Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 May 2004, p. 31

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The Coeniamvipanion, FIday May 14, 2100-1 Georgetown Terminal Warehouses Ltdi.LE I RATigrwn. TcicaSevesMaer *WlNo* Due to increased growth in aur book distribution business, we have .tnmedate OpOfingS s EItion T s aaabe t henew cre iecation Asy eNnseat forthefoiovng ostios: ostios aaiabl atth ne Tis Position provkids dical sev- UbIM tW Retuma P.oeaa Odem Selectum Fui & Part flnu.) Humbertown, Etobicoke location and kcanmrainicfr o w eandca won as hoPti& Hours 900 am- 300 Pm Tr ~ ~ tr nf supports internial company computer $45s/t ýt rn 1 ýý T ron(, A t,ý fo vir- tmt 'iff.1f d r$14.858 .rn 430 pmn - 1200 pmn Mlateelal Mendiera <Fuli-Time> Move cartons of books within warehouse. Flexibility to work either day or aflernoon shift lnventory C*ntrol Driver (FuliTie> Move inventory rithin warehouse us.ng a variety of equipment. Flexibility 10 work either day or afternoon shift Please forreard your resumne Io Karen J. Hughes: fax <(M5) 873-6170 or e-mail: khugheaigtwcanaida.com WOODWORKING SHOP ln Georgetown Requires ful-time reliable persons. Some heavy lifting requireti. No expeni- ence necessary. wtt train. Appiy in person to: 9 Academy Road 905-877-6757 CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN CANADA requtrea an OCCASIOMAL ATrTENDANT Deliver. set-up & attend f0 our fountains at weddings & corporate events - mostl weekend eventings/somre weekdays. Foodi service experlence an esset. Own transportation a must. Perfect for a stay ai home mors looking for extra cash. Join our team andi have lots of fun foot Cal Sheri et 416-451-4397 CARRIERS Needed for door to door monthiy deliveries in Milton area. Cali 905-873-0103 Leave message wtii address *****M* * Due 10 increaseci dvmand in the Canadiari lndusiry. Agency with A-c repulalion, sý evpanding iheir ostnvi as proof oit worlt comning f0 agericy on daily basis. Wili provîde procif of work done by models and taets in the fieds of: 1) Runway and Edtorialweork iH.ghr. lsh... 2) Commercial Prînt Work (i ires ,,ciiir e cataing.îv xcii 3) Talent & Principal acting (T% o, lisTv Syries. Maso Viavns ,iiriWnîl and CEt,. ihuki Looling for Men/Womren betwveen thse ages of 3-70 years of ail ethmicities. iO nipii-t o lal vin Aq nyiîO- certai char ýier Paiolv(Costs Admiri Fees etc Beginners and ACTRA Memibers Welcorne' C& 8105-0484731 TelFF 1411-111423-3M2 SSHOPPERS DRUG MART® JOB FAIR Nox -f ring lot Dakville Location al Thîrd cîne and Dundon ltervîewîng ai Holiday Inn 2525 WYecrft Rd. Oukule, Manstc la1lIasIlEut. Friday, May l4th 8am-Spm Dmmo.ýl1 Wth a minimum ni 3 ytars experience reqoîred. Ability 10 do material faleotff and dîawings on AuIoCAD 2002. Familiarty with conformance rogiremnents 10 meet ASME code for pipe & itins would fit an asset, Main objeocives would invoive workling with ot Enginering Dep, 10 maintain ASME and lSD 9001:2000 standards. Forward resaime to0 Sm Ras Eq*fmelac. S~Ato Jot Lawrence 'W 3179 Maînway Burlingon, On L7MM tA6 SMR. IW' or fan: 905-335-2991 DENTAL RECEPTIONIST ADMINISTRATOR For Full Time Maternlty Position incucies t evening per week) We require a friendly, energetic person wth excellent communication skiffs to join our team in a busy famiiy practice in Georgetown. Experienoe wfth AbetDent an asset. Please fax resume 10: DR. BEAUCHESNEfDR. HUTrR/R. GRIN 905-877-3917 KUDS! KUDS! KIDS! Wanted for TV & Movie Jobs! No Fees! Men/Women 16-65 yrs. Needed for same! No extras. Pare-ta Cali: 416)221-3829 lmmediately for refrigerated food prooessing plant in Miton. Own Transportation Required. Fax Resume to: 905-878-9010 Attention: GERRY DUCHENE FREE TRAINING Drive 4 Us. School Bus Drivers Wanted Cali 905-877-4448 Ladlaw is an equal opportunity Company The Mîfton Downlown Business Impovement Ares Board of Orecoom requires a mature permanent staff member se manage the OBIA office You are required le wnnii *01 a board oi direclors and show initiaive in the planning and implemenialion ni pengrams tb pesmete bsinessoin0the OBIA.The psy structnre in ai an hnariy raie, baseel on experience fose a 20 hour woek week. Ynx are requieed in aneend a moeitly bordo direcosa meetingin the enenîng andt some evenîng and weeliexd dulienfose speoial evants Piffa. reply. tinwiiag by May 151h. lolthe DBIA oiS iot 51ManStreet. Suite 103. Milen Onlario LOT IPI. or F-aaii alataaiiliondbia.eom Field Performance Gro&ap Ic. is a rapidly growing leader in the area of Fieldi Force Automation. We are an in- fensely service focuseti software comn- panry looking for individuels with superb communication akills. HELP DESK Two uti-ime salaried positions aveul- able. Muet be able f0 worlt 12:00pm - 8:OOpm