1] 14-The Canadien Champion, Frîday, May 21, 2004 Li*brary can help you discover your family roots Welcome to the fascinating hobby of farnily history. Genealogy * has become one of the fastesl-growing hobbies in North America. pour quesi to discover your lamîily roots. For those new to gcnealogy, take a look at Thrvugh the Evea of' Your Anceato, a stcp-by-step guide to famity research. Other beginners' guides include The Geneology Hondbook: the Comiplete Guide to Troacing Your Fomil ' Tree and T/e Genealogiata Queation ond Answver Book. Ail of these are excel- lent introductions to the basics of genealogy. For more experi- enced researchers, the library has The Genelogiss Computer Companion. This particular book will help you10 maximiLe your genealogical software and 10 master on-line research. With the rapid increase tirin the availability of on- cover can nwb donc from home computer. From our Web page ai www.mpl.on.ca click on Genealogy and Local History fonder "Especially For...") to go to a comprehensive lisi of on-line resources selected by staff from Halton libraries. This list includes the award-winning Historical and Newspaper Records database, which has more than 5(X),000 records from Halton County. This searchable database includes births, marriages and deaths; census, ATNION -MILTON. E..SIs se O-1 Canada Corp 100 Chisholm...878-0521 OK Machine Tool Services 268 Laurier .878-3815 0K Tire Stores 8060 Lawson Rd .. 878-1188 Oake James 1505 EvansTerr....693-9823 Qakea G 577 Sunnyvate Or ... ...876-0136 Oakley C&L 265 Featheratone-....875-0193 Oaks-Concrete Producta Ltd 475 Harrop Dr................675-0035 Oakville Executîve Golf Course I4414 Fourth Lins ........ 875-3932 Oakvillm Hesîtit Centre........... 876-0287 1 Oalcvlle Reentry Homes 69 Main E ... .875-2799 Oakville Signa Ltd 8193 Eaqueaing Lins 878-1210 Oates B Hap RR6 Mihon .......... 878-9152 Oatman Joseph 168 Lome Scota Dr . . .876-1730 Oatt Ted 697 MddeonCr.......... 693-0473 Obach Carmnina 1522 HarwoodDr ...876-0549 Obee M&H 1540 Morse Pi ......... 693-1738 OBeime C0741 Woodward......... 693-1448 Obeng N&Y 1580 Ead rl . Or......... 876-0702 OBrien D 131 McLaren Rd N....854-0733 OBrien G 768 Banting Crt ........ 878-8310 OBrien G 318 Centennial Foreat Dr .... .693-8935 OBrien S 1642 RamahawOr ....693-0922 OBrien W A 100 Laurier........... 876-1076 Obusan A 235 Ontario N .......... 876-3603 OCarrol S&M 481 KeamaOr ....878-3673 OConnor K 244 Pestigrsw Tri....876-4593 Octave Vibart 9 Robarta Dr.......876-3447 ODonneil J 371 Bronte S.......... 693-0782 ODonneil L 122 Bronte S.......... 875-0781 OODonoghue J 137 Martin.......... 878-8512 Oshi B 8690 Tremaine............ 875-3687 Osai E 804 Trudsau Dr ........... 876-9049 OsaI F 629 Joyce............... 878-5276 Osai L il Oawson Or ...........875-3661 Off the Scale Direct Marketing...875-0990 Office Mover The 545 MainE....876-0070 Olieraki Paul 5312 Traalgar Hornby .... .878-7799 Offate Corporation 332 Stesies ...878-0526 OGorman M 822 Coulson .......... 878-9812 OGorman Michael T CGA 155 Main E .878-1258 OGrady B 73 Anne.............. 878-3225 OGrady Sean 1616 Waldie ....876-0235 Ogunkasmi Chartes 1083 Osacon Dr ... .693-1879 OHara Chris 625 Joyces........... 693-8584 OHara Michael 209 Fitzgerald Or ..693-1422 Ohashi M 696 AugerTerr .......... 693-0845 Ohid H 1053 Deacon Dr........... 875-9147 OKesîs B 551 Commercial.......878-5356 OKeele O 318 Laurier ............ 