Luckily Ino oneCijred inbcash at busy Derry Rd. intersection Sever'sl cbldren ha td crtr-hbut noon when their sebool bus was involved .X /~ ~ SBO U in a thrce-vcbicle collision. At about 3:30 p.m., a Chevrolet Trailblazcr was travelling nortbbound on Fourtb Line and eitber didn't stop at Uic two-way stop sign or stopped and proceed- cd tbrough Uic intersection without notie- ing a Ford van travelling westbound ona Denry Road, police said. 'Me vebicles collidcd and the van bit a small Laidlaw scbool bus that bad been travelling soutbbound on Fourtb Line and was waiting at thse stop sign aI the nortb- * west side of the intersection. The school bus ended up in the ditch. "There were several kids on the bus, but no one was burt," said Halton Regional Police Staff Sgt. Walter Bucci. Tbe driver of Uic Trailblazer was cbarged Photo by GRAHAM P»I witb failing to yield. A school bus that ended up In a dltch la taken away front the scene. Cops look to put dent in unsafe driving The Canadian Champion, Tuesdai, May 18, 2004-7 'l lootreti utsie andi saw black amol c omnmg fron thte Andi so began a nsght that tumed out to be auytbing but quietfor them oh e oup the ùki *at8 Ontaio St As Sum s hle saw thie uok, Mat etow 9 pmat.Mr. th om but dwm wu nwer HeaIrtedisebuldng superinteondeM ,wlio calied 911. W.~ Brassard Ibm gaI a key frotiste scuslty guad and en*ered ise apartzmmt, se iL He saw nlattes coenig fiSn an oven spewing wMthsuate. 'Ihe whole %patmezs was kaU of snWke. 1 saw a centle- Man passed ouI t ntise ouch. Myselfansd a secssrity guard carrieti hins outside, wlsere be waa nnioi&" 'Me Milton Fire Departreent respatideti at about9 p.m. andi took care of thse lire. Mr. Brassard said the man, who wasn'î seriously hurt, hati fallen asleep, fargetting sometbing in the aven. 'lE This week, Halton Regional Police will participate in Canada Road Safety Week, a national campaign designed to make Canadas roads the safest in the world. The safety week runs from May 17 to 24, and is a police initiative to remind people tbat an essential part of the police enforce- ment job is to save lives and reduce injuries on our roadways. Educating tbe public in safe driving prac- tices is a priority. The focus will be on bcbaviours that put drivers, passengers and other road users most at risk. AIl enforcement agencies across the country bave been invited to participate. "Ile death and pain that results from carelcssness bebind the wheel can be pre- vcnted," said Staff Sgt. Andrcw Fletcber of thse Halton Regional Police Regional Traffic Unit. "Police agencies across thse country are collaborating on this project because tbey bave seen more than enough tragedy and because tbey know that thse involvement of thse driving public is essential to achieve safer streets and higbways." Ded ef Student ProuraMS Ici, HOME STAY familles July & August 2004 For STUDENTS FROM FRANCE Ages 14-18 Reimbursement $160 per week Two Week Programs: July 12-26, August 10-24 Three Week Programs: JuIy 8-27, August 5-24 HOST FAMJLY Provides 3 meals a day, And bas teenage cbild. Comfortable family environment HOST STUDENJ' Attends family functions. Does not attend school. To apply cali Jamie at 905-878-1027 This week bas been strategically chosen, as it's tbe first warm long weekend. More people are travelling, and traffic crashes are more frequent. Officers will be targeting impaired driv- ing. occupant restraints, intersection safety and unsafe speeds this week. TMis will be accomplisbed througb a zero tolerance approach toward not using seat- belts, and by working alongside CN Police WEST TORONTO CAMPING Park " Full service 30 amp pull-through sites with 3-way hook Up " Long unit sites avail- able " Shaded tent sites " Modem washroomn & 10 free showers " Heated pool " Laundromat " 3000sq. ft. rec hall " Dump station to target enforcement through intersection blitzes, radar enforcement and RIDE lanes. In Haton, there have been eight deatbs s0 far this year in vebicle collisions. Canada Road Safcty Week is sponsored by Transport Canada and endorsed by police across thse country as part of the Road Safety Vision 20 10, whicb bas a goal of making Canada's roads the safest in thc world by 2010. A quiet family campground located on the Niagara Escarpment. " Fire rings - wood available " Children's playground " No noise from Hwy.40 i NOR-HALTON PARK For reservations cati: Tel: (519) 853-2959 Fax: (519) 853-2718 R.R. 1, Acton, ON L7J 2L-7 ri 'j liWOl ûifON- sHOILON ONImI s DiUVU * DIUUV moiHI