Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 May 2004, p. 26

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26-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 18, 2004 - Haydar and Admirais advance By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Bring on Rochsester. Not wantmng ta, take any chances with a 'aien i-aydar ,and fus AtI-LMilwaukec Admirais ralliet from a late deficit anti eclipsedth ie Chicago Wolves 4-3 in double overtune Friday migit. Tise game-six triumpb cementeti division braggmng rigisîs for tise regular season cisampion AdmiraIs, who're now set ta battle tise red-isot Rochester Americans in tise Western Conference finals. Haydar drew two assistain tise serics clmncher, including anc on defenceman Andrew Hutchinsons tiird-period equat- izer. -Two of us were battling for tise puck in tise corner. I poked it oui ta Andrew and ise cul I thie mitdle and wired a nice sisot tisai isad eyes," said Haydar. Teammate Mathieu Darcise would tisen score on tise breakaway wiîis 4:06 lefi in tise second sutiden deatis frame ta oust Chicago. Added Haydar, "It felt great ta put il away. I don't tisnk any of us wanted ta go home for a seventis game after losmng two in a row." Friday marked tise Oftis multi-point play- off game for Multons 24-year-ald sniper, wiso's currenîly in a îiree-way tic for sec- ond in posi season scoring with six goals anti rimeiselpers - trailing only Domenie Pittis of Rochester. He's also gaineti some cansideration among fans for playofI MVP. Overaîl, Haydar bas 153 points since joining Milwaukee last season- witis pro- duction aplit prctty mucis evenly beiween bis rookie anti sophomore campaigns. Enjoyng isome-ice ativantage ibrougis- out tise playoffs, tise Admirais isost games anc anti twa of tise conférence finalsý If victoriaus against Rochester, Milwaukee will take on eitiser Hartford or Wilkes-Barre/Scranton for tise Calder Cup. The Admirais - wiso began anti endeti tiseir division finals witis double-overtime wins - beat tise Americans 5-1 and 2-1 in tiseir anly two meetings of tise regular ses- son. Meanwhile, it appears as thougis native Miltonian Craig Brusis - general manag- er of tise FHonda Everbiades - is going ta isave ta wait ai leasi anotiser year for ECHL's top prize. His Everblades currently trait Idahso 2-0 in tise Kelly Cup finals, losing 5-I Friday anti 6-4 Saturday an home ice. With Idaiso isosting tise nexitishree games - starting iomorrow evening -tise cisances of a series tumarounti seem ratiser bleak. Florida reacisedth ie finals for tise firsi tiîne in uts six-year iistory by disposing aI Reading in fOve games. >Milton marathoners shine in Cincy Milton Runners wenîtishe distance in Cincinnati May 2 -dcliv- ering a near-perfeet completian rate anti some impressive indiviti- ual efforts aitishe Flying Pig Marathon. Only one of 25 local participants faleti ta caver tise 42.2-km course, that witis maming showers was as rainy as il was billy. Leading tise way witis a sensationai 3:01.401 performance for t2tis place isanours in tise men's 35 ta 39-year aid division was Glen McLay, wiso was tise second Canada maie finisher anti 48îis averail among tise men. For tise women, Nancy Cole-Hryciw - fresis off a rather disap- pointing shawing at last monîi's Boston Maratison - sisane witis a time aI 3:27.27. Tisat was gond enougis ta take tise women's 50-54 class, by a wisopping 18 minutes, as well as place Oirsi among Canadian ladies and 26tis amang wamen overail. Dale Thibideau's 3:26.50 eamed iim tiird place in tise 55 ta 59- year-old men's caiegory. while Pat Bimie was secanti among women 45 ta 49, clocking in ai 3:34.01. Her finish was identicai ta bushanti Ian. Eighî otiser Miltonians cracked tise faur-hour mark, wiile rook- ie marathoner Rene Petroski came