876-0734 Okeeffe O 64 Bronte S ........... 878-8272 Otaco Elinor Lu 649 Bannet BI ....876-9050 Olco Gas Station RR3 ........... 878-1897 Old Michael 726 Middleton r...878-3353 Oldacre L 1534 Clark Bt .......... 876-4817 OLeary J 1149 Zimmerman Or ...875-0798 Olesen S 318 Laurier ............ 878-3039 Oleszkowicz V ................. 854-1315 Oteazkowicz W P 631 Boaver Oit ..878-2509 Oliphant D 5749 8 Lins ........... 693-1714 Oliveira A 411 Bundy Dr........... 693-8040 Oliveira F 1577 Evan'sTer......... 878-3697 Olieira J 468 Fartow Or........... 876-2410 Oliveira Luis M 9041 5 Side Rd Nasa ... .876-0652 Oliveira M 27 Dilla Or ............ 693-1762 Oliver A F 82 Millide Dr........... 876-3860 Oliver Todd S 870 Trudeau Or..875-3860 Olsek K 1600 Waldie ............. 693-1342 Oiek K 1600 Watdie ............. 203-0029 Ollek Kart 1600 Wadie ............ 875-0780 Ollerenahaw E W 825 Cabot Tri ....878-8531 Ollerenstraw G 771 MacksnzieDr ...876-0164 Olivier J E 371 BronteS........... 875-3292 Ores Van Marte 9450 2LineNass ...854-4389 Olsen J 11060 Siatti Lns Nasa ....878-0063 Othoorn J 8083 Appleby Lise Mift .... .854-2291 Olynik J 441 Broadmay ........... 878-6263 Omagh Bible Scitool Lower Base Lie . .878-9156 OMeara Paul 690 Roseheatti Or...876-1767 Omni-Stone 9144 2 Line Nas .....854-2766 On-Target Telecommunicatlons 7035 Twiss .................. 875-1276 Onciel Michael 872 Anderson ....878-6894 ONsîl Verse 272 Randali Or ....878-1245 ONeill A H 650 Chlda Dr .......... 875-1211 ONeill B 2t1 Ellis Or............. 878-3407 ONeill M E 308 Matîck............ 875-3584 ONeill P 254 Cenlennial Forest Dr..875-2770 ONeill S 111 Ontano N ........... 878-7767 ONeill Terrance J 570 Sunnyvale Or . .. .878-8230 ONeill T&J 4237 1558 Harwood Dr..875-9904 ONeill-Harrson K&J 483 Ontario N..876-0488 1096M7 Ont Ltd 25 Sestes Av...875-2209 Ontario Agri - Food Educatton mnc 8560 Tremaine ............... 878-1510 Ontario Conaervatory of Music 55 OntanioS ................. 875-0202 Ontario Electric Railway Historical A8sn POBox 578 Mton-Rockwood ... 856-9802 Ontario Halai MMm Packers 5593 RegioniaîRd 25............ 875-0270 Ontario Higit Tenit. Fenclng Co 5460 Siestes Ave W.... ........ 878-3976 Ontario March of Olmea 917 Npisaîng .876446 Ontario Mortgage Action Centre 55 Ontario Si. Mifton Mal ..... 875-2333 Ontario-New England Expressa mc 10862 SItes ............... 876-3996 Ontario Pine Format Products 5460 Sestes Ave W ............ 878-148 Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) 24 Hour Service Communications Centre, Buringon Telephone Oniy No Charge Dia ....1-888-310-1122 TDD Only, No Charge Dial .... 1-M88-310-1133 Ontario Public Service Local 234 661 Martin .................. 876-3980 Ontarlo Railinga mnc. 348 Bronle S ...875-43 Ontarlo Renaissance Festival 6252 Eighth. .878. 6948 Ontario Scitool For The DeaI Ses Ernest C Drury School-llegionat Centre For l-earlng Handicapped Ontarlo Veterlnary Medical Association 245 Commercial............... 875-0756 Ontario Water Products 7449 Aubumn Rd............... 693-000 Onyango F 358 Main E ............ 878-8913 Openahaw K 235 Bronte S......... 878-5770 Opletal J 12363 Steelea............ 693-1771 Opateen C 5 Side Rd ............ 878-3988 Opteen F 137 Martin ............ 876-1209 Opteen John 9636 2 Lins Nasa..854-4559 OOQuinn R 5224 No 15 Sdrd ...854-4639 Orange S 1032 Barclay Cîr......878-9032 Orchieson C 930 Lancaster Bt..876-4651 OReitiy J 662 SuninyvaleOr......876-2332 O'Reiiiy K 80 OntarioN ........... 