24-The Canadian Champlof,Tiiesday May 25, 2004 CLClassified75330 MILTON~. Newe s-storey ' nemi, 3-bedsooms, 3-bath- roomo, 1755sq. ft. Minutes to GO, No smoking/pets. Juy lost. $1500/mth. + utili- fies. 416-347-6166; 905- mortgage programu regard- anss of iscome or crait Cali CHF6 S O 1-800-328- 7887 or vial u at rew.sin- caircockbum.cors 1-drro basemnt, racenrry revovated, quiet country uetfisg. Priate astrance, iaundry, fndga, stova, hard- reood floors, iocatad bat- reaen Mifon & Campbell- vile. 3790/mm inlscise, availahia Jase 15h. Cuti 905-878-9254. Acton Aparmenta 1 & 2 badroom sapartmnent avail- uable Nore and for future. Fridge & Stove, aandry facilties, No doge 519-853- 4374 open 7 duy/reeak ourse day approval. AVAILABLE Juse lot, large 1-bdrrn parking, bat- waas Adtos & Rackreood. $620/rsth v hydro. Cali 416-579-t909 or 519-501- 6688. BEAUTIFUL 3-bedroors upartrsent. Availahie Jane lot in Georgetowen, Eut-mn kitchen, parking uvilubia. Close to al aumevties. Large bsîght wîndores. $1 ,075/rsth inclusive. Cal 905-873-9582. Classified Hours Monday (o Friday 9 arn to 5 pm DOWNTOWN Mlon 1 bed- soom apatrnent for sient, availabia immedlataly. Is- dadaes fridge/stoveanad ail utiliies.' $800/mth. Cali ScottPrior Reman Bae Springs (905)878-T77 DOWNTOWN MILTON Mittide Torers 82 Mi"sd Driva. 1 &2 Badroors Apts Cose f0 Dorentoren. Bas stop at Front Dons 905- 876-1249 wrere.aistsr.ca DOWNTOWN Milton, 13 Chartes St. 2 badroom apt. for ent. Carpaled, biids on rindores, appliances sn- ciaded. $1000/mth, plus hydro. Availabie May lot. 905-878-2804 9-5pm, or 905-332-6310 eveingu. GEORGETOWN large ose badroom basersent spt. 5825/mmh utilies & parksg iscluderi. Juiy 1lot. Separate estrasce. Nos- umokar no pets, fistituot & rferesces. 905-873-4424 os 416-428-1223 GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Branle Street, South, Miton We are nom acceptîng applcations for 1-2 bedroorn Avuil Janv 15 3-1 bedroomn Avaîl. July 15 1-2 bedroomn Avaîl Jaiy 15 Fus more Information andior ta make an appoint- ment, Picase oaii 805-878-5375 Building Managers Leanad &Penny GEORGETOWN, large 1 - MILTON nscely dacoratad, badroont apartment, aiso 2- very ceaun 1-bdsm apt. badsoom apartrsant. Sais, Avaiiabia June 1ot. quiet indvidual/coupia, no 3750/mmh plus ufities. Cui smoking/pets. Raterarices. Conrad 905-693-0780. Cuti 905-877-3367. MILTON. 2 bedroom on EAT saighbourhood sn Mi- gsousd fioons of housa. ton, saitable for son-smok- Large yard. Fridge, atove, isg couplaerith ns pets. 2- 1reashar, dryar. $95.00 sn- bdrmn fis levai rof housa, ctuding gas. Cati Scott large kichen and 9 feet Pryor R/Mas 905-878- caiingo, iaundry in base- 7777. ment. Avalabie Jufy lot or sooser $110mth pus ut i tias, aefarncas se- qui sad Cuti 905-876-2737. ACO,3 badroom, mica JULY 1sf avaiiabia. streat, ga0 hast. Avadla Georgetoren 2+ badronm Feisruar-y lst. 31050/mm + hasement apartsenl. Vary atiurbs.Cuti (519) 853- mica, gond nighbourhood,'_ utiliies isciuded, $920/mth.558 Cuit 905-877-7720. 1 MILTON bmsnd nere Green- LARGE ose bedroors park Sami Appros. basement apartment avai ' 600sq.ft. Avaiiabie Jaly able irmaedisteiy. 3850.00 lst, 5 appliances isciuded. pes mosti,. lot and tast e- 3 badsoom, 2 1/2 bath + ga- qsired. Inciades hast, hy- rage. $1450 mosth plus util- dro, central air, sharad saun- ditis. Cali 906-854-3436 dry sort parking. Cail 905- Rick/Pasces 691-6809 fouppistrsest. MILTON Esecutive MILTON 1 -bdrm basersent Tornhome. Oves 1700 sq. upt. with iuundry, & garage. ft 3 hedrooms, 2 1/2 bathis, Sorry no pets/smoking, fishdacoo.Avîbe Jase lot. $700/mthîinclu- iisercromAvlae ive, tnt/isst. 416-832, Jan selot 1600/mth. 3072, Richard Hiesmnan, Re/Max Blue Sprngs. 