CODE Sp ide Amena Re-tigerator/Freezer, ice maS- CCHAFER: Mary Leslli usadn ae Aucti er, 22 tubf. Al aet $400 Peacefuliy ai Joseph Bant Memoniai Hospital on Mon- 1 usadn SaeuCIf Amasa gan range, bletSkI tep May 17, 2004. Mary Scbafer sn ber 63rt pear h M 4 oda pmdr stavv;glesVc steely $200.aiaylpala1 ritisisu îne I ita ifof Atbony Scbar o unt sos fureeriy Viewing rom 1200 mn oivbe beld aithe TW/ i h,, ~, , . .r. .h ~ ~ R ..~~~ vini, lia vvw $90, li(-i 905-876-3224. $$$$$ WANTEO - AilChi- ns, Sucver, Crystai, Tes Cupe, Royal Doultos, Swarovuki, Glass, Jewei- fer, Oit tope, Coliectibies, Esateu. Cail John/Tracy, 905-331-2477. CASH pait for astiques est coiiechibies, china, fig- urines, iemeiierp, turiture, coinse, etc. 905-78-3145 ceil: 905-876-7950. COCKER Spssiel pappies, registeret, ricr-chippet, frt ebotu. 1905)702-1946. MINI Schneuzers reales. $67500, please oel (905) 878-9861. 1993 Fort Aerostsr, 5 pas- sengar, oniy 103,000 origi- sel kes.Ecellent condi- ion. Certiiat. Asking $3.000 Caii 005-877-8620 or 905-877-9796. 1994 GMC Astro Van for $50000, pease cali 905- 875-4618. 1995 BackhEporer Lîmit- et, loated, 213,000/ksre, $3000. obo ase e Pleane oeil f905) 693-1556. 20031 Mazta Prulege LX. 5-opeed anu esl, 2.01L s- ver extenior, pu, pi, NC. 87,000/Smo 5$9500. Cal 905-702-2753. 2002 Chevroiel Cavalier, silver, 2-tr, 5-spd, ounruof, A/C, aiiop eheele, lay dtn- ses, 64,000/kmo. $10.975. Cati 905-334-1031. "MUST BE CEEN 1996 Pontiac Bonneville 4tr maillresîtaîsel. dlean,sus-smoking, certifiet, 246,000/kres.$5.000. Csii 905-878-7496. Ilan) of Burlînoton. Survived by brutiiers Clyde Jessvp (Tessiel of Sudbury snt Stephen Jessop (Janet) sf An- casier. Preteceased by brother Peter Jeasop. Loving- ly mmembered by msny nieces, nephewn and cousine. Mary graduatert as a regisieret carne trom Si. Joueph'n Hospital je Hamilton ie 1962 set epent macs of her Ide caring for sibers. She mass arrarad vivacivus per- son who breaghi fun and laughter ste Sixe lives ofteve- ryone she knew. She Ill Se in sur hearta forever. Vis- ilabios as et Smlth's Funberal Home, 485 Brant Street, (one blockr narth of City Hall) Burltngoa (905632-M33) us Thursday frore 3-5 & 7-9 pm. Fu- serai Service mill Se held et eiskley United churcb (1570 Mais Street West, Hamiton) vs Fniday Irtay) May 21, 2004 etf2 pre. crereation ro follow. If teairet, espressionsut syrepathy to Joseph Brant Memreoal Hospital mould Se siscerely appreciated Sp the family. McINTYRE: John (tain) Wldee War 2 Veteran) Pacefuly, nurroustet Sp hie taeily ait Allesdsle Losg Terre care Facility on Mvtap, May 17, 2004, lais Mc- Istyre in hs 3rd pear. Loving busband ofte lare Jean- nie Mclstyre. nelvved tattier of B1lîIrnee McIstyre, Grace-Ans Mclstyre and Margaret (Rosi Uyete, Adoret Greettather of Jesse Paufsvn, chsstopser Mc- Istyre, Nathan Mclstyre asd Cars Uyede. John mas the tiret Pîperesior of the TTC Pipe Basd. He wiii Se rw- reereeret for bis warmtb, sasse utfbureor and bis aSii- ty ro ture sny gatherng sto s psrry. Arrangemensts en- trestedthtrougb the J. Scott Earty Fanerai Home, 21 James St., Miltoni (905) 978-2669. A Mereunai Serv- ice miii Sebeied frure the Rivertiala Preubyteruas Cburch (662 Pape Avenue, Torontu uvuts vf Osntovb Avenue) vs Ssturtsy, May 22nd ettf11:00 AM. Reception lv fui- lva In lieu ut fiowers dtins to vthe Alendala Foun- dtnsand the Oshuilie Trafalgar Struke Rebab Unit moult Se uppracistad. The tsreîly wisbes ru estent besrlfeft thunks tu the Alentale ustufr thein Iuuîng HIEN: Affred Pesceuiy, ai the Milton Distsict Hospital vs Tuestsy May 18, 2004, Alfred Hiesn b is 81er year. Luvisg te- rser ut Gîueiia Oas Ruches andtBrigitte 55h55 Sur- vivat Sp hîs grsntcbiitran Cbnistupber, Davit, Ostren, Antre, Monique ant Sees. Grest-grenttstbher ot Meg- as, Jeusia Orsuven, Osnsy. Isabelle and Jenvu. Frinss iii Se receiveet aihOe J. SCOTT EARLY FU- NERAL HOME, 21 James St, Milton (906) 878-2669 us Montsp, May 24th frore 7-9 PM, A Fusersi Servie