26-The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 21, 2004 CLODED HMX: 9OU75000 Cbatnpïon e 0 CLWEED HOURS: Monday to Friday e 9:00 am - 5.« pz F=--] m =1M . d zý,- a f ke " TI 1 yIV 1tp iiITT'Tr F! l- Iirti~ \UPCOMING MARRIA GE BIRTHDAY. Tisas empaisemle, don't [et t end Yotar 60 oow chat'a true As Husband, Father, Poppi, & Frend, There's an anucis more to do' Lv Uufcandll epeca1y Cca Hayden & Paige SUN. May 2rd, i-3pro. 8529 51 Ln, Mifton (nout of Sieles), bouse an 2.7 acres. 5589,900. 905-878- 0897. A Nce CcliPhonel Market- ing C. nacits 160cmw reps for ncw ccli prograro No cap necessary. Puilltrain- ing. Cell phone provîddi. Na iaicmariicîing. Excel- lent pay. Col/Unin stadents meicome. Ccli 905-844- 1025 for interview. Affordable Accourstiag Coropuiaizcd ookkecping service for omali t0 meiuiarz1e businasses. Cuveromesi Remitances Please tautDorolhy (905)875-2447 Zàl ) Claire an£ of Canif P happily ai upcomine of their Adrienne to son of Mat Jack S Mississa r wedding is L , June 19th ai Church BIRTHDAY appy Birthdaj Jeani May 24 LC From Far Actais Apaulmenla 1 & 2 Ocitrooro aparimani avaîl- able Nom and for future. Frîdga & Siose, iaundry facilites, Na dogs 519-863- 4374 open 7 days/week saeaday yproval. ACTON large 2-bedrouo cpcnlmcnî, 57751ro10 plus; 519-853-5080, 519-853- 5352. AVAILABLE Jane Iti, large 1-bitos, parking, bai- mean Acion & Rockwood. $620/mth + hydro. Ccli 416-579-1909 or 519-501- 6688. BEAUTIFUL 3-badroaom Al B usiness upporisniiy. :i ALIUN, ana ocorooro cpt. pnmn.AVl-lejn Wark hors home on your (rg( in pivate home C/W. 1 ist in Gcorgetown. Et-m PC, $400-2500/mîh, PT LR.-D.R. anit cil ser ap kitchan, parking available. $3000 + PT. 1-800-453- pliances, foui pc bath, A/C. Close f0 ail amenities. 9614, wM".revelin rec- Private eniranca, parking & Large bright windows. domorn balcony. $975/roth induites $1,075/roth inclusive. Cali ci alities. Wili sud a quiet 905-873-9582. non-smoking porson, No IJOWNTOWN Miton 1 bcd- ý! pets. Ths s c unique cpI. rooro apartroant for rani, DUEgcffin.g yWu i Cci(08898. availabie immcdiaialy. In- We cas heip frac consulta- 1-beitrooro basament atcpi dds friige/stove unit ail bon, liminata debi, bud forant May 15, 2004. Sudt- utilitica. $800/roîh. Cai weaath, lina tde. 1-800-590- able for singe porson, non- Scott Prior Ramas Bise 7203 Ext# 3378. smoking, ufftses, icundry, Springs (905(878-7777. ccd cabla inclddi Sharcit entrante. DOWNTOWN MILTON $750/month. Firotllasi re- Milisde Towcrs 82 Milside 9- 5, Ae~ quisici. (905878-0410. Drive. 1&2 Baitrooro Aps. 5-YR 6-5K, eqClos-et. wDwntown. Bus roortgage prograros regard- ACTON 2sit floor 2-bcd- stop cf Front Doors 905- es ut intame or credit, mare, Juiy 1isi. Non-smok- 876-1249 www.ealsiarcc Cali CHRIS O 1-800-328- ci, noupts. 5600/mth plus ý 7887 or visit as at wrew.sic- hydra. Heal inluitai. DOWNTOWN Miltan, 13 cairtackbucn Paiting, ccli 905-702-3301. Chares Si. 2 bedmare capt. ____________________________________for rent, Carpeteit, blinde 1Boy orGirI jon %sandows, appliasces in- Bc>%/ or G er 'I daited. 