The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 21, 2004-7 vEîght-month-old local boy ~~ RT succumbs to scarlet te ver * U EDR RT Tinie Caps.s' aregienis of inî/orniation ta prioiîde a windo/aui îit Mi/ltln.î paît. E îp/anata - v comment is .iauietinies pua- sided ta place t/le situation in cantext. March 1903 Mr. and Mrs. John T. King, of Homby, lost their little son, Clifford, an Monday. He was eigbt montbs aid and died of scar- let fever. Other cbildren in the housebold are suffering from the same disease, but it isbaopd that tbey will A recaver. For the convenience of settlers wbo desire ta travel with their effects ta the Canadian nortbwest the Grand Trunk wilI run special trains wbich will leave the Union Station, Toronto, every Tuesday during March and April at 9 p.m. Those travelling without live stock sbould take the train leaving Toronto at 1.45 p.m. On Monday J.H. Peacock shipped 22(0 pigs ta Collingwaod. for wbicb be paid $2650 ta local breeders. On the same day John Featberstone made a sbipment for wbicb be paid out a still larger amounit. Mr. Peacock cammenced business a year ago last Tuesday. During the 12 montbs be paid out $74,000 for bogs alone. E.J. Lennox, architeet, Toronto, said in an interview witb a World reporter that wbat was wanted for Taronta's building boom was, nat more bricks, but better bricks and that be bad ta send ta Milton lately for bricks because those made at Toronto were sa poor. Milton is cansidered headquarters for the best bricks. The Toronto News reports that tbe Govemment at the instance of' tbe Provincial Healtb Department. bas passed regulations with regard ta scarlet fever flot less stringent than those witb regard tii smallpox. TMe isolation of patients and the quarantining of infected fanilies will be ftnnly carried out. Dr. Bryce considers the presetît prevalence of scarlet fever a dis- tinct menace. TMe percentage of deatbs is about ten tinies as great as siitb stnallpox. On Saturday Postmnaster Rabert receîved notice lrotn fOttawa that bis appaitîtment bad been cauîfinîsed. practi- eally as noted from the Postmaster- TIIECANAIAN HAMPON M aY~ Capsues - is just askîng for trouble, says woman General, that notbing had been proved agamnst Mr. Stewart at the late inquiry. E. Syer, who bas been connected with the Canadian Carpet Ca. ever since ils establisbment here, lefi an Tuesday for Wyoming, Ont., where he has rented a waolen miii awned by bis father. Mr. Syer has tbe gaod wishes of a hast of Miltan fiends, wba regret bis departure, but bope that bis lang experience in tbe woalen business will insure bis success in bis new venture. On Tuesday Landiards McGibbon of tbe Wallace Hause and Kelly of tbe Cammercial appeared befare Mayor Dice and D. Hartley. J.P.. cbarged witb sclling liquor an Sunday. License Inspectar Reynalds was the prasecutar. In bath cases tbe witnesses swore tbat tbey gat tia intax- icants fram tbe defendants on tbe date named and the charges were dismissed. In bis sermon at Grace Cburcb an Sunday evening Rev. Rural Dean BeIt expressed disapproval af the ringing af the curfew bell. He said tbat parents and guardians sbauld nat transfer their respon- sibility far the praper training af boys ta tbe municipal authorities; tbat the by-law was not obeyed and that boys, fmnding that tbey could break tbe law witb impunity, were in danger of losing their respect for legal restriction in generai. E.W. Boyd. barnister, bas sccured a part- nersbip in ance(if tbe leading law ftrms oi Hamilton and will leave Milton for that city this weck. He bas sold bis residence ta Mrs. E. Hannant, but is flot ta give up pas- session until June 1Ist as Mrs. Boyd and cbildrcîî may not be ready ta remiove ta Hamilton until the last of' NMay. Mr. Boyd bas beeti fot onîy ance(if I-latons leading lawyers but one 0f the inost pr(initeltt and usetul citi/etis ai Mlton. Tis inaterial 1< îîîembi/ildo<nlia/ i t/le Mh/ui I/itai iî-al i octs h i fini Iils. u111o i an lue i eac/'d hY (e nlija/la Dear Editor: 1 was stunned ta read that the Town of Milton is considering rais- tng the speed limit an the north section of Commercial Street from 40 km/b ta 50 km/h. Obviously the cammunity serv- ices cammittee members bave failed ta consult witb anybody wbo actually lives in this area. While it may be true that J.M. Denyes Public Scbool doesn't front anta Commercial Street, it docs back anta it, and Commercial is the regular route for many students, bath on foot and in buses. Also, tbey should keep in mind that Commercial Street is home ta twa other scbools plus a busy day care centre, not ta mention the many cbildren wbo actually live bere - including my awn. Raising the speed limit because people like ta drive it at 60 km/b or even 70 km/b is clearly ludicrous, but frankly I'd be happy if the police would enforce any limit. Commercial Street is used as a speedway between Main Street and Denry Road because unlike Ontario or Bronte streets, there are no traf- fic ligbts and only two stop signs. Add in the fact that there's a blind hilI at Charles Street, a blind tumn at the day care centre and that Commercial Street is regularly used by reckless teenagers an their way ta and from Milton Distrnct Higb Scbool, and you already bave a recipe for disaster. 1 live just nortb of J.M. Denyes, and since maving bere 10 years ago I've seen dozens of accidents and near misses juat witbin a block of my home. Nve seen twa parked cars rear- ended, one so bard tbat it was knocked a goad 30 feet down the road. I've seen a teenage girl bit the guard rail so bard she nearly put ber dad's car inta the creek. Ive seen my neigbbour's son came witbin inches of being bit by a speeding pick-up truck. And then there was the time my neighbbur acrass the sîreet bad ber van sideswiped wbile backing out of ber driveway. She was temporar- ily paralyzed and it took ber nearly a year ta recaver. 'Mat's îlot to mention the dazens of cats, dogs and assorted wildlife my busband bas bad ta peel off the road in front of aur bouse over the years. No kids bave been bit yet, but its only a malter of limie. There are a number of tbings the Town and police could be doing ta fix the situation. Setling up speed traps on a regular basis would be a atari, and doubling the fines migbl serve as a deterrent. But bow about making Commercial Street less attractive ta speeders itbe first place? Heslop Road desperately needsaa four-way stop sigil, and extra aises at Charles Street and/or Sydney Street couldnt burt. How about same of Ibose 'traffic calming' measures they use in Toronto, like wide speed bumps and sharp s- curves? TMat migbî encourage peo- pIe la use a proper tborougbfare wben driving lbrough town instead of a îwo-lane residential street. In fact, wby dont we change the name of Commercial Streelta Residential Street? That migbt remind people Ibat cbildren live bere. Jennifer Smith Commercial Street Woman says fellow motherls comments hurtful Dear Editor: l'mi writing this letter wiîh regard ta a very unpleas- ant experience I encaunîered a few weekends ago. 1 was at Milton Mail with my tbree-year-old son. We were about ta leave wben be decided be wanted ta bave some candy from one of the dispensers. As usual I said n, and this started the inevitable tantrum be bas wben be docsn't get wbat be wants wben be wants it. l'ni used ta ibis situation, as l'm sure many parents are. and I tried ta go about the situation itn the most cfficient way poissible. Wbeîî my words went unnoticed witt my son, I decided aIl the noise he was making was quite enougb and proceeded ta carry bim out of the ninîl. IHe was still nîaking a great deal of noise wbetî we were out- suIe, but 1 just wanted t(i get back ta nîv car as soon as passible. I put nîy son down and began ta si'-alk la mv car ,,bcth Ii 1eard siîeonc inake a cotmment about how tîean I1Sias for daitîg that. I sias still preoeeupied witb the noise flîy 5ilso as tnakiing. but looked up iin the coinfustin tii sec a lady standing in Iront ofime xi lb ber own sont. She proceeded ta tel me that 1 sbouldn't even bave a cbild, and walked away, as if wbat se aaid was acceptable. Any other time that I've been out with my son and something sim-ilar occurred, I've received uolbing but empatbetic smiles and friendly comiments. 1 don't know Ibis waman. 1 don't know if abe was baving a bad day or if she felt she saw somctbing inap- prapriate bappen between my son and me. However. ber words caused a great deal of burt ta me. I tbink any parent wba laves their cbild would feel the same sting 1 felt that day when I was tald I should- n't have a child. If that waman's intention was ta make me feel terri- ble, then mission accomplisbed. Everyone is entitled ta their opiniion, 1 can't change that, but 1 can't accept sucb insults witbout baving ta say something about it. Finally ta tbis waman 1 say congratulations on sbowing your son the tncredibly immature bebaviaur yau displayed, and sbowing him that if*s abigbîta say burnful tbitîgs ta wboniever you please. Beth Meehan Milton xACHILLES, 311 queon Si., Actes 5v19u*83*No 200 i ok oW zoom ZOzoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom R;T INTO GEAR,,RAT ACHILLES MAZDA 2004 Mazda6 Sport Wagon GS includes: V Powerful 3.OL Engine V Power Windows V Power Locks v, Power Heated Mirrors V Cruise Control V 4 Wheel Disc Brakes v, Traction Control ABS BrakesE V Air Condition VTilt / Telescopic Sleering V Keyless Entry tRetractable Cargo Cover v, Engine Immobilizer V Amblent Temp. Indlicator V/ AM/FM CD Stereo 20"4 N V Dual SRS Arbags V" Wel n v, Plus Much Moe ey I MAzDA6 Spme WAGO GS FEATURES c 80/co "ew»ed