miii Se hait on Tumsy, May 25th et il AM brete Fu- serai Home Chapel. Isterreent to flovetafEvergrean Ceretery. As expressiuns ut sypptbp, tonatiosnresy Se matafso the Casatîse Canicer Soety COULTER, William Gordon Ai St Catharnes Hospital un May 19, 2004. Gord miii Se grvvr.y missat by su bî tsreîily andtiriensu Servic- au wl, s)e hait Fntsp in St Caterans, usepresons ut vypauiry, tonatisons resySe mretruthe Canadien Cencc, Suciety. -In Mrnory ef LES ATWELL Wh e fit uson May 2f, 1996 Yo r T hUa aro dake aylie ORLANDO SONSOGNO Fernaiy 24, f977 - May 24, 2000 Wr tiek of hier ie siee Hie name we nitre recal There ta notling ft te arrimer But latv piteres on tire mals. Pleure, plesar tinate te tire Orlandoi Sonegea Truit Fend C/0 Miftee District Hospital Lave pou fliserr Mnm, Dati, Smter Maria ijivi ldi i i i (1/dcii, 01u id rQ UC. fgii M ldii il, +setal sihet pîsmîneni esfafes, simple ushelievable 1 iorishings/ colleclables op for auclio. baby grand pianos, Dining/ betisels, anique 1011 collection, oil paisi- ngs, ifaoy/parlsr rings, colectible lass, viclorian. Louisl6lb, cipptsdale, doncan phyfe, O A. furishings, grop of 7 arfisis, Ig bronze collection, chandeliers, etc.Over 400 fealute lois. Dtiivery avail For complefe lisf/pics.isif CURVFS-PARTITfME Wotttos rgest firsesu orgaizstiss s ivookisg for s maturaesergetîc, outgoisg person to morS at the Mil- ton lscatios. MutSe avalabie ahtereos, evening, ast mome Saturtay'e miii train thee ngbi persos. Fax Remmues to: 905-875-3512 No Phone Cailt Pleese AFI fetenationaf Group Imc. Canata's H b Rsk Secui*yl Specialiare FuH lTime Secuniry Officeri -Mississauge Ares *Starting Raea$11 /ur -Minireum 40 Houro a Waah -Full Benafts Abler Six Munths -Full Puy Wbia Training Fîrst Ait est CPR Requirat *Vliî Drvers Lcanse Requiret -Muet Pusses Excellent tngiisb Verbal & Wnnane Skiis Please Cfearfy Mark aet Fax resumnes te, AIle: Jax 1-800-304-3998 Nou pSese catis please www.afi-nternationsl.cure Canadian Société Cancer caniadiennue Society du cancer Let's Make ( ancer Histery Unit Assistant Ivgether tir cari niake cancer brstvrc. Ano irpaied cvmmosicaivr. VOS %WiO lois or Burlington Unit, md proide aedministrative support, includisg preparrop agendas and refaicd maierials. and vrientiog and giding vulunicers. 'Oitb v>r knvwledge <of basic accorring prîncîples anad ACCPAC, vvu trilI co-ordinate tire managemenr vf financial resources. This wMi invovve preparisg and prnfnrig cheques, makisg bank deposits. perfvrreing reconciiain acilsities, andi maintaimtng petsy cash. As et, yvu mifi cv-ordinale isformaatios management foncives, incluehng mairtaiaitrg s number vf datairases, tracking andi fihirg systems. Tv tiis end, yvs must have vome pool- secvndsry edecative, several years vf experience in a sitnifar role, seperir iypurg and word-prvcessing skiffs, and a demonstrareti knvwledge of comapuers andi refatef applications, ieduding MS Office (Word/xcef). This positivnr riauns wrltng some everings anti vsekerads. We vfer a competitive safary, excefeni hesefis, anti ara pportumfty iv contribste iv ver misione iniagreaf wvrking envirvemeni. This positivenmiir e vf interesf iv iirvse currestfy earnfing iratire igir 20K rarage. Qualifieti nvn-smvkers are invited iv vend iireir resarees, by May 28, 2004, iv: Unit Manager, Canadian Cancer Society, 1251 Northside Road, Burlinglon, ON L7M i H7 ax: 905-332-0104. E-mail: sburn@ecsontorg. We bhatk ail applicarals fvr lieir irterest and arivise liraf vnfy tirvse selecteti fvr ara interview ii be cvnracteti. Ny phvne cails, pi easy. The Canadian Cancer Societ~y provrideo equal vpporlunity in ereployment ami encourages applications front al qualiedpersons. The Canadian Champion, Fndcay, May 21, 2004-27 ",w w.Lbam AZ/DZ DRIVE R EQUIRED da mait.Scannel Moving and Storage in Milton is ý.umipeùiîve Vudvage anüueneîîs Contact Steve or Howle 905-878-2823 or Fax * Remume to: 905-878-7545 AZ Hwy Drivers Required for U.S, by 'V'FURIIIJREOakville