693-9269 OReilly M J 7513 Tremaine.......878-8830 OReilly M J 7513 Tremaine......878-9608 Oriental Culslne&Doughnuts 327 Bronte S................. 878-5717 Orkin PCO Services Pest Control.875-3887 Orlowaki C 185 Ontario S.......... 693-8571 Ormerod David 141 Jesaie......... 854-4016 Ormond R 425 Broadway.......... 878-6998 Ormond R 0 7904 No 15 Sdrd .... .878-2171 Ormaby Roaalinda&Paul 10065 Pins View Tri............8458 Omelas David 318 Laurier.......... 878-2811 Omnsteln DDr. 9811 Reg Rd 25....878-489 Oroaz O&S 1041 Zimmerman Or ....876-3778 Orpen G 371 Bronte S......... ... 878-6585 Orpen G O 55 Main St W ....... ... 876-3798 Orpen Peter 226 Elmwood Or .....878-6750 Orr J 588 Hayward Or ............ 876-2785 Onr Kenneth 433 Kngsleîgh Cri......878-4488 Onr Orville RR2 Homhy ........... 878-9420 Onr W G RR3 ................. 876-2472 Orsel H 84 040 TrudeauDi .......... 878-3791 Orser K 250 Satok Or....... ..... 875-4631 Orhiz Carloa E 1236 Mowat Ln .... .878-2960 Ostîz E&A 678 Auger Teri ....... 876-2152 Ortîz J&J 1051 Kennedy Cir ... 878-7804 Oraiz N&O 1041 Bradley Ten ...... 693-1018 Orieb D&L 186 Ellîs Or........ ... 876-3925 Oryschak David 250 Heslop ...>693-9009 Osaacfiuk O&J 719 Sysr Or.......875-1392 Osborne J&O 550 ChîflaD ...... . .876-2777 Osborne Mîke 812 Graham Bell Cri ..... 878-0313 Osbome P 1076 Deacon Or .....875-9901 Oabom-Wiliiam Edmard 171 Salok Or .. .878-3266 Osboume Bill 235 BisnesS.......876-2530 Oaboumne Patricks 388 Bavemstock Or .. 203-0210 Osboume Robert 1521 Croit Av ...203-6148 Osboume-Oook N 195 Fitzgerald Or .. 875-3961 OShea M 1191 Turner Dr ...... 693-1281 Osrmond O RR3 Georgetown.... . 878-3665 Osmond Richard 30 Heslop ..... .876-2867 Osser Bob 345 Oak.............. 876-3940 Oatap Jîrs 1075 LowerBaseLineW ..... .876-0423 Oterreicher A 810 Woodward .....875-2982 Ostrowas M&J 1190 Turner Dr ....878-6202 Oawald R 8849 Boston Ohurch Rd... 876-2668 Oawatd R & E 399 Bal........... 878-1709 Otman Z 389 Peari...... ........ 875-9254 Otip Raso 1030 Gordon Heightta- .. ..875-3712 OTools M 40 Ontanio S . ý......875-3074 Ottaway L 11 5 Bell........ ...... 876-4489 Oflaway N F 154 Healop .......... 878-6571 Otter O 598 Joyces. ............. 875-4644 Ottley B 101 MllsidrOr. .......... 876-3297 Otto S 12199 GuelphLine.......... 854-4434 Ousîlet A&L 1615 Waldîs ......... 693-1975 Ousîlet R 662 Launier ............ 875-4757 Ousîlette Don 104 LomeScoîsOr ....875-9994 Ousilets Murray 7052 Twiaa ......876-1686 Ousiletts Robert E 681 McOoli Cri ...876-0516 Osîmet G 709 BriarOr ............ 875-3925 Our Lady 0f Vctory Scitool 540 Commercial............... 876-4379 Outer Reaches The 17 Witaoni Dr .. .875-4799 Overali J 111 Ontario N ............ 693-8048 Overend M B 395 Broadway .. ..878-2137 Ovedand J 11 679 4 Lins Nasa ....854-2473 Overland M&L 2055 Milne Cri ....854-5302 Owedeaian Rebscca&Armsn 1605 Ramahaw Or ............. 876-3444 Owen Bruce 7129 Tremaine . .....876-4573 Owen G&E 80 Ontario N .......... 693-9709 Owen Ksvn&Karsn 17 MillI......... 875-3765 Omen Reg E 272 Lsdwith Dr ......693-8890 Oxford D 042 Elliot Or ............ 875-1844 Oxford Learntng Centre 917 Nipisaing ......>......... 693-9978 Ozcan K 1027 Gordon Highta ... 693-1819 Ozcan P 51 DawsonOr ........... 693-0462 Ozisakowaki K O 8083 Firat Lins Nasa ............ 