutzman's sta- ble, Respectcdnbcloved bestcd nine other sophomore pacing filues and extended ber winning streak to five in the process. With Keitb Oliver at ber limes, Annbro Berlin fmisbed second, wbile She's My Belle and fellow Miltonian Chris Cluistoforou rounded out the top tbree. Wbitesand Jewel finisbcd fourtb and Sheaporscbe - dic other baif of Uic Stutzman connection - took flftb. Aftcr a 1:54.1 victory ini Uic opening leg, Respectednbeloved, a daugbter of Dream Away and Arnbro Penelope, found berseif in a new barn whcn Uic big dough was on the lime. Robinsonafter her triumphant prelimrnary test, thc Armstrong Bros-bred fiIly mnissed the second lcg and subscqucntly drew post eigbt for Uic final. Witb Lyons Mandi making a break off of Uic gate, Respectednbcloved found herself in sixth by Uic time Armbro Bracken passed Uic quarter-mile pote in 27 seconds fiat. le was in Uic vicinity of Uiat marker that Uiree of Uic contestants went off stride - disrupting Uic flow and placing Armbro Bcrlin and Oliver out front. Sitting six lengths back in tbird as Oliver met Uic balf-mile indicator in 56 seconds, Condren and Rcspectednbelovcd began to cbip away at Uic lead. Picking up steaun wbile racing uncovcrcd in a two-wide path, Condren and bis gaine mount found iemselvcs four lengths bcbind Armbro Bcrlin as she reached the third quarter at 1:24. W;01~:'ri' BI.~l a by Milton's Canamerica Capital Corporation and Hyatt Holdings ic- began to crase ber one-length deficit. Aftcr tussling in Uic late stages in a flasb of green and gold, Condren ovcrtook Oliver by a balf-lengtb in Uic mark-lower- ingnmile. "Tbcy addcd some equipment to, ber tonigbt, wbicb made al Uic difference in Uic world because Uic way Uic race was going 1 bad to cbeck ber Uiree or four dif- férent tinies,' said Condren. 1 felt like I was in Uic Indianapolis 500 because everybody was crasbing for Uic first baif of Uic race. "Sbe was a lot better tonight. Sbe sbowed a littie lack of conditioning com- ing down Uic stretcb because she bas only raccd a couple of times in Uic last six weeks. but sbc's a good fliy and she got Uic job donc." -.Guttin' k out to, the wire Blehop Redlng's Sarah Mitchell osasthe finish l ln lheismldgstgirl.lOOomifloal aetllursdW ay'klIonOGHAC tract Southi Reglonalé ln SL Catharines wlth her mldgst girls 4xlOOni relay teamnu«MateKrs eWard, Unds.y Weam od Christin Chîmionidos. The Royal. were lsd by three-event qualiffier Julie. latomio, who struck sîKlvn both the senior girls long lump and tie senior girls 200m - ln whlch cho.set a new achool record of 27 seconds fiaL She also toote fourl he h senior girls 400m. Alec quallfy ln IndiviMduel cmpetition wsre IMke Rego, llm Mohr, Mike Rublno and Graham Sharp. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE AT JADE GARDENS ilGRENHUSES Annuals a Pernnl a*Shrubs * Evergreens * Rose Bushes * Cadti & Succulent t'W«ocal Plants a Houseplants a Bonsal a Orchlds a (ut flowers a SoIN & More EXOICROSE OWNl EXOTC BUHESCAST IMON HIBISCUS BSHSURNS TOpkW lNts. 250/o ac"si*>mu.OFF9, pa l antl 2 Gai. Pot ail vaneties g,0ii n~tCO larl"I'st~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Hwy.ve f401lti ldiloPit n 1111 Steeles Ave. l"4~~~~Bilni RdeSttlo BianaRa vaGa 5558 Trafalgar Rd STOEHUR:M N F18M8MaAI UN AM PMHornby, ON Hw.5