20-Champion Country, Tuesday, May 25, 2004 GET DEENSIVEMail theft charges are dropped Protoct yourself when blkng this maison: woar a belmot every Urne you ride, don't woavo ln and out of traffic, and follow local Iawu and guidelines for rdlng. If you'ro drlving, watch for blcycllsts rlding ln the raid. Wo Cao ail share the ruadIbihs8summor.- By ROBIN DOWNTON-POIRIER Special ta The Champion Charges against suspects accused of Halton Regional Police say they under- stand the residents' reaction but encourage thein to continue reporting unusual activi- ties they observe in tic community. The suspects were arrested carlier this year after residents observed people steal- ing mail, pursued thein through the area, and provided full descriptions to poice. 'Me suspects went to court May 1l, but thc judge dismnisscd thc charges. "Any tinie there is just circumstantial evidence supporting a case, we know it is not very trong," said Staff Sgt. Susan Delancy. "It needs to be proven beyond a reason- able douht that accused persons commiîîcd >1 t( i lC ,u.-pLls dui top tht put suit w)(1 that opcned the possibility that someone else could bave been driving Uic car." Crown praises witnesses Staff Sgt. Dclaney said Uic Crown was complimentary of the witnesscs and stressed Uiat, although Uic charges wcrc droppcd, Uere's a positive side to Uic case. "We now have Uiese pcoplc's fmgcr prints and Uiat can belp sbould Uicy be caught again. As wcll, it bas forccd Uiem to leave our area, whicb is good," she said. Residenîs necd to celebrate Uic sinal successes of cach case even if the outcome isn't what was hopcd for, Staff Sgt. Del'tnev added unusual occurrences in the community is imperative to belping catch criniinals and kccpmng Uic coninunity safe. "The residents are our cyca and cars out there," said Staff Sgt. Dclancy. "They nccd to keep watch, kcep report- ing, and somcwhcrc along Uic way, wc will succced in putting the criminals away. 'Mei dismnissal of charges is in no way a reflc- tion on Uicir ability to give evidence. Juat try not to lose faiUi and don't take matters into your own banda." for the first 3 months <VARMIBL RATE MORTGAGE ONLY) IN ADDITION, WE ARE OFFERINO: Contact one of Prosperity One's mortgage specialists for more details. ACTON GEORE 350 Queen St.E. 187 Gu 519-853-0911 905-87 www.prosperityone.ca METOWN elph St. r7-6926 MILTON 44 Main St.E. 905-878-4168 On approvod cradIt. Cetain conditons apply. Eztirs offer sublect 10 change wthout notice. Rates effective as of May 18, 2004. Budget brings both good and bad news for farmers: OFA Last wcck's provincial budget S«S OFA CO miT ftU'y page 23 provided a combina- tion of good ncws and bad ncws for Ontario farinera. That's accordmng to Ron Bonnctt, president of Uic Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA). It was cncouragmng to, sec $20 million put ini place to help farin- crs pay Uieir costa of compliance with regulations under Uic Nutrient Management Act (NMA), but Uic trcatmcnt given tobac- co farinera in Ontario was anything but fair," Mn. Bonnett said. "WiUiout knowmng Uic final version of Uic regulafiona under Uic NMA, we bave no idea wbat Uie asaociatcd cos will be. This leavea us uncertain of Uic real value of Uic $20 million in ternis of helping farinera mcci Uic coats of compliance." The budget document is only part of Uic overail picture, Mr. Bonnett said, adding Uic OFA will requcat a meeting wiUi Uic Ontario Miniaîry of Agriculture and Food te reccive assurance Uic dollars will be allocatcd appropriately. For years, Uic OFA bas askcd the provincial govemnment to ami- plify Uic application of its sales ta.x (PST) in Uic farming sector, Mr. Bonnet s aid. TMe McGuinty govemment rcaponded wiUi recognition of ic Fanrn Business Registration OFA membership card for PST exempt statua, be raid. The CFA will continue to work wiUi Uic govemment to cxpand Uic liat of exempt items 10 match Uic liat in oUier Canadian juris- dictions, be raid. "OFA asked for changea 10 Uic intergencrafional land transfer tax on farim sales, and Finance Minister Sorbara conflrmed that with bis budget document," Mî. Bonnett raid. Farinera and rural reaidenîs of Ontario will pay increased coss for bcalUi care as a reault of Uic budget. Mi. Bonnet aid Uic OFA will continue wiUi its ongoing lobbying 10 enaure rural hospitala and bealUi-care facilities gct a fair share of Uhii investinent 10 fund needcdimîprovements. It'fs a no-brainer... WEARA HELMET!1 Sports injuries are preventable, cand wecaring a helmet con help, especially when mn-une skaoting, biking or climbing. ProsperiW OAE