26-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday May 25, 2004 LEGAL SECRETARY NEWSMAGAZINE Expenienced Secretary required for Advertising Opportunity Milton Law Office, Current Real, Please fax resume to: 905-878-4984 1 OFFICE MANAGER experience bookkeeprng. word processing and strong communication sklîs Location ý Burlington. Salary $42K. Fao resumes to: 9M. 639-M37 Enorgetic, self mofivafed and highly organizfd imdi- v idual required fo jmb our ffam in Oaknillf. Rsponsibîf for fxising clienf lisf and new business development in monfhly publicafion for fhf GTA. Experiencf a reqirfmenf. Compeliif salary (basf, commission and car allowanoe), excfllfnt beneffds plan eaft m rsfr probafionary period. PIf ase forward resumos, sfafing salary expedtafion, by e:mail: lundfrwood@haltonsearch.com or by fao f0 Lyn maaeUnderwood af 905-337-5571. No telephone cal/s please We do oui' beat to catch CALL 905-878-2341 TO LIST YOUR AD. Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing in Milton has an immediate open- ing for an experienced Sales Representative to join our sales team. As a moti- vated self-starter you will be responsible for the co-ordinating and selling of news- paper advertising, numerous features and speciality publications. Good commu- nications skiffs are essential. You must be able to work under deadlines & under- stand how to juggle numerous tasks. Reliable car and valid drivers licence required. Previous applicants need not re-apply. On/y applicants ta be interviewed wl/I be contacted. No Phone Cails Please. Make Spring Cleaning pay o if with a garage sale! Brin g in extra -cash and get rid of your unused items at the Need A Job? --j