B8-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 18, 2004 Mon and Mower - cut to the heort of personality (NC)-lt's no secret thot you can tell a lot about a man by mhe car he drives. Want proof? Picture fhe devoted family mon ond a sensi- ble sedan or van cornes f0 mmnd. Likewise, the style-conscience professionol wouldn't be seen in anything but a high-perform- once sports cor. And fheres litle doubt mhat the person tooling oround in o hybrid electric vehi- cie feels sfrongly about the envi- ronmenf. What's parked in thre drive- way also is a good indicator of whot's sfored in the gorden shed, according to John DeFranco, The Home Depot Canado's buyer for outdoor power equipment. "Tire some factors mhat influ- ence fhe decision-making process when buying an auto- mobile con be applied when selecfing o new mower" soid DeFronco. "When shopping for a new cor you compare mhe fea- tures, kick the tires and check under the hood, but in the end if's the one mhat best suifs your personolity mhat seals the deal." DeFranco offers the following "personalify profiles' f0 match mon and machine. Dream Machine For mhose who dream 0of own- ing a Hummer and wouldn'f drive anylhing but a 4-wheel- drive, John Deere tractors exceed even mhe toughest fest. wimh plenty 0f power under mhe hood, cruise control, automnatic transmission, a deluxe high-back seat and even o power port for plugging in o celi phone or CD ployer mese machines will keep mhe driver content for hours. Cut to the chose The fomlly mon who preters ta drive a van or sedan wonfs a relable mower mhot will com- plete mhe job quickty, since mhe yard is littie more moan a distrac- tion from mhe busy rigors of home 1ffe. ¶rhere's no question mhat mhis personolity requires easy lown mointenance,8 DeFronco said. He suggests an easy-starting, low-maintenance mower. designed for demondîng resi- dentiol mowing that leoving more time for a fiendly chat with your neighbour. The Manlcudst Ithme lure of European preci- Sion and high-performance sports cors fires you up, Toro mowers will toke you where you want ta go. This s tme perfect mower for mhose who like exact cuts, precise edging and plenty of compliments from envious neighbours. 'fTheres no need fa break o sweat wlmh one of tmese mow- ers,' said DeFranco. wThe sef-pro- pelled system ollows you to slow down or speed up effortilessly, somemhing you'll appreciate on aohot day,' Mr. Down ta Eauth For the sentimentalist or grounded environmentallst who sees green, a push reel or elec- hric mower is mhe way f0 go. Neither type hos an internai combustion engine, They are quieter and don t produce emis- sions like gas-powered mowers. Botery-powered mowers are good for smalier yards and require uitle maintenance. Push reel mowers are simple machines wimh no power source, SO you'li get a light cordiovascu- oar workout whiie sprucing up your yard. No motter whot your person- liîty type, DeFronco said, sie up your landscaping needs before purchosing o new mower. Next, take a look in mhe drivewoy. Repel summer însects and enjoy the best of the outdoors Since ) 1978 [ J er «UCANADA'S NATTRESS SUPERSTORE" OPEN SUNDAYSI Heurs: Mon.-Wed. 10-e p.m., luim., Fvl. 10-e p..., Satuey 94 .- . Suni.y 11-5 F.M. F: O E FAIVIW ST î a (NC)-Wormer weamher offen brings a pesky problem - insects. With mhe presence of West Nule Virus, bugs are cousing more concern moan ever before. Visit Canadian Tire for a fulli une of protective products f0 help stop mhese pests from ruining mhe sum- mer. Try mhese ips to help you enjoy mhe outdoors: - Protect yourself wim oa non- DEET personal bug repellont. Mode from mhe lemon eucalyp- tus plant, mhis repellant is non- toxic and as effective as DEET- based products. - The Mosquito Magnet attracts and kitIs mosquttoes and ail othier bltlng lnsects by mmick- f0 humons and animais. èCreate a sofe outdoor environment for fomiiy inside a sturdy screên house. Mode from Nno-see'em" mesh, mhese screen houses are designed f0 0110w a cool breeze to pass mhrough but are woven togemher 50 ightiy, even mhe smaiiest of insects con- not penetrate. a If you're planning fa go walking or hiklng, consider bug jackets and hots moat help keep you cool and protected from insect bites. é In tmeevening, lluminate outdoor spaces and keep lnsects away wlth oaromakcitc t- ronella cadIes or post wcker and bcmnboo Ctronelo torche " Visit aur wébsit. at www.sieepfactory.com " Fmoncing avalobS. sSenior Dscount " Over 40 locations aaes Cmanada " Wecsimz