51000/mai, pies Ihydro. Availabia May ist. IeIyour f anilly & f riends5 905-878-2804 9-Spm, or wth Birtti Announcernents 905-332-6310 eveninga. MILTON brsod new Grecn- IRob Solda park semi Appîo pbellville, GLEN EDEN 16005qfiAvalableily rmnounc theCARTET 3 bedrooro, 2 112 Oaih + ga- nnou ce te AARTMNTS rage. $1460 month plus g marriage 122 Bronte Sieet, uihîcCl905-35 daughter We aeS walu t g RickiFances 'o Dan Smith applications for MILTON Eeccsîîvc 1-2 bedrooro Townhooe. 00cr 1700 sq. ry Ellen and l Avail JSliO 15 ft. 3 bedrooros. 2 1/2 Ymith of 1 3-1 Ociiro baiho iîvîohed e l Avaîl, Jaly 15 Asailable Jane lait zuga. The i-2 bedrooro planned for Avaii July 15 $1600/roih. Richard Hîcroan, Re/MaBise t Holy Rosary Frmr Springs. 905-878-7777. 4, Milton information anoar ta MILTON us airs of c bacl >'l meke an appoint- spit, eci-in kichcn (colo ment, pate dO appliacces), liv- 0 4 leaae cal îig rounri, dîicg rooro, 3 905-87-6375 bedîsomo & large bath- rooro Gas, hydro & cable Building Mngea iscludeit $1 500/roih. Soi- Leoriard & Penny ry nu peis, no chldrcnon smooking, Cail 905-616- GREAT ncighbosrhood in 19 Mlon, sialbe lor non- MILTON. New 2-siorcy smoking couple wiih no serai, 3-bedrooms, 3-baih- peis. 2-Odrotifi lev o0f room, 1 755sq. h Minutes hoase, large ktchen ccd 9 il GO. No smoking/pets. teet ceilîngo, aundiy in JuIPloi 5.1500/roil + liî Osemeni. Available Jaîy les. 416-347-6166: 905- a his or soonci. 51100/mih 257-6832. plus uliesreferesces re- e qaircd. Cali 905-878-2737, JULY isi asaîlable. Georgetown 2+ beitrooro e :d bascmeit apsirmntn. Veiy à Mý Ccii 905-877-7720. Jaly iSiS, ccbic, TV, & wa- Fth.pici04inclacidit 1Si300/mai. LARGE one bedrooro, CcI 905-44-4202> basemeni aparimeni avaîl- m e able immcdiely. $850.00 OAKVILLE- 3 Bcitroom qaireit induites hast, hy. immeitely ihrough Mach idro, central air, shaied 4. appliances. Hopedale A U he laandry and parking. Ccli Maili ares. Lukeshore 905-691-6809 for appoint- Management, 905-876- MILTON 1 -bitos basemeni apt. wfh aandiy. & garage. Soiry no pets/smoking, Jane lst. 5700/mai inl sive. 1 l//coi 416-832- 3072. NICE large lors, modem MILTO 1-brm bight scciuded country home. MITO lbdm cgi Guelph Ln. & 401, basemeni cpi. Brand ne$450/lmai.Cli 905-854- k4chen, uilibes, iaundry & ý359 DOWNTOWN Milon, 2- ccle indludeit. Available bdnn cpt. Parking,'fngeJane lit5 675/mai. Ccli ROON io mcti n beasfl siove. heai, hydro icldett5er pm 905-299-2727. townhomc, own bath, $950/mb .Ccii 905-858- MITN bceo Sp hareit kitchen, patio, BBC, 8723 hter 400pm. - avaîlabie Jane So, po.Cli958873 GEORGETOWN 1 -bcd- $650./lh.uSities inlud-é rooro bascrocci aparimeni, cd, non-smoking, no pets.V 4-picce bath, fuit kîchcn, Ccli 905-693-8645 chter walkîng dsance io Mal 6pro i $70/mi pls uîiîîes MILTON. 