The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 14, 2004-B3 Dateline 0 tram DATELNE on page Bi Toastmasters. Everyone is wel- Charles St. (upper level), at 7:30 p.m. For information, cati Alian Lahue at (905) 877-3441. Help for Parents, a parent sup- port group, meets in Burlington. This non-denominational self-sup- port group helps parents of chul- dren who are in trouble at home, at school or with the law or who are abusive or taking drugs. The group is a member of Association of Parent Support Groups in Ontaio. For times and directions, cati i1- 800-488-5666 or visit Calling New Parents, a free pro- gram for parents and babies aged 6 months and younger, meets with a public heaith nurse to discuss par- enting and infant care. 'he group meets at the Milton Comntunity Resource Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd., [rom 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. For More mnformation, cati (9(05) 693- 4242, ext. 7899. Milton District Hospital holds a breastfeeding clinic with a certi- fied lactation consultant [rom 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. For more information or to make an appointment, cali Jean Gallen at (905) 878-2383, ext. 7030. St. John Ambulance meets at the community centre in Norvai from 7 to 9 p.m. New volunteers are weicome. For more informa- tion, cail (905) 877-7658. Wednesday May 19 liaiton prescot a free seininar coti- tled 'Bloomning with Health - Women's Healtb in Mid-Ljfe' at the 707 Galaxy Banquet Hall, 475 North Service Rd. E., ini Oakviiie, with a metabolic bone disease spe- ciaiist presenting. Dispiays are up for view at 6:30 p.m., and the pres- entation hegins at 7 p.m. To reserve a seat, cati (905) .338-4-379 or e- m a i 1 eiittie@haitorheaithcareonca The Milton Christian Ladies CotTee Hour meets from 9:-30 to il a.m. at Milton Gospel Hall, 306 Ontario St., one block south of Steeles Avenue. The moming mecludes a free presentation entitled The Wonderfui Worid of Tea. For information and transportation, cati Margaret at (901) 878-1265. Mumn's Morning Oui meets ai 123 Main St. [rom 9:,3() to Il a.m. Caregivers ftnd fricndship and sup- port whiie chiidren are cared tor in Grahamt Hall. For information, cati (905) 878-8895. La Leche League meets at 7:.3<) p.m. at the Ontario Eariy Years Centre (at the Milton Community Resource Centre), 917 Nipissing Road, for women interested in information on breastfeeding. Pregnant women are encouraged to attend. For more informnation, eall (905) 876-3322. The Womens Centre, 210-1515 Rebecca St., in Oakviile holds its Abuse Support Group <rom, 6 to x ination, cat i (905) 847-5520. Thursday May 20 VON Alzheimer Services offers a support group for caregivers of people with Aizheimer's disease and reiated disorders in the comn- munity room at Loblaws, 75 Nipissing Rd., from 2 te, 3:30 p.m. For more information, cati (905) 847-9559. The Milton and District Horticultural Society holds its annuai Plant Sale at the Milton Fairgrounds from 6 to 9 p.m. fea- turing perenniais, trees and shrubs. 'he Fine Arts Society of Milton's Evening Group of Artists meets [romn 7 to 10 p.m. at the Milton Mail, upper level. "Me informai environment provides artists with an opportunity to exercise their drawing skilis. For more informa- tion, cati (905) 878-8955. The Milton Historical Society meets ai 7:3(0 p.m. ait the Lions Club Hall. Memoriai Mena, on Thompson Road, for a presentation by members of the Chudieigh fam- iiy on their ancestry and renowned Chudieigh Apple Farm. Hiilcrcst United Church, rat Trafalgar Road and No. 5 Sideruad, holds ils i-owell's Famous Fish Fry [rom 5 to 7:30 p.m. For tickets, which cost $12, or $6 for chiidren aged 12 years and under, cati (905) 878-3884. M I ___________~3~ DAY OF OAKVILLEI wNUSF Date/mne is for Si n s non-profit get~1~ events Scooter Seso sr> infer.. lialton ln FULL SALES, SERVICE &REPAIR DEPOT 68 MAIN ST. N. (Moore Park Plaza) GEORGETOWN TEL: 905.877.9166 FAX: 905.877.2395 Stecchino's Restaurant Sunday, May 16 4-7 p.m. H amifton Toronto aEW 1071 Spmeers Road (Just west of 4th Line) 905-845-7791 LM MP. aat kcm Srm be, ewM aa BW a5UaGT MW fnS15,61753SlM.MW ee 540 d OuI 74- mmft enu mkoea k eaas O 0400m5Woa a4rnad ir«nCSMn*: $1001, f rnmeS66 e fuhk 0mf Q s0frt NlpunaridoItrswkaén« e Cidwe tmneoe0 whaauy ableW SoedâAodLKO a41aaSabtOu 2 H y uncia OFOKIL 1999 SONATA GI.S 20020 ACCENT GL 2000-2003 ACCENT GS AO aiCD w/// oof y 5 speed, o, wer group, cassetteý 5 speed, automac from 61 K Some wtt A/C. 10tn danos 4,,,,1 Pre-Owe Cars - wca là" a M