Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 May 2004, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion, Fniday, May 14, 2004 *Comment *The Canadian Champion Box0 248, 191 Mai Milton, Ont. L9" (905) 878-À' la Editoial Fax: Advertising Fax: Classified: Circulation: an Oliver Neil Oliver Iil Davis Karen Smith 905 905 905 905 Ma Wendy McNah Aduert Tim Coles Produt Charlene Hall Dîstrîh Teri Casas O li St. E., Ti.Caul@ Chmple., publisleed every Tuesday and Frday ai 191 T 4N9 Main St. E.,Miltn, Ont. L9T 4N9 (Box 248). n ne ni Tire Metroland Printini, Publshnt & Dsrirbuing LI. graup of suburban companes wlrrci includes: Aa/Pickering iNews Auteriser, Allision HeralS/Courier, Barre 234 1 Aitance, Boflen Enlerprise, Brampton Guardian, Burinion Pos, Burlinglon Shopping Newes, Ciy Parent, Cty of Yorti Guardian, CollnwoodfWasaga Connection, East Yort i Mrror Einn Advcae/Country Roues. Etotocotre -878-4943 Goardian. Flambrouîlr Reoinw. Fnrnner Young, Georetown -876236 ndpnndnsblorFren Press. Hatan Business Times. Hurnnia Business 5-7-34 Times. Lindsay This Wenli, Marlham Economisi & Sun Midand/Penetang- -8530 ishenn Mirrur, Milnn ShroppingNes, Mississauga Business Tmes, 5-7 -33W Mssssauga News, Napanne Guide Nassagaweya Nes, NwnrarirelAurora -878-5947 ira-anne, Norhumberland News, Northrkri Mirrnr Oalinille Beaver humvilie Shopping News, Oldrmers Hockey News, Oilia Ioday, Publisher OshawaiWhiby/Claringionî/Pori Perry This Weelî. PeerbioroughThis Week, Pictor Counly Guide, Rchmond Hr5/ThornhilWlaoglran Liberal, Scarbnrough iilate Publisher Mrror. Slnulioille/Unxbnidge Tribune. Auvertsint o accepied on lire condiioni liatin lire eneni ni a typo- Editrin-Chief graphical errnr Ibal porion oiflire aderisini space uccupieul by lire erren- iana gîng Editr, neous itm, logeiher cih a reasonable alîncance loi signature. ciii nul ie clarged loi, bul the balance oi the adociisement illii ie parS for ai lire appîr- riisîng Director cable raie The publisirer reseeses lire rglu 10 caegorize adonilisements ni itrc10 Manager declinie larin Managi," )fi 'Manager lieMoien Cmedae Chlrieaes a ilecyc"Prrie idrud ik Thoughts, prayers don't seem enough *0aedr rt Joseph Manchisi wasn't alone these past two weeks as he beld bis breath, hoping against hope remains found in Quebec weren't those of his son. 20-year-old Joseph. Milton residents were doing the same. Althoughi Mr. Manchisi said be knew logically he would soon receive the phone eall con- firming bis worst fears, he could- n't help but hope for a miracle. Miltonians were hoping right along with him. But that glimmer of hope was forever erased Wednesday when Mr. Manchisi was informed that DNA resuits had confirmed the remains were those of his son. Although the hope of a happy ending bas been squelched perma- nently for the Manchisi farnily. we shouldn't stop prayiîsg for and thinking about them. On the con- trary, now is when they need it i-ost, however insufficient it may seern. Mr. Manchisi bas been a model of strengtb during this difficult time, rmaking hiniself available to the media partially to protect bis farnily - including bis ex-vife. Joseph*s mother - from baving to do the same. He's opened bis heart 10 Miltonians, offering information when be had it and sbaring bis emotions wben information was painfully absent. Now, aIl we can offer in retum is our sincere condolences, thougbts and prayers. Kîds Fîshîng Derby another great success thanks to communîty's support: volunteer I>ear F.dilor: On Apnil 24, more than 450) chîl- dren aged 12 years (Airtu rr îutlger îrrk partitni the second anîimial Kîds Fîshîîîg Derby. spxo.ured b\ the Hialloît SpirrtsmniîsAss-oL. îtilîi anod the Royal Cairadian teiioîs Milton hranch. The Mili Pond iras shoulder Io shouldcr with local kids and theîr helpers- ail trying tI hook that big one. Ever regintered fisherman received a coupon for a frec bot dog or hamburger and a soft drink. Thers. 