Stranger grabs woman 's arm in Steeles Ave. plaza parking lot ý ' I ý Éid iC laul lt icki l rttr..KW s Njetci u at and grabbed by a man inside a van betwecn 1: 10 and 1:20 p.m. asat Friday. The 20-year-old Acton woman was wait- img for a friend in the parking lot of a Steeles Avenue plaza when a white van approached and severat men inside began whistling at her. As it drove by ber, police said the vans side door opcned and a mano grabbed ber armn. 'Ie woman pulied away and the van crove off. The man who grabbed the woman is desciibcd as white and clean-shaven with a beavy build and shaved hcad. Impaired drivioog charge laid Police laid a drunk drivmng charge abter a Police Blotter vebicle seen traveling erratically endcd up in a ditch Saturday. The car hari been observcd travellig eastbound on Britarmia Road at about 2:30 a.m. when it left the roadway. A 20-year-old Mlississauga man was chargeri witb impaired driving. Car broken into Remns were stolen fromn an untocked vehicle parked ini front of Charley Fitzwbiskcys on Ontario Street Sacurday night. Sometirne betweenl 9 p.rn. aoo ndnodght, unknown suspects entered tihe car and took a ceil phone and a watch valued at $500. Couple steals bricks Police were called after a couple was observcd piling interlocking bricks from a Rutledge Way backyard into, a van May 6 at about 5 p.m. Tlhe mate and female, both white and in their thirties, had parkcd the van on the cast shoulder of Guelph Line - whicb runs bchind Rutledge Way - during the theft- About 25 bricks werc stoten from a skid. Thei estimatcd value of th ictoen bricks ix $100. Police are mnvestigating thc thcft. Crime Stppr 'Hln 'Renaissance festival office broken into Halton Regional Police are investigat- ing a break-in on thse grounds of thse Ontario Renaissance Festival. At 5 arn. Aprit 15, suspects pricd off a screen to an unlocked window and entered thse portable office tocated at 6252 Eighth Line. The thieves removed a cash box containing $500. If yau have an 'v rnfrrmation thr/l/eads ta an arrest in t/is or ans ailler maltie, yau mas l'e eligih/e for a cash rcward. Yaîî vs i/i never have ta give saur flaînS HALTON CATHOLIO DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD REQUEST FOR PROPOSAI #2004:03 EXTERNAL AUDIT SERVICES Proposais ciearly marked as to the contents wiIi be received by the Board until 12:00 noon local time on: May 26, 2004 Request for Proposai documents are availabie on the Board website under Board Information For any information about the RFP contact Frank Crouchman, Manager, Purchasing Services, (905) 632-6300, ext. 136. crouchmanf@ L. Povesan %tDnc iet ofEducalion 1*l 1 I Frank Crouchman, Manager, Purchasing Services ar iestify in court. Crime Stoppers of Ha/ton doesn't subscrihe ta ca/i disp/ay. Please ca/I 1-800-222-TIPS (1-800- 222-8477) ar check. aui Crime Stappers' Weh site ai n'îî'u',.halioncýrime.stappe-s. coin. The Canadian Champion, Fniday, May 14, 2004- Awaitngdsclosure cbild pomograpy in Iaasuay will nake antoher court appear- ance next week. Justice in Burlington Tuesdy. Hils case was renxanded to next Protecting the natural environment from lake to escarpment Explore Conservation Halton Parks Look for your spring edition of Focus on Conservation 2004 in today's paper Featuring parks map and calendar of events IS Noh . s o e tn o h s e asmtabt annuels as the year's introduction of new European Annuels. This year promises to be non different as anme of aur old favourtes take on anme new twists. Two greaf new Osteospermuis varieties include: Soprano Purpie and Ugh Purpie. These have a long fiowening peniod beginning in early spring and continuing through the firat tew frots of fall. Tusse varieties are excellent ln botto containers and the landscape. Or try new Nemesia Sunsatla Lemon and Cranberry. They ftower in complete abandon, ohten an covered in blooms it ix nearty impossible ta sefee th oiage. Sunsafia ixs xtremely versatile and ttrives in a vaniety of temperatares handling bath heaf and cold. These plants are excellant in pots, hanging baskets, and landocapes, and make an excellent corobination plant. We alan suggest you check oct anme oew colouro in Million Beils like DOIr Sven Bacchus Cerifled OrlhodonticpeciaIis Smiles that last a Lifetime DDS, MSc., Bk., FRCD(C) NOW OPEN! Braces for Children & Aduits " new patients wetcome - flexible paymcnt plans " no referrat necessary - cati to book your consultt " doctor on duty on Saturdays & Mondays " office open Mon., Wcd., Pot, Sat. " free consultations 311 Commercial Street-Suite 209.Mlton Tel 905 875-2995 tion r . ~ a a - ~59 7' PARA Paint Test ers are here! Toy a littie colour Sbefore invesfing in a lot of paint with Para's new line of top 90 colours of Tester Paints! Ail your painting needs* Expert Advice @ Free Delîvery eConiractors welcome *~~~, AJJ<k. SHADE-0-OI PAIN T Si~* ikkans 462 Steoles Ave. E. 005-87" M17 Mon* -Wed 7:3Oam -5:OOprni 0Thurs -Fri 1:3Oani- 7:OOpn Sat - 9:Oani - 5:OOpni