6 - The Canadian Champion, Frday May 21, 2004 * Comment oThe Canadian Champion Box 248, 191 Mai Milton. Ont. L9 (905) 87 8-À" Edtonial Fax: 905- Advertising Fax: Classified: Circulation: Ian Oliver Neil Oliver A Jili Davis Karen Smith 905. 905 905 Asson M Wendy McNab Admet Tim Coles Produ Charlene Hall Disetri Teri Casas t mn St. El., h Canadian Champion, publshed every Tuesday and Frnlay ai 191 )T 4N9 Main SI. E_ M inn. Ont- L9T 4N9 (Bon 248), is ore af The Metrnlanid Print 1ng, Pnbisting & Distrbuting [Id, grnrrp ni saburban companies whictr 34 nlades AjarPckeing News Adveeniser. Allsten i-erald/Cnîîrier. Barrie Advance, Boter Enterprise, Bramptoni Iardian, Burlingtnn Post, Burlingons Shoappng News, Cty Parent, Ciy ni Tarkr Oardian ,Collingwnnd/Wasaga Cannectian. East Yank Mirrar, Ern Advcate/Caantra Racles, loilke i-878-4943 Inardian. Flaînlarnani Review Frpaer Yauing, Georgetown -7-34 IndependentActnn Free Press. 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BAvedtising in accepted un tire corditionetiratin the eneni et a typo- Edtoritn-Chie rapiical errer, tiai poretftire adertising space occupied ly tire erre- fanagrng Edreor reous item. toleiler wittt a reasonable allemance for signature, wlteuot be cirged torelai tie baarce efthte adveedîsemiment l e perd for ai the appli- rtisiet4 Diree-tor ccalte rate, Tie pablustier reserses tiree rhite categerize adveeisements or ru( otieMatageer dBclrnB buin Mantager Office Manraer The Milton Canaeirae Champrone rua eepetabte Peduct %ME 104$E IATWE$ f -f" e »E TUE CoISERATIVES et## Imp aired driving ~LM2 lZj it's just flot worth it q*Our Readers Write .... .. Today marks the start of the firtit ot spring and summer's long weekends -a lime when among other thimîgir reports of drinking and driving tend to increase. So far this year, impaired driving incidents in Milton have been relative- ly low, at least if the The Champion's weekly police blotter round-ups are any indication. Let's ail work at keeping those num- bers t0 a bare minimum - either by practicrng common sense ourselves, or encouraging those around us t0 do like- wise. Feel the need 10 toss back a few this weekend? Then take a taxi, designate a sober driver for the group or plan t0 spend the night aI a friend's bouse. And with the warm weatber we've been baving lately. is il really so much to ask 10 leave the car at home and walk Io ones favourite watering hole? While nmy inaim argue that stifter penalties are needed 10 truly wipe olut drinking and driving. it's stilI up lu us 10 decide bow much we wanî to cîmmi- nate this totally preventable plague. 'Me cure'? Simple conideration for fellow molonists, none of whomn ever ask to be put in hann\s way. And for those of the more seltish variety, jusî remember that the life you save could he your own. As always, volunteers from MADD's Halton/Peel chapter will be ouI in full force Ibis weekend t0 conduct a public awareness campaign 10 belp prevent tragedies. Remember îbaî many of these people have lost loved ones t0 drunk drivers. Then ask yourself if you want tu risk adding 10 their grief'. We think not. PAM presîdent says thanks to those who helped make recent talk on naturailIawn care a success l)ear Editor: Oin bebati rof Pesticide Altemnatives for Mlton (PAMi. Id tke tnt thamak aIltIhuise edmo helped make our recent talk on ratural tawn care tecbnmques a success. Tbanks lu, our speakers nclud- ing Susan Koswan, Wayne Blanpier and local businesir owner Margarate Schlorke from Landecape Garten - wbo spoke about native plants. Organie lawn-carc service provider Roborganic generouirly supported our group. as did L-oblaws, Taylor Nursery and Dornimin Seed Hlonse se ith tlsemr door prie donatmons. Audiemîce membe-rs lotok hoine practicat lips lu elimimeate the use of' pesticides uom theix tawmm. Tbeim inter- est seas appreciated, especmalty in lighî of the Pesticide Literature Review that was recemtly released by the Ontario College of Family Physicians. 'Mis thorough review of pesticide studies showed that the bealth effectir of pesticides include hema- tologic cancer. tumours, birth defccts. tikimi reactions and genotox- c effects on lynmphocytes. Chitdren amîd pregelant wonien vecre sbown tnt be particutarly sut- nerable. TMe literature review con- cluded that we sbould reduce our exposure to aIt pesticides. A free copy of PAM's Green Guide to a Healthy Lawn is avail- able to thonie who were unable to attend the presentation but would like to leamn more about natural lawn care practices. 'Mis guide wae creaîed with the help of a grant from the Town of Milton's Community Fund and can be requested by e-mailing p-alter- natives@hotmail.com. Erika Ristok, N.D., president Pesticide Alternatives for Milton The time has corne for Milton to get an arts centre 've neyer wrtten a column iin resporîse to a let- ter before. but bere goes. A wile back buddimig young thespiam Nickm Patafio - part of the Milton Youth Tlheatre Producion's debut performance. Dracula Spectacula- wroîe about the need for an arts centre in town. Citing the fact that ber group bad 10 perfornît is ful/-scale production n Meadowvate, she spoke of bow Iis community could capitalize on many opportunities by baving an ai-encompassing venue for botb tbe visuat and performing arts. First let me say te, Nicki and ber youtb Ibeatre coborts Ibat Dracula Spectacuta was a beck of a good production - 001 just for a frt-ime effort, but dam good period. Started tees tban a year ago, the group already bas quite a profeesional per- sona 10 il and sbould be a great addition te, our artistte comniunity. And 1 would agree wbole-heartedly that lte liane bas come for Milton 10 bave ils own arts centre. Or at lcast tl det-initcty will a lekw years dowms the road. wheot courîcit and conisultamnts arc tocskng ai has irg ami arts and entertainnettt lacil- ity attacbcd 10 the rîew library at Milton llydos current locationmi a Thompsoma and Main. At the risk of personal imjury hy soie nilour bîggcr amh- letes here. Ilt admt that theres miore Io lilèe than hockey- and even sports in gemîrat. However, 1 woutd advise Nicki and aIt mther local arisîs lu bc careful about drawing compar- isons between arts and sports -ai least when trying 10 emphasiie the need for certain facilities in Milton. The realiîy is that the potential for getting an arts centre in Iis town bas very uitIle 10 do with whetber or not we gel anoîber two hockey links or another 20 - primarily because in most cases sporte facilities are mucb more financially viable. Furtbermore, facilities like an art centre aren't eligible for growth-related revenue like sports fields and arenas, so an arts centre wiil defmitely e Up front need some fundraising. ICI1 aiso require a collective effort by Ibis îown'e arts and communiîy groups, 10 ensure that an arts centre - wbicb is stili very mucb in the preliminary stage and siated 10 be examined by îown counicil in lte fa/i - is sufficiently uîilized. Spearbeaded by Arts Milton, efforts in Ibis department are already weIl underway, and pub- lic input meetings are tentatively scbeduled for June 1, 2 and 9 aI an ae-yet unconfirmed venue. Sîay îurîed for specific times and locationîs. In nîy opinion. raisimag ciough imterest amîd sup- port for a ails centre is ccrtainly an attainabte goal- aIi east if we cao get everyone on the same page aîîd showe that Ibis community truty ciants this. Perbapti Miltoi s ils groups could joime forces iand stage a major fendraiser eacb year utitil a centre s ready to be buit- sometbiuig witb a catchy it/e like Multons Fait F/air Fair. And contrary 10 wbat many may betieve, I dont îbimk il sbouid be that difficuit 10 fond enough activities anîd users for an arts centre lo be a worthy venture. il's juet going to take a lot of dedication and creativity - tbings our vosuat and pertormmng artiste bave anyway. Those interested in offering ideas and sugges- tions about a proposed arts centre can do so by catling Arts Milton president Bill Smeleer at (519) 856-0909.