FC By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion Once you've met 68-year-old Jack White and some of the other men in the Song Spinners Chorus, it's fot hard to believe theyII be donning tutus for their upcomning concert. -We're their dress-up dolls," 'said Mr. White good-naturedly, refemrng to the choirs largely women mernbership. But the men love t. confinnied Mr. White, the choirs president. -We have a fella here whîî dresses up n drag every year.- 'The handful o mttbernn xxho arcex ilîg go Io great lcnth\ oi- a laugh are once t thc Spinners* drawine ,points, said chour îiîeiiîitl Margaret Benton. Alier al. nobodlv xxanisto ms eing xx at they'll do nexi. "People li e to conte tocraîgooid lug Ms Bention suid. tkne .a hi cAt li \Vednecsdmi iinoi-ite(,s rhaisla[ St. l>Uîi t cd ( hure h. Noxx recxîgîîîciîîg heuirWl)t i nsesisthe ch-oir --niade up ot seniorhrs 55 and îldei is celebraîilin 0cars of'i nusic alono uie x hia decade of* lauglîs. In tact. atter talîig x t members. il's bard t l incîl hîhthes hold more important. -Were like a bunch ol'kids.' Ms Benion said of the group. raiing her voice Io be heard above the groups laughter -at the other cnd( ol' the church. -Get us together aîd %wc'rc like a kinder- gaflen clas." The choirs îext concert takes place luîne 4 at The Song Spinners Chorus rehearses at St. Pau's United Church in preparation for its next eoncert. the Miltoîn Sernours' Actîvity Centre. 5(X)1 Childs Dr., ai 7:30 p.nî. Tickets cost $7. which itîcludes, light refreshiitents. It xxil Icature mîusic that appeal s to iitzIges, tlit just seunior,, Mr. Wh/ite stid. 'he Son(, Spmîîcrs Chorus is a non-auditioned grîîup mnade up of' senioîrs xxho simiply love tii mnate mîusic. Besicdes their twite ecarl y coîncerts ai the seniors' cenître. the Song Spînners also liulds ,inîg-alonîgs l'or menabers of- the senioirs' Photo by GRAHAM PAINE centre throughout the year. "Singing is good for your health - it's a scien- tifix. tact. It juxi gives me a xxarm feeling 10 be able to gel up there." Mr. White xaid. see FRUSTRATED on page 13 , wilh The Georgetown Bach Chorale and Wonien of Note. Conducîed by Sonja van de Hoef and accompanied hyjohn Govedas Out ot the Ordinary A gala concert cb i lI time 1avourite operatîc Choruàeà Sunday, May 30th at 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm The Royal Bank Theatre in the Mississauga Living Arts Center Tickets at Box Office or Tel: (905) 876-3203. Also available at Delacourt's (Main St. Milton), Lewis Craît (Milton Mail) and Leslie Music (Oakville) www.miltonchoristers.com $ 3000 off new grands $ 1000 off new upnights Friday 10-9 Saturday 10-5 Great se(ection of usedfYamafzasX9awais & dûgitaLý www. iaoosbingonco 23 TULSR ET87314 Satrda&Sun200 pm Vo -Ne Ram «YougChden OVAN HELSING r-ý Daily 6:45 p.m. & 9:10 p.m. Saturday & Sunday 2.00 p.m. Theatre Pakfing Avallable at Rear West Nule virus: Preventing bites. Wear light colours, long sleeves and long pants. Use bug repellent containing DEET andj read product directions carefully. Avoid mosquito areas especially frorn dusk to dawn when they're most active. To learn more visit our Web site or cali for a brochure. 1-877-234-4343 TTY 1-800-387-5559 www.HealthyOntario.com 12-The CanadiançChampion, Friday, May 21, 2004 Chorus celebrates decade of song and laughs