2 bedrooro on lT -oo, i wne 905691677 goan flor rfhoase. ta share new home. Ph- GEORGETOWN 1-bcd- Lrge yard. Fide- tcive, &biroAC roo baemet aarten. wshe, dyer 950600 c- vaie roo a tro oAC mars basemen apailment ashcr, d l liScoti laundry. sioîagc. sccuiiy Ultiiies înciudcd. Firil ro c Re/Mgax C905-878- Noc smokcr. no pets, fa- Avalabie Jane 1ist. No Peit ~ eMs male preferred. Ccli Jenn 905-702-7649. 905-875-0481. GEORGETOWN Acion ROCKWOOD Spacios 2- large 2-bedrooro ci bedrooro aparîmeni $775/mih +, Aso one bcd- $850/monih inclusive. rool cpi - 5560/mai +. Ccii Main fioor1 -bedrooro Ladies braelet cn (519) 853-5360 o 9519) spaifmeni 5695/monith. downiw Milton, Ladies 853-535Z Ailsofre/ofice avalabia. Neckiace ai Caiwash in GEORGETOWN large ove 519-866-4900. Milon. Ccii 905-878-3110 jbedrooro Oament apt. $825/roth utle & parkn iccladari. Jaiy isit. 1Saparcie anrasce. Non- FIGIITING tfic tickets crocher co pots, frtlasi & ACTON, 3 bedrooro, dicc ,No points = no incurance references. 905-873-4424 Sireet, gac hat. Available increase and . mc mn for or 416-428-1223 February Iti. $1050/mth + lasa. Fiee consultation. GEORGETOWN suncy, utiliies. Ccli (519) 85l- Call 905-257-1789. cazy, 11-bedroaro cps cmnt 5658. n 4-pico hoase nal Go Lots af parking Jane 1slo' MILTON 3-bdrn bungaow - Galet pet parmist. . 5 appliaccas plus A/C, i CHILDCARE reqairedil $725/roth plus heasihydro, 51300/roth plus alheno Brookvilleacrac for 2 chied mater înciuded. 905-873- pais/no smoking, credi rec, ageu 2 & 4. Fieoibilty 1580. check/first + ilfaCii (905) raquired, in oui home or GEORGETOWN, 1 Large 878-4964. yoors. FIasse ccli 905- - - 854-3517. bedrooro bacement cpcrt- NEAR Guelph University ment. Namly ranavateit, renavateit 3+1 beitroms, E.LOI. traait dMther of gas hîsyl, large ktchan. 2-bathraams, raised ban itrea has P/T dayccre $800/month plus utilfties. gaiaw, 5-appliances. spSs n rap home, 930- No pts/smoking. Ccli 905- $275/mti + utillties. (59) 2:30. Cali Lod Ann 905- 877-7451. 856-4900 693-1223. h If' ~BROCHU- RPaul and Sa ndra (ne. Syts- ma) of Mil- ton are pieased Io announce the birih of iheir son Christopher Jason Brochu weighing 7 lbs 3 oz ai Milton Dstnict Hospial on Thursday May 13th, 2004. Grandparenis Mr. & Mrs. Henry Sytoma, renie Holmes, Roy Leblanc, Richard & Chnistine Brochu. Aunis & Uncles Michelle, Alison, Jason & Chns, Adam & Glenn. ELMSLIEIMOORE - Rab Bimie and Rebecca Moore are proad fo annouRce the birih of iheir son Briln Jamnes, 7 lbs 3 oz ai Mlon Distinci Hospitl on May 17, 2004. Grandso 0f Ann Elmslie, Brace and Linda Elmslie, Anne and the laie Or Bnan Moore, Great Grsodma Dasy Brazier. Warmly welcomed by his many Aunin, Uncles, and Cousins, Brooka-Mota - Dave and Shawna are ihcilled is, ancounce aie arrivai of their son, Ryan David, weigh- ing 7 Ibsn, 4 oz. ai Gakvrle Trafalgar Hospital on May 14h, 2004. Ryan is relcomeit by a cery exciied big is- ter Megas. Prsad grandparents are Wayne & Jsdy Howard, Afredo & Aida Mois and Roc & Andrea Brooks. Especially proad greai grandparents are Fred & Audry Henderson. Paro Howard and Lousa Pemnera. Spatial ifianks lu Dr Andrengeti cnd thc nursing staff ai Oc îile Trafalgar Hospital. i .