i 0-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 18, 2004 HJHScHO RPORT" ic tus na Iu spul yv ieruanam rms b. Here's why:m 1. Our copyrighted program teaches nothing less than the secrets and sklls of ifetime colision-free driving. 2. We teach our fil in a classroom. 3. We're the Cana( Ask us how DriveFit Computer Based fe-saving emergency maneuvers behind the wheel, flot just your road test Appeoeed dian standard of excellence. 900,000 grads in 30 years.YOUNG - e . YOUNGDRIVERS of Canada There s only one YD. Yorlicence to survive. JUNE 2004 JUNE 2004 _____________________________2 WEEKEND COURSE 4 DAY COURSE 1)YurJune 5, 6, 12, 13 June 26, 27, 28, 29 S 95m875m04.80 (9:30 arn - 4:15 pm) (9:30 arn - 4:15 Pm) w w w. y o u n g d r i v e r s . c o m___ __________________ I Alicia Visconti John Peterson Erika Shrome E.C. DRURT BienHSCIoeGL Alicia. Erika. and John soaked up the rays this week, as the weath- er firtally warmed to springlike temperatures. They wanted to he able to enjoy the nice weather as niuch as possible so. on 'luesday the 11lth, they ssent over to Drury's soccer fields to watch the last match of the Senioîr Girls* soccer teani. The girls played strong and refused to let up throughout the gante. Unfortunately. the girls lost 1 -0 to Bishop Reding but tremendous effort was put fob h y ail. Congratulations, girls, on a great season. With conrtuing sunny skies. the three reporters decided tît pop hy the tennis team's practice. The team s stili recruiting players 10 conspete either in singles, doubles or mixed doubies.inîerested stu- dents should contact Mr. Pecora for more details. 'he warmer weather, whîle provoking students to spend time oui- side, aiso served to remind students that the end of the year is right before our eyes. As is tradition, the end of the year wiii mark the beginning of a new student govemment for next year's group of motivated leaders. Nominations and elections are being heid in tbe very near future, un be sure 10 listen 10 the Announcement Club's entbusisstic morning announcements for details! On a similar note, nominations for 2004's Vaiedictorian are stili being accepted in Guidance. In order to nominate a Vaedictorian, a gradusîing student must pick up a nomination form from Mrs. Shepherd. The form requires students to geltbree supporting signa- tures as weii as support from a teacher. So, al you seniors out there sbouid pick up fortos asap! If you would like 10 see some students who have excellent presen- talion skills, then you sbouid be sure 10 come oui 10 Ibis year's Spring Concert: Drury Among the Stars. This musical event wili take place on June Isi. Ail members of the community are invited to join the Music Department for dinner ai 6PM, and then for tbe spectacular concert aI 7PM. Tickets are availabie tbrough Music studenîs ai a cost of $15.00 for adults, and $800 for children 10 and under. Community members can aiso choose îo bypass the dinner and vicw the concert for a cost of $5.00 for adulîs, and non cosi for children 10 and under. For you students wbo are frettîng because you cant go tbat nîghî. neyer fear! A speciai in-scbool concert wili be heid on May 3 1 s during period 4.sYour fu class musi attend ai a cost of $2.00 per person. Individual tickets will ont be sold. So be sure to corne down witb your ciass, and check out 'Drury Among the Stars.' So, witb wartner weatber 00w upon us, we hope that you wîll be able 10 get out and ejoy the sunshine in the coming week. Tune in next week for more fun-ftlled Dateline Drury! Triîia:- Last Week's Question: What other courses bas Mr. Pecora taught? Answer: Civics and Careers, Peer Mediation, Peer Heiping, and .... Math. This Week's Question.- What buildings at E.C. Drury do not bave air conditioning? MILTON DISTRICT 1101 SCIGOL '"MUSTANG MESSENGER", The sommer suni bas wreaked havoc upon the sanity of MD studerîts. as they ioil beneatb ils searing rays in classrooms with no reprieve. But, witb the misery of the over-beaîed upstairs ballway cornes the joy of a school season winding dowîî. Those îlot alîending stîmmer scbool will be saying "Goodnigbt, sweet prince," to MD for the sommer monîhs, ansd for those in grade 12. to high scbool ail together. Inthiese remaiîîiîg months, tbe Girls soccer ieani stili has an erîtire posi-season to compiete. Tuesday, during ibeir gaine against Georgetown, the squad was able to corne back from a tbree goal deficit and carry the day, winning 5-3 with a strong effort in the dying minutes. Baily Murray provided the comeback caîalyst witb a hat trick, follow by Karen Doering taking the lasi îwo goals. Murrary, says Coach Ruth, "had an awesome