'ecs.atso tons of pies for îagged fish, as ssci) as conîinuous randumno draws troma the registration Ail oîthiis maOs made possible bte irulsandttî, v ork o) ni\ cult leagues ai the lialton Sponismen*s Association and their suppontive sponisorrs. We srould lîke tocs.tend a vers special îhanks to Milton's M&M Meat Shops and the Shimano Pro Staff for their outstanding support. Also, sponsors Canadian Tire. Bomar Bargaîn Bam. Loblaws. Guns aîîd Hooks. The Hardball Cafe. Sandra Stewrart of Johnvince Foods. Carolyn Kevworth. Benties s, Water Service. Classie Cooilis. Haîron Regional Police Scrs ice. Home Cînema Video and D&S Siens deserve thankir for their contributions. Lasi but not leasi. congratulations to six-year-old Jacob Wickwarc for catching the day*s biggesî trout - whtch stretched 15 inches long. Bob Petre Haton Sportsmen's Association E-mail your letters ta the editor ta mîtoned@haltonsearch.com. My 400-plus days here will stay with meforever Those of you who have read my column know 'm not one to gush about thingir peroonal. I always feut this space gave me an opportuniîy once a month t0 gel readers to think about their community and what it means Io them. 'Men 1 got 10, thinking - it's my tumn to tell you whaî 1 think of the comrtunity. Maty rtf you have lci me into your world antd i's only fair 1 Ici you into mine. I'm switching gears because ibis will bc the ast time 1 write a column for The Champion. On Monday. 1 will begin working aiThe Burlingtoîn Post,MTe Champion*s siser papcr. As much of a cliché as il is - joumalists donît use clichés, do they? - il's a bitersweet urne for me. Prior Io coming to Milton, I had been an on-calI reporter and freelancer with the H-amilton Spectator in 2002. Before that, I was with the Cambridge Reporter for a litile mois than Iwo years. I bring these pasi ventures up because whai 1 experienced ai the other newspapersir s what 1 experienced ai The Champion, and then some the feeling of famîly. (You can genîly wipe the tear from your eye now as my keyboard is already soaking.) The people in Milton. be iî the staff ai the paper or the concerned residenîs and politiciatis who have graced my 16 moîîîhs here have truly been unforgettable. I thank ediior Karen Smith for giv- ing nie that opportuloît. This is whal's greai abiut beitîg a jounialîsi. We immerse oursclves, if only for a brief mnoment ti lime. int a partîcular issue or into soneones persona] life. My colleagues Stephanie Thiessen. Steve LeBlane and Graham Paine are certainly perfect ni p h F Sp approach Io dealing ssîth the M Sieve's desire to bring locral spc attention Io Grahartfs sironder-fu of themi as art). Wc Al carr-y alit son or the stor, \with us. Il mot our perceptions o)lite - perhar for ihe better. That bas happcned for me in Milton. 1 say. with a completely honest heart, thai Miltonians are possibly tic most passionase. compassionate and sensitive bunch I've met. Many of themn take a direct involvement in tlieir The-1 big al oveaent or attend important though 1-JîOunderstand the olarudy. pit r 1 commend that. Il was a privilege to bc part rof il. if only as a nosy observer with a heavily- creased noîepad. )hanîc' ser lits e You may sec mN byline in the paper from time [anchisi familv Iols 10 ue, but the îneîorics I have made hete will onr athîctes to'our bc forevcr constant. il photos (I thirut As 1 have said to mnore than a tew, Miltoibas hIe bit otf the per- the unique and enviable position otf bcing able to Idir us. influences chanl ils own destiny. My roughly 400-plus days pii chartgirtg them here have helped mec chart mine. For that. I thank you aIl. and good luck. MUR 1 k: ;-5&ý

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