e0,1': gr sM .îoiîru.13IRh ( grJeT-5j Burllngton MPP Paddy Torsney makes the fundlng announcemtent. Region getting dough to fight homelessness BY TIM WHITNELL Special ta The Champion Its considered the invisible scourge of more affluent communities like Milton, but homelessness. for a varieîy of reasons. exists in Halton. To assist those individuals and familles who find themselves withouî short or long- tenn shelter, and to stem thc tîde <f local- ly-displaced people having tIo go outside their region for emergency accommoda- tions, the federal govemment insîiiuied the National Hoinelessness Initiatise (NIIl). Phase 1 of the two-pant funding scheme bas ended but on Friday Burlington's MPP announeed funding details for the second phase. Paddy Torsney told social service agency representalives and media members assembled at the Transitions For Youth office on Harvester Road that the govem- ment is giving Halton Region another $1.005 million over three years Io combat homelessness. Though not present at the aninounce- ment, Halton Regional Chair Joyce Savoline sent along ber thanks for the much-needed money. "TIs la wonderful news for Halton as approximaîely 1,300 people become bomneless in Halton eacb year," she said ini a press release. "Mhe Comnmunity Plan is a made-in-Halton solution driven by the guiding principle tisat people in Halton should be able to live in their community." Ms Torsney said the funding is a com- mitaient to an ongomng national problemn. "In 1999, communities such as ours from coast-to-coast identfied homelessness as a major concern," Ms Torsney bold bise audi- ence. "AII-in-alI, tise NHI is now a more than $1 billion program. "Now, as we did five years ago, we rec- ognize thai ibere are no simple or instant solutions to homelessness and its moot causes. No Canadian should go to bed huis- gry or witbouî a roof over bis or ber head." said Ms Torsîsey. Ms Torsney said afterward that she aîîd bier staff bave seeti both ends o(f the homne- lessness/povety speclrurn f rom those who dotît realîLe ils existence 1<> those living through it. -Sornebody once told nie that there are no tamilies in Burlîngton making less than $35.(XX) a year. 1 said. 'Ohfi es there are." Ms Torsîîey noted she and mieisîbers of' ber conslitueîicy ofit ce iii Burlingioti bave talked directly 10 people binned >femîer- gency bousing, lîke a lanîlv o)' six thai needed bo find accommodat ions for under $ 1 JXX) per monîh. -Youre not going 10 ind il here. We bave 10 send them tb Hamilton- She sald some people who lîve basîcally payeheque 10 payeheque encounier crises lîke a job loss, illtsess or a marriage break - up. "Any one of us could have a series of events that could put us in a (bad) situation. ThMis is a very tougis Community to not be suceessful in, and then to have to come forward (for help), but if you do come for- ward there are a lot of groupa wiso will help." Halton Region, Ibroughis s Supportiag Communities Partnership Initiative (SCPI), bas reeeived 18 applications from groupa for federal N1{I fsînding of Iocally- proposed projects. Approval of individual projects la done by Halton Region council and is expecled a ita July 14 meeting. The application deadline for projeet funding tirough tise Regionas Community Plan is Thursday. For more details, calI Haltons SCPI co-ordinator. Sally Pincoek, at (905) 825-6000, ext. 4447. CompleteCare Plus" Extendeci Parts & Labour Warranty: lO-year on qualifying Dave Lennox Signature" Collection equfipment 5-year on quallfying Elitet Series equipment QuaUg EquWment DISC -HSX19 HPXIS. HSX15. (.51V. 32V. GH-R32V. G60UHV. 660DEV. (,W5B9 CHXS2MV ((3IMV. 5< 12C, 25< ECO-12U/20U Efit Sritt- H,2-,.HP27, HS26. HP26, 1HSX12,HPXI212 S 14529, G61, G32 (,HR32, G51, G26, (.HR2<, G60.5. SOB<532M. <35M. ('29M.023. 0523 014521 (024, 0524, GWBMS (.5115CONWE2 l-no IdutreýIn eýve te gh age ooructhL romtio ý11 ýdit -ut otice i~I~àrv m à r Region staff raise $1 70,000 Halton Region employeca set a new per- sona] record for giving 10 tbe United Way during ils 2003 campaign. During the April 21 meeting of regional counicil, Halton Region Chair Joyce Savoline and Halton Employeca United Way Committee Chair Lina Islip preaenîed a cheque for more tisan $170,000 10 Alison Piekard, ebief executive officer of tise United Way Oakville. "I was very pleased 10 present thse United Way of Oakville witis Halton Regions 2003 eampaign proceed,' Ms Savoline aaid. 'Il la a symbol of our commitment 10 the communily. Our continuing support of the United Way demonstrates thse generos- iîy and carlng of Halton Region employ- ees." Halton Regions 2003 campaign resultcd in an 8 per cent increase - almost $1 3,(X) -in employee donations from 2002. The United Way will diatribute the donation to ail the charitable services that serve the ares mumecipalities. "Ise events are always fun and il's good to see how the Region la belping tise com- munity," Ma Ilip said. "You feel like you're making a real difference." eý it