854-4708 cemetery, land, military and surrogate court records; business directories, photographs, newspaper articles, books, documents al Ul L,, ail vi lluh i ad1o h. iC& i ii i ditioii. You cao also access Web sites for provincial and national archives, cemetery finding aids, census records, and genealogical societies. Also included are sites to help you get started on Canadian research, as well as some of the best genealogical sites such as Cyndi's List, Famnily Search, Roots-L, and Genealogy On- Line. For more information on on-line records take a look at Gcneologx' Onfine for Dummies. T1hrough interlibrary boan you can borrow microfilm of histori- cal records from the national and provincial archives for use at the Milton Library. The library has microfilm reader printers for your use. Not sure what to do with your family memorabilia? Take a look at Presers-ing Your Fomily Histors' with Multimedia or Sropbooking Your Fomils' Histors. If you have treasured family papers and want to know how to keep them for future generations, Orgonizzing and Preserving your Heirloom Documenta is an excel- lent source of information on collecting, orgamizing and preserv- ing items. To conserve old photographs, see Preaerving your Family Photographs: How to Orgonize, Present, and Restore your Precious Family Images. For those who would like to create a famnily chronicle, the library has A Family Remembers: How to Create a Family Memoîr Using Video and Tope Recordera and Keeping Family Stories Alive: a Creative Guide to Taping your Family Life and Lore. If you prefer to make a written record of your family history, try One Memory ai o Time: Inspiration and Advice for Wr/ring Your Family Story. If you happen to find long loat living relatives, why flot plan a family gathering? We have the Famil 'v Reunion Handbook: a Guide for Reunion Pionnera and Fun ond Games for Family Gatheringa. These, along with Reuniona for Fun-Loving Relativea will help you to organize a memorable famnily party. For help in finding these sources or any others, corne by the Milton Public Library today. Cover Io cover ia prepared b)' staff ai the Milton Public Library. Volunteers needed to hielp with bal Halton Women's Place is looking for volunteers to help organize its annual Scarecrow BalI. The committee is headed by Sue Warden of Home and Garden Television. Meetings are held in Milton one Monday night per month. The baIl will be held ai the Grand Chalet October 22. For more information, calI Sue-Ellen Slater, volunteer co-ordi- nator, at (905) 332-1200, ext. 244. taking a stroli tftrougit your gardes, miten you suddenly reatize your ittie piece of paradise is missing one ttiing - mater. More specifically, water faits, a pond, a stream, and att 'If it ust teeming witt Illie. Or mai he yos installed the mater feature last sommer, and youre nom ready 10 add some of tmat The first step is plants, Wtien iooking forsa great selection of water plants, look for th1e Epic tag. Big or amati, a mater feature s rarely complete mithout plants. A water lily or two miii gise il 111sf classic pond feel and dont forget Water Irises. The Sweet Flaga are outstanding foliage plants. For a touch of tropical, add one or several dramatic Taros. For a finishing touch, dont forget a few Itoaters on top - either the Water Lettsce or Hyacintlt - botti will go a long way in creating the perfect pond. 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1