-. ~ I CARR - Tlmothy a&W Carle.n(ne.Gunn) of Milaon arc pleasci tot announce the birth of tair son Lagan Michael eighing 8 Ois 9 oz ci Milaon District Hospital on May 13th, 2004. Logan welcomet by prosit osier Aisling Grace, Grandpcrants Karen andt Pater Gunn, Gail unitMichael Cari family ccd hmanda. mmenoe cammue Crediiors oftheb Esiate 0f lolanda (alan known as Eala) ZdIrlll, deceaseit, laie ut 4444 Henderson Ruait, Milin, Onicrio L9T 2X5 reho died on March fat, 2004. mast file dlaims betore Jane 25th, 2004, after whficli the Eciate rejîl cd distribaicit, hacing regard only tc, the laims ficd. Antemie9ta Teaeann e/a DafflIL a.. o.aà manrluwoe Md aaaleaoo ua 110 9"0 WYe.zeft oa* Oaktfl, Osarlo L«xST? MOTI4ER of iras, mîlI baby. ait n 0cr home. Commer- cial & Deriy, caîl 905-805- 0514 acher epm. WANTED babysitter, lac ci for 8 mih old. Please caîl 905-878-5622. A DinR.yioom, hem"- reoni, double pedestal table, 8 chairs, buffet, huich, doveicil consiruc- hon. Newe utillinc boxes. Cosi $11.000. Sacrifice $2,60. 905-567-9459 A King Pillowtop Mattress Set. New in plastic. Cosi $1600. 905-567-9459 BEO, Amazing bargain, queen orthopcdic pillowiop sel, cew cn plasc, warraniy $150 905-567-4042 miii de- usver. Bedroorn Cherrywood, Bcd, checi. dresser, 2 cighisiandu. Docciail Con- struciion. Neyer opcncd Cosi $8,000. Sacrifice $2,600. 905-567-4042 CARPET I have caverai 1,000 yrds. of ncw Siain- masier & 100% nylon car- pet. Will do livisgroom & hall for $389. Inclades ccr- pet, pad & installation (30 yards) Steve, 905-639- 2902 CONGRATULATIONS, VOURE APPROVED. Gei a MDG Horizon PC for only $899 or jusi .81 cents/day Fraic Lecmcrk 3 i 1Prilcer, Free Digital Camera, Free CD Bumer, Fise.Microsoft Word, Fiee. 17 Samsung Mondtor. No Mocey doran, Ccli Today! 1-800-510- 4042. CONTENTS ut large home, kiichen, dîning, appliances ccd mach more, please ccli 905-876-3266. FREE 7 concîcie stepu. Cuti 905-878-2501 FREE Esroates. Gsi wob- biy chairs, tireit lookîng wood finiches? Fields Cas- tom Wood RRchnisbing ccd Fumiture Repairs. 9-9, 905- 632-9090. GARDEN shedt. 6x8. 2 windows/tomer boxes, ce- der shake, gable siyle roof, 5/"trpysiding, Osas- sebiitio 6 sechions (4 walVflooi/roof( $850 060. 905-878-2501 Hot Tub: 2004 att -ptI.., eraterfaîl, Ozanatir Redt- waod cabinet, neeer uaed, .1111llis wrapper, Cnet $9,9%5. SelI 95,000. 416-953-1197. IIUSOVARNA rmci une t011- ci, lîke new $600. obo. Cali 905-465-0336. KOEKSIMERS for sle c 54/doz. Please ccii Ma o 905-876-2883 mihysar order. Deliveiy accilable cn the Mifton cra. MOVING sale: Air Candi- tioner $80. hkec Coach $100. Oue.n Bos Spring $100. BigCosyChair$30. Brown Coftee Table $30. Osees Futon & Base $40. iPicase ccli (905)693-1556.. SEAT Sal1et Frshen up your iinelte/diningroore chair seais w/selectei tfab- nols froc, $19.95/Vea. Seai casions quaiity focmre r- placement from 5$29.95/es. Fields Famitare andt Fab- ncc, 9-9 da8ty. 905-63- 9090. Il