shift. Minimum 2 years experi- ence in Custome- Service or l-elp Desk. Excellent wrtten and oral communi- cation skilis required. No phone cells Fax: 905-873-9556 or emaîil: jnichoilstWmfedperformancecomn CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE (Oakville) " a minimum of 2 years experienca in an office envîronment " Computer knowledge (PC) " Lotus Note expeienoe MM S " a self starter " possesa excellent communication okilîs *Bilinguai f English/ Frenchf Salary, commissions. benetît package Pixase senti resume 10: Fax: 9058"429 INSURANCE Propvrty anti Casualty Insurance Broker requîtes s FULL-TIME PERSONAL LUNES CLERK Pieaoe mai, fax or v-mail resume 10. Attention: Linda Miliman PV&V Insurance Centre 3050 Harvestvr Rd, Ourlingon, On U7N 3J1 Fax 905-632-4837 lindamO@pvv-insurance.COmn t ruckl/deiy driver at iiur Bramptaîn aclr.Fax resume indicating preferred position and location ta Tricis Cadieux 905-595-0411. piy of API Process Pumps has openings for tfhe foiiowing positions " CPNuw - ----S These openings have rtsuffed dut f0 a large growfh in business. We are Iocated in the Dxie/ 401 ares in Missîssauga Resomes can ho laxed affn John Weitner 905-564-7844 or lemaît wetner@cpcpumps.com HARO WDRKERS NEEDED! Fuit-time positions avaitabte- Nght shift Overnigfll reets f Homne Qepot Box stores in Ontario Must fie flexorile 10 fravel ouI-l-fown. Must have a reliable vefleEffry level posifioe, Saiary, car al osance, belfi Repi y afi a brîet resume bo .cum m Sa &cuu Fax: 905-855-8559 -4ml: emait@mcdonaldsates.com ~>BUIILNGTOU TOYOTA f ull pariltime, starr îmmedilfor sui rnrnag Ola ersl T he successlui candidiate mas havr valid drivers fl ien igsand n l of iautnmOlîar rietailig an asset[l rent nmeîaton Io loin a wrrnîierIlfaxiesurne nirsli Fax: M115-335411141111 -Tel: 905-335-0223 CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE (Oakville) " a minimum of 2 years expenience in an office environment " Computer knowletige fPCf " Lotus Note experience " s selffstarter a possesa excellent communication skilîs a Bilinguaf (English/ French) Salary, commissions, benefit package Please senti resumne t0Fm «U-41 29 E-au __uiaga-@ iuvuck.leli. Looking for SALES ASSISTAW/ORGANIZR Must be energefic, spontaneous, & versa- file. Flexible hours, vehicle is an asset. Please 1li905876-3266 ORDER DESKRECEPTION, CUSTONMR SERVICE PERSON Required for fast paced sign company in Milton. Computer skills a must. Fax Resmne ta (905) 693-9974 P A R T-T 1 M E Daytimne hours. REGISTERED PHYSIO THERAPIST needed for a well establîshed Physîo Therapy clînîc in Georgetown. Please catI 905-873-4964 un 1 ý 1 iîLei i jijîoaîî îi iiaVehd. us uiiiy 0SKOà ground in computer systemai (wth a professional crtificatoripreflerod), experienoe in a custoener service role and an aptitude for mechanical <CNC and roboties) and eloctronic s.m Send appficatDt: Morton Scienitifc, Georgetown, ON: amtiimarllyn@merlan.ca or FAX: 90M 877 1199 LICNSEMECHANIC Required for besy tnucke andi traiter repait shop in Mlton. 5years plus expenience an asset, gooti wages andi benefts. Culi 905-8784M00or Fax Remame ta: 905-88-35 20 MILTON tBA&SEDi Mobile Automotive accessory installation company hlning immediafely. muet have clean drlving record. Full training pro- vlded. Some toola requlred. Compeeltive wages and benefits. Please fax resumne I0: 905-878-8135 or emai ta i merlsley@ceampbellauto>group.cýom M New Electric Enterprises ý 3185 Dhadas St. Weut M 'iIf Oakville, ON tOM 4à14 An innovaf vo growfh-orented electrical INDUS WLEkRICAL SERVICE TECHNICIAN MuSi riave induStrial experience wîllr " Motor Controls " PLC Installation and Modificatons " Reading ni Scnematics " Excellent troubleshoolinq & persortai skills " A valid CON 309 A electricai biense " Show prool ni registered orvers tîcense " CapabîlîtA oi working witrt minimal nupe:eision Excellent wages încluding fl nlî package E-mail. rvanoist@newelectnic.on.ca Fax: 905-827-9594 MIG QWELDER Day or affemoon shift available. S$15.00 per hour Temporary Job in Georgetown. Please cati Nîkki or Jennîfer at Randatai Msaissauga at: 905-501-9366 Fax your resumne no 905-501-7227 KITCHEN DESIGNERS required Io work in Seibas Osievit te showroomn which is acheti- uied f0 openi earty summer. Candidates must hava experience on AutoCati anti/or the 20/20 kitchen design system. Fax resume ta: 905-M6-7075 Email: employment@selba.ca Website: www.saibaca PRESTIGIOUS PRIVATE CLUB reqoîres a Food & Beverage Supervisor Repoting f0 the Clubhouse Manager, the ideal candidate wil have a successfol background in hospitality and customner service, Enpeience jr training and motivating stafi s essential. The candidate must demnonsirate strnng compotet skiiis and ho 'Smart Serve' certