The Canadian Champion, Frday May 21, 2004-11 Plan could bring 40,000 to west end vCatching some air Daniel Maes, 18, catches orne air and smre Sun recently whlle trylng a few trlcks at the Thompeon Road akatebord Park. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE from HOUSING on page 2 any plan we go forward with." Lile also suggested the plan should lie areas îclatiotiship to the Niagara Escarpment. 'It needs to bce driven home to future councils, to future residents and to the development commîunity that this area is unique," said Mr. Chaillinor, who suggested appropriate architectural standards would tnean '"More stone. more brick and less alu- minum siding." The plan. which could bring as many as 40,000 new residents to Milton over the next 2(0 years, is being painted as an envi- ronmentally-friendly proposal. Il features a huge I(X)-acre community park, protected watersheds and a linked greenspace and trail system, along with the developmnent of about 13,(M0 new housmng units. "'Me proximity to thse escarpment is real- ly one of the guiding factors in the devel- opment of this plan," said planning con- sultant Liz Howson at Monday night's meeting. She suggested the plan enhances escarp- ment protections, as well as proposing develnprnent that is "friendly to transit" ment lor nearly ilirec years, also leatures a new Tremaine Road interchange on Hwy. 401 and the eventual widening to four PITCH UN CANADA lanes of Tremnaine and Derry Roads and Steeles Avenue, At Monday's meeting, thse îowns admin- on the Town's Web site at Written sulimissions on the report will be accepted until Tuesday. May 16#h aeas a huge success, fhank Wou id eueifone Who came. NoxI Evuit Sm. ay 801 4-7 p.oe. Stecchino's Restaurant Book your space online or cail905-875-2394 See you there... Carriage Square III CHIROPRACTIC HEALTH CENTRE invites you to an Doorprizes Inolude the tolowlng: Gf'tcertiicates for an initial evaluation with a chiropractoGift Ce 'btes for a massage with the Registered Massage Thaist, Gift Certif icate for an Alîgn-Rîght Sleeping Pilow, Aign-Righ Travel Companion, Blue Jay~s Basebali Tickets and more! Associates CHI/OPRACTOR8 P$VÇIIOLOGIST Dr. Heather Evelelph Dr Dan Daton Dr. Shaun Demer4s oeN» L*EHAVIOUR % REGISTERED MA»~ THERAPIST Jenna Goddard NATUROPATHIC DOC Orest Szczurko Cahrine Cameron EMERED SOCIAL WORKER CHOTHERAPIST Diane Bekenis Unit 2 - 15 Martin Street Cardage Square Plaza, Milton Hypn 'osis is a Sure-ire Way to Lose Weight and Look Great! It's more affordable t/ian you think! I amn a irgisteed ma-se. I drnpped 30 jxtiids in eighrt shot rnonths and kçpi it cff for two >e'm's! fd ie f0 sWai My temarkahle ,«ucces sfiy ih you. DISASIWOUS DIEFING! Diding was sochmiùg1 doakcIthoughtl it was my ry way out1 Ined dtet p¶IsfiuT theiM food qSta. Inied ctr pDgms and fiwen, low-cakrie foods. Bt I oever skEk to anydùng lnmough to have resLlhs. 7I1-se "quick-fix7'" swe t scndhing Icculd lve with long terni LuKkiy. I larnedabout Poeiive Chages Hypno~sis Centers. HYPNOSIS 15 DIFFERENT! I nofioed a change in rny behavior my fir3t eek 1Iwas chikingrnmmewater and did- n't want k) sr"i~ between meals. During diose first Positive Changes Hypnosis Centres Stress Management Stop Smoking Alcohol Free 35 Main St., South, Olde Downtown Georgetown (Two doors south of the TD Bank) (905) 877-2077 seven days, I easdlm is 4 poumls. I dropped my enie 30 fits.witfru any efkit whatsoever! 1IWORE A SEXY BIKIN ON'JHE BEACH! 1Iwent k) my broifrr's wed- ding in Mexico. 1sI seta lkt of trne on &i berdi in a" biki I heani wonrfUl compliments fm.m family and fiicrids. They made caTi- Imns suchi as, "Wow, you have a great body!" It nmade me foel like a million dolai! CALL IMMEDIATEY! Iempancallyîeccrnîlfosnve Cbaiiges k) ane who wanls k lose weigh! Positivechaiiges- Mmm rResulra Happes" Ii weerrro u ei I r ouraytrU osWuP sopij;u vintsr 1 u ý lr -7-77-1 , ý 17 ý 1, ý 1 e r 7 ý 1 'Il - - m, ý . . - . 1 1 - 1.1 - ý -11-1-11-- - . -1 1 - . 11, ý , i ý Il - -.- 1 ý Il- 1 1 1