gaine." This win puts the teamn in good shape with the post season looming ahead. The Boys basebail teain played against Iroquois Ridge Wednesday, losing 7-3. After a strong stan 10o the season, the boys have been grounded by the recent losses resulting in a 3-3-0 record for regular season play. With playoffs starting tbis week, the boys will have 10 find the fervour they began their season with 10 advance 10 the finals. Justin Myers was reached for comment about bis performance and single error in Wednesday's game. So distressed was Myers, he could not bring himself 10 comment. The grade il draina studenîs will be performing some chul- dren's theatre pieces this week, catering Io the younger gen- eration wbose artistic taste may differ from older people. Lasî week, those performing were given the arduous task of painting tbe set and preparing for tbeir performances. Tbe music department is gearing up for uts excursion 10 the Maritimes wbere botb the instrumental and vocal groups will perform ai a number of venues. To support the musical expedition, one cao purchase chocolate bars as sold by the music students. AIl proceeds will go towards sending MD's fabulous music out of-town. As the playoffs approach, it becomes imperative that blue and white be tbe coînur of the day, and that every flock 10 field side 10 cbeer the teams on. Until next week... "1THE ROYAL REPORT", Preston MacNeI Liana-Daria Pressé DISNOP REDINO 1101n SCIGOL Bi.iween drts and sports,. Bîshîîp Redîng has been a very basy place lu be' The Mîîck Trials Teani iraveled lo cîîmpeîe i he Haltîts Board's Mîîck Trials Competîton. The teait placed a very respectable ihird place, havîng ouly une loss lu their recoîrd. Their only lîîss was lu iThomas Aquinas. ihe winner cil he cuîmpeîîîîîîîî Jensîler Thomas and Mail Lilko were very believable and firmni s heir roles as the wiinesses. while David Borscok. PJ. McCîîll. Ryan Morcira. anid Sîîîhhan Desrcshes were brilliaul i heir direct esam- mioîns, cross5 examinatiiins. and openîîîg and closing staiemenis. Consgratulationis o the team lin iheir bard wîîrk allter greai boues of prepa. ration! Sports bas becsin fll swing as summer approaches. The Varsîîy Boys' Basebal eam played agaînsi White Oaks lasi week. Wiîh a sîctortous altempt that resuiîed in a final score of 5-4, the Royals claimed Oirsi place. Lîam Tennant and Sean Maîhe piched seven very sirong innings, whiie Nick Mazzoratît had s 2-oui 2-rus single. Meanwhile, the Senior Boys' Soccer leam also won againsî Nelson witt a score of 3-2. 'Me gouiscorers of the game were Andrew Melo, Dan Sonsini, sud Cutis Newman. 'Me Senior Girls' Soccer îeam joumeyed across town to Milton District for a toumnament in which tbey placed second. They were unfortunaîety defeat- ed hy Oakvtlle Trafalgar, but sot witbouî great teamwork and deternina- lion demonsiraîed tbroughout tihe tournasent. Thse Junior Girts' Soccer season sadly ended for the Royats last week; however, Megan Johnsîon was accredited wtth played an excellent garne whileteietest of lise teare neyer gave np ether. The Varsity Ginls' Sofibaîl game also came out of s toumament îniumpbsnîly. Thougi tiseir first toumament, tise girls showed nu mercy in liseir efforts. Koisten Casselman, Sarahs Csrtwrigbî, and Tiffany Komow each received tise Most Valuabie Contributor Awsrds for the îesm. Congratulations 10 ail our Royals on their isard work! Speaking of bard work. detensinstion. and dedication. the S.A.A. named îwuî more athletes as tie Atiietes of lise Week. Joey Melo. a Grade 9 siudenî playîng os tise Senior Boys' Soccer team., was nsmed lise tirsi Atlsete ai the Week for havîng shows great work ethic on and off the field, wîth seven goals in Jusi lhree gainies' Lauren Grant. haîlîng from the Junior Girls Soccer team was tise second Aihlete of tise Week. Lauren's abîliiy lu cooperate wiih and encourage tise resi of ber leam won her tise ttille toctise week' Congratulations lu bots for making B.R. proud! The seconîd annual Terry Fus Rus is betng held ai Bîshop Redîsg us Thursday. Everyone in tise scisool must brîng in tes dollars lu partîcîpate. Tiiere wîli be food and actîvîties during tise event. Afler last year's suc- cess. ihere is no dîsubi tisai ibis year wîll be jusi as big and jusi as great! Grade Represesîtîve Electons, Fine Arts Executîve Coasicîl Electons. and Siudcîîî Aihleîîc Association Electoîts are ail coming up. so gel îsvîslved and sign up sono! Quote of tise week: One person can havesa profound etTeet on anoth- er. And two people ... welI, Iwo people cas work miracles. They can change a whole town. They can change the world." Dianîe Froloic and Aîîdrex Si Iteideî A