within six minutes af doing so. Fellow Oirs-timers Martin Stanley, John Sliekers anti Gloria Hewiri sui.cessfully riegotiatedth ie course as weli. Otiser Oinisisers were Trigg Hall, Ken Siselton, Caivin Snow, Cindy Joisnsîon, Sonia Boucher, Fraser Hansen, Mark Hurtig, Toddt Corradetti, Courtney Wamer, Cathsy Hall, Katisie Key, Connie Hearty, Marin Camey, Jack Hewits anti birtisday girl Janice Snaw - whose racing caisorts tirew her a major basis on a river baat. This marked tise Milton Runners' biggest single marathon con- tingent. A number of participants delivereti personal besi times, making tise weekend excursion tisai mucis mare successful. IceHawks' coach pleased with rookies Tise rebuilding has begun. Welcoming 155 bapefuls ta tise receni rookie evaluation camp at Milton Sports Centre, lceHawks isead coaci/general manager George Dupont said ise was quite pleaseti with the tumout. I think we'll be taking a mucis stronger group ta Guelpistiis year," he saiti, refer- ring ta the potential rookies whaoll be invîtedt t take part ai nexi manth's OHA Referce Scisool Toumnament at tise University of Guelpis. We isat a loi aI goati, higis-enti players out."~ Amang those attending tise tiree-day prospects camp were Mississauga IceDog isopefuls Stefan Legein anti Adam Simms, as well as fellow OH-L drafices Mark Pawlowskj, Dan Brewer, Jarrett Noules anti Shea Kewin - a fourtis-rounti pick of the Ottawa 67s. Tise lceHawks were laoking for a bit of everytising from the camp, wiîis this years player exodus cuîting deep into bath the blueline anti forward ranks. Up front, Wes Clark anti Jonathan Omelas are off ta tise NCAA wisile Ryan McInemey anti Brati Sneîsinger will likely be lasita tiste OHL. On defense, tise IceHawks will needt i nt replacements for over-age comersione Matîisew Frencis, NCAA-bound Andrew Bonello anti up- anti-coming Jason Fortino- a tiirti-rounti pick of tise Belleville Bulîs. Meanwisile, goaltender Jamie Flury will join Bonello ai Division I 's Rabert Morris University. Saiti Dupont,. We've gai nine or 10 guys eligible ta came back, but we're probably gaing ta be even younger than lasi year. Rigisi nowMTomas Lee and Adam Pileggi are aur only 20-year-olds." Recmuiting continues in miti-June witis a firsi-time American-anly camp in Michsigan. Standout performers aitishe OHA Refere Toumament. wiich runs from June 19 ta 22, will be inviteti back for tise lceHawks' main camp in mii-Augusi. losi ig tw o lmore 77Th yc4om$n Cal! k a vty - at leait of tise moral variety, In deqspe eed of snt gto buld on, the Jr B Mavencks deliveredt Iei best second-isalf perfoimnce of thse sns agaiet tise formidable Mark.bam Ia'oneads Friday nigbt atJoMin Toei Sports Centre. Thse 12-10 lom didnt do mucis to combat Milotss base- ment-dwelling tlss, but it was cemtinly a step in the rîght direction - given thse number of isumbling Imse suffered titis spring. "I1t was probably tise flrst gaine we've played witis oeil intensity," said heati coachs Trevor Reidi. "Our defesise was getting to tise loose halls anti our tempo was generally gooti." Even goalie Chris higrahain worked bis way out of tise prover- bial dog house - at least ta sorine extent - with a far less leaky effort. Atiteti Reidi, "Overail, he diti pick up bis gaine." The Mavericks put tisei- selves in position to win by ispstaging Markban 4-1 in the second penod, aftergetting stung on anumbez of rash penal- ties early on. Jon Sweetland fueledth ie couneback bld with ducae goals in tise second balf, anti five points overai. Cqtain Kyle Goert4 Troy Hazzad m aneRamneach wâued ùwice, wbIle ike Novak contributeti a sea«An-bsfour assias. The launheatis amasseti five P»powrày goals intise finst isalf andi enjoyed a balanceti attack tisoughoert lis night on tise way ta tiseir sithseason vcoryAmng