based specialfy LA Z- O IALLERIESO line-haul company. Must have 3-yrs. experience & Graduate gooii command uf Interior Designer Positions English. We are expanding aur Sales Team in support of our 'In Home Design Cail Brett/ Karen Service. in our stores in Burlington, Brampton and Mississauga snd we 905-465-1889 sre looking for some talented people to join us. If you sre a graduate crf an eccredited Interior Design course who je looking for a unique opportunity to0 use your skiffs and talents then this may be the job for yau. The duties involve working directly wth our clients and our In Home Designers both in our showrooms and in clients homes. You will need excellent communication akilîs, a flexible schedule, raui- able transportation and a desire ta leam. This position ix a prerequi- Pes site ta becaming a full time In Home Designer in aur stores. cy e If you have these attributes we want ta heer tram you. Do nat wairry about sending in a resume or portfolio right now. $l Jusi cali Charie at a r 905-789-5800 Ext. 150 ta apply 24Hrs/Day sio M Tire & Lube Express laaking for ful-timne and part-time Technicians Avaîl. laps, aloIs. & evenîngs. Must have valîl Drivers Lîcense. Tbose inferesfed appfy in person at: Walmarf (Dosdas!Appleby) req0irs Maturt person for ptrmanent Fuli-time Days & Afternoon shifts We oSfer Bevefils and compebltive slariing wages' 2355 Trafalgar Rd Cai 905-257-1294 q IMMEDIATE FULLTIME OPENINGS Whvn a company es expertencing succeas, the people that are part of that corepeny ere enjoying the tabifity of their aobs and mark for anaecof the very basf in Ohe fibergases manufectuning business. Are pou a dependable, dedicuted and safety cansciaus persan? Woufd you enjay working a fast paced production environreent? Guardian Fiberglass has the following 2 position openings for gaod people like you 10 loin our production facllltyTEAM In Erin, Ontario. LICENSED ELECTRICIAN Five yeers industriel experience in troubleshooting and executing emargency and preventative maintenance on e cantinucrus flow procese fine je raquired. A working knowledge oif PLC's andi variable speed drives je an asset for cerrying ouf venious prajecte in al espects of Oie industriel electricel field. An Ontario Industriel Efectricien Licensa ix essentiel. Starting mage $23,60 and ehter 6 monthe $2470. SUPERVISOR/TEAM LEADER This is an ideel position for an eggressive, "hande-on", unique individuel with e strang abiiity ta manage people. This individuel mili be responsibie for empfoyees warking on a production fine reenufacturing fibergiasa insuietian. The ideel cendidete MUST HAVE previaus experience as e Shift Supervisar or Teere Leader, directly supervîsing hourly employens. If yau have hati esperience supervising in ather typas cof industry and are looking forea change, then cansider submitting pour resume todlay! For both positions, pleasa submit your resurna to include a caver letter and earnings hlstory ta the address below. If you are eager ta join a winnlng teamn we would like you to corne in and complete an application: Mondey, May i 7th thru Friday, May 28th, 2004 730ea.m.-430p.m. GUARDIAN FIBERGLASS 300 Main Street Erîn, Ontario Fax: 519-833-9749 (1/2 hour east orf Guelph on Hwy. 24/County Road 124) Na telephone celis please. Only thase selected for an interview will be contacted. P L Foods, a manufacturer of speciality crackers, requires people to fi the following positions; Machine Operetor/Line Mechanic <Day/Aft/Night Shift) Senitation (Aft/Weekend Shift) Sheeter Operetor (Aft Shift) Experience in food manufacturing environment an asset. Machine Operator/Line Mechanics must have mechanical aptitude. Accurate record keeping and some heavy lifting required for some positions. If you are incerested in a position with our Company, please forward your resume to: PL Foods Ltd. 120 Arnmstrong Avenue Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4S3 Attention: Humen Resources Fax #905-873-8746