905-878- MILTON 1-bdrm bright 777 hasement api. Brand nere kitchen, atilities, landry & MILTON apotairs of a back catie icludvd. Avilable split, eut-in ktchev (cors Juve lot. $h70!mih. Cuil plte with appliasces), liv- shter pm 95-299-2727. ing rsvm, dîming oors, 3 badroorso & large bath- MILTON bachelos apt. soors. Sas, hydro & cabie available Joie lot, sncladed. 51500/rsth. Sor- $650./rsth, tlties ircladed, ry no pets, ns cOuldras, no non-smokinv, no pats. Cali smoking. Cuil 905-616- 905-6938645 ase 6pm. 1920. 3-bdrm townhouse iv Mii- ton, 31250/mmh plus uiliies. Cail Dave 905-878-5444. OAKVILLE - 3 Badroom toreshoasas avaîlable immediatefy thsough March 4, appliances. Hopedaie Mail area. Lakeshore Management, 905-876- 3336. MILTON-Roomate wanted 10 share sae home. Pnivate room & bathroom, A/C, iaund'y, storage, sacuty Non-omokar. 5no pets. te- maie preferred. Cuti Jans 905-875-0481. FIGHFlNG trafic tickets No points =fno insurance iscrease and...we ren for anss. Free consultation. Cali 905-257-1789. Bsookviiie ares for 2 chiid- ras, ages 2 & 4. Fieoihuity required, sn our home or yoars, Peasa oel 905-854- 3517. ECE. traisad Mother of two has P/T daycare spaces in my home, 9:30- 2:30. Cail Lors Ans 905- 693-1223. RAINBOW Village Daycase has spaces avaiabie for chiidran 18 months tf0 6 year. 9M6-78-7552. tulali us at rainboreviltagaday- care.com WAN1ED babysitter, hive in for 8 mlii oid. Please cali 905-878-5622. A Dîsîsg Room, Cher- wood, double pedesat table, 8 chairs, buffet, hutch, dovataîl construc- tion. New 51s i nboues. Cout $1 1,000. Sacrifice $2,6W0. 905-567-9459 A Kng Piitsretop Mattresu Set. Newein plast. Cost $1600. 905-567-9459 BED, Amazîng bargaîs, quaas othopedic piiiortop set, serein plastic, wurrunty $150 905-567-4042 wiil de- lises. Bedroom Cherryreood, lied, cheot, dresser, 2 sightstssds. Dovetaîl Con- struction. Neyer opesad Cost $6.000. Sacrifice $2.600. 905-567-4042 CARPET i hava severai 1,000 yrds. 0f vew Staîs- master & 100%ý' nylon car- pet. Wil do livingroors & hall for $389. Isciades car- pet. pud & installation (30 yards) Steve, 905-639- 2902 CONGRNATUJLATIONS, YVRE APPROVED. Gel a MDG Horizon PC for only $899 or aust .81 cents/day. Free Leomark 33in 1 Prnter, Free Digitai Camera, Free CD Barser, Free Microsoft Word, Free 17" Samsung Mondor. No Money down, Coul Today! 1-800-510- 4042. CONTENTS of large home, kd ahn, dining, appliances and mach more, piease oel 905-876-3266. Hot Tuib: 2004 &Ri options, reattail, - tRm O waod cabinet, neyer umed, miii In rrapper. Cool $9,996. Sel 35,000. 416-963-5197. KOEKSiSTERS for saie O $4Jdoz FIlasse oeil Maria 0 905-876-2883 reith your order. Deiiery availabie in fire Mihos ares. POND Speclts: 8" Rais- bore Troul .99 each, (min. 100). Speckied & Broren Trous specials too! Koanders 16' uesahsg risdmill or Oterbnes 1/6 ho (120 gai/min saerator $74999. Cail Silver Creek 519-833-2559. Trout eat mosquitos. TWO Loveseats rith matching chair, French Pro- vincial, like nere $900. Cail 905-876-3224. $=33 WANTED - Ail Chi- ns, Silver, Crystal, Tes Cups, Royal Doulton, Swarovski, Glass, Jewel- iery, Oid toys, Collachbles, Estates. Cali John/Tracy, CASil pid- for astiques and coliectibies, china, fig- urnses, ieweilery, fumdture, coins, etc. 905-876-3145 cen.: 905-876-7950. 87,00kmsl$.50. al 2f0r Chesedavher ster,2d5-pdosnro A/, liyreis, ady dri ves 64OGAm. $1.95 Cor 0534-031 n I Ed i oý