tseir goal acor- ers was fonmNer iltosian CoeiglstoesRd& Now mosiin an Wisitby, dise Matisai rookie scored lian tise flt'st and assisteti on goal nurnber nine early in the *àdn. Milton beld ks piesta to areapecmbifvcgoeinielaW two franes, pimariy because of foal fled maàto-man cov- erage and a sisarpancissctionm n trieth ie sinabin, The Mavericks' 10-goal iigist was tiseir second isigst output so, farIbis year. Unfortunately, Milton couldn't carry diat proàucio into Nepean Saturday evening. Clearly ont of gis anti overwhlmsed by tiseirano=e slled bous after a radier spiriteti stat, tise Maverick scored jugs tbree dîmes in tise final two periotis and weredusuped 16-7. However, Reid stressedtfait bisteain was geoeray solif on thse nigit anti receiveti a fairy decent sisowig froan ngalisai. 1He atdeti, "Nepen's juat got rme sticksie tdma US." Milton didn't get much in tise wîy of offensive apark beyond GToertz, wiso talliedt wice anti atitet tsane Isper. Hazzard potteti a pair, wisile a remig Malt Bolton cisippet in a goal anti an assist. Now 1-7, tise Mavericks will neetia wildly succesful sec- ond balf ta bave any kinti of isope for post-season play. Iney bave only one gaine ibis week, a road trip ta Mimico Tswsday nigbt. Con ventry rallies to daim third Gold Series elimination Tisree-year-ald trotting colt Coventry emergeti fram tise sisadows at Mohsawk Racetrack Saturday evening ta capture tise tiird Golti Series Elimination of is career in impressive style. In rein ta owner anti tramner Daug Ackerman, tise Mr. Lavec son eased oui aI post two anti delivereti classie come-fram-behind tacties ta post a 1:58.2 victory - iitling the wire twa lengtiss up on favourite Erics Image anti four lengths aiseati af third-place fiiser Armbra Balaince. "It coulint have been better," said Ackerman aftcr tise race. "We just kind of flatteneti off oui aI tise gale, anti the speed was gaing on tise front- end, sa we just followed up with caver. Il took us a very gond way inta tise lane, anti he just spun us home from tisere." A two-time Golti Elimination winner ai two, Coventry boosteti bis lifetime eamings ta $151 ,427 for Daug anti Ada Jean Ackennan of Warren, Micisigan. The second climination saw trotting speciaiist Trevor Ritchie score the Oirst aI twa OSS wins. Tise Acton native piloteti Kings Ransam ta an effartless tiree-lengtis, 1:59.1 victary for tramner Susanne Kerwood af Campiselivilie anti awner Eti Radin of Kitchener. Ia spite of bis inexperience, Kings Ransaru is no stranger ta, the Mohawk winner's circle. Tise gelding captureti bis April 6 debut anti delivereti a 1:59.1 victory in a leg of the Tie Silk Series April 12 before making a break in tise April 26 FinaL. * Beat Saturday's effort saw him get the best of favoured Grand Sovereign, who recovered from an early break ta, earn the runner-up's share of tise $35,056 purse. Ritchie 's second win camne aboard the only favourite ta prevail in the three Gold Eliminations. Witness Perfection camne tisrough with a flawless performance to post an impres- sive 1:56.4 triumph in his Oirsi start on Canadian soul. Racing aiTisMe Meadowlands in New Jersey, tise San Pellegrino son isat only ersekedth ie top tisree once in six starts prior 10 Saturday's shsow- dawn, but ise appeareti campletely in control as ise cruisedt t a one-and-a-isalf length win over FligisI Dream anti Trudel. Jiin Raymer trains the San Pellegrino son for owner anti breeder Cedar Post Management LLC of Pemberton. New Jersey. The top tisree colts from cacis elimination plus anc of the fourtis-place fiisers - Wake Up Anti Drive, Eatorneadow Clyde or Onondaga Kit - will retum ta the Campbellville aval Sunday for the firsi $1 30,000 Goît Final an their scisedule tis season.

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