Dateline from DATELINE on page 18 holds its drop-in Caregiver Connection p.m. in Burlington. TMe program is open to people witb rnood disorders and their famn Wellspring Halton-Peel, a support net- work tor cancer patients and their familles. 111 .1, 11', 10l Il.KII: 10 .1 )jI suipport group 11,111 10 3 a. 111 ,.. to îîcîv,î .0 cal (905) 257-1988. 693-4270. 2545 Sixth Line ini Oakville. It also holds The Women's Centre, 210-1515 Rebecca CARP. Canada's Association for the its drop-in journaling program. For more St. in Oakville, holds its Social Group for Fifty Plus. [lton chapter, meets at 7:3(0 intonmation. cal] (905) 257-1988. Spanish.Speaking Women from 12:3010o p.m. ai the Burlingtott Seniors' Centre. TFhe Womens Centre, 210-1515 Rebecca 2:30 p.m. To register or for more infonna- 2185 New St. (Central Park) witb nutri- St. in f)akville, holds its Abuse Support tion, eall (905) 847-5520. tionist Rhonda Turner speaking about 'The (iroup trom 6 10 8 p.m. To register or for Wednsda Ma 26Importance of Eating Righî'. For more more information, call (905) 847-5520. Wensa a 6information, cal! Harry at (905) 335-5717. hrdyMy2 The Canadian Mental Health Momn's Morning Out meets ai 123ThrdyMy2 Association starts ils six-week educaton Main St. from 9:30 to Il arn. Caregivers Tbe Milton Seniors'Activity Centre, 5(10 and self-help prograrn on managing a find friendship and support while cilîdren Childs Dr., holds a public foot care clinic mood disorder, paricularly depression and are cared for in Graham Hall. For informa- from I to 4 p.m. To make an appoinîrnent, bi-polar disorder (manic depression), ai 7 tion, eall (905) 878-8895. caîl (905) 875-1681. The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 21, 2004-19 HIGHI LOWI PAYMENTS. X585 4WDIhKator 23 hp V-Twin, power steersng 4WD, hydrautto PTO X0 Sed s ,trtng as ow as $12.1791 Limteddmtho. aFi» a C witto the purd.aas of any X Smie,. n GT2451toutor 20 hp OHV, Twin-Touch auto drive, etectrjo F10. Cut, 54" GT Serias starth.g as low as $706r' 221OTrector 23 top diesel, 4W0, mid-rear PTOS 2end Category 1, 3-point hitdo 210 mtrting as low »s $14892' RIGHT NOW, NO PAYMENTS AND NO INTEREST UNTIL OCTOBER* We're making it easier than ever to join the club of satisfied John Deere owners. As part of a special factory financing program, now you can buy a John Deere lawn tractor and pay the Ioweat starting cost in a long lime. But the factory financing program ends moon, 200 don't wait. With paymenls this low, it's nover been Ihis easy 10 own a John Deere. ww.JohonDeare.com1 Halton Turf & Tractors, Inc. 1589 Steeles Avenue East Milton (905) 878-2121 vasolethat 1so,5Mh.2W4 ouffl 1Juty.2W4. Ssbjet a Ag as"'4opooia edohnJlOo .sa lrparticpaio For puromnal or commeria s. Alr neret e eo , fur e,0, ,îgb fohettes o uars sr0srics brisantos,linsg pfone 11tof 20$96440 Isu dm, payaient ofSOO p taoa20% dom pâtretos 4,441,5044of$M5.40, S19288 traalIIq2,sg$3122, $1504484 t o on129% 6004105a 0045 of borovng of $.97920 $5,4064. Inthe avantthlt oowgies o doIto teharge for a504504 pue due s1975% APR. 1au,, sel-up, delw4,,. tringlo endprepa harge réct ildd nd a y icrssironeor onty poyormond Ss v0.o.ittelonly ai pot.ptng dealers, rvoldftrain1Maro5 24 unuf02 Auguo.1.204.5end is iboo t Cmspct lty ro malt a 2n120 1d.,end a LXoRoayCutter baseon a seing proce ofS19,521 41,441a4dom pey414lof $1,952.10 (op tu a10% dom outraint is ratoni)slt on9,a 4balnO$17, 559- 0 ta ie umai ta of 5144,4440 f4 f41144541,,th ineres ba, parmiwim 051540410041100404140of4$M.39 totrolIg $21,32340 brisait on7% APH vont, à ostorovving of 20$3,72 ,0 05 5 e 1004heaimgrs110odhol,41the4chrgfor m'nspasi de is2% APTxes, et-p, dl4vr, feigh nd ppatio harges oildd and ma ,nc,.4,. p5c4 or ..nthly pay5555041Ssyo,,, dalerfoi ,4,,plet dr adS retour41,,fino.s io ns,4454P,40,4, 000fi, vuld bain11M,y.2004 or1,20 Jons, 2M0and14,.îsubett hngwonotice ai any ime. Gel a bue,5 applcabl vonth ri her recorddscount Fme cerf mortel o,11,01mlbe ai he dalerdiscaio, ml O.,II4 lot8, dealer end issubectta 50 .4411f.0,Cari 0455netblie001409411 Sorsk oto s ubormutes0104 404,145,Cri4must 010444.44541pdel504,fS.$ih, d pe,,5454l5chrges not ,501o11,11 Poes ar*54te,5d reil S. dealer fo dt,,is.Joh 0,,,&, green end y4II0040lr sohme, he frapider ym5l,oand  JOHN DEERE am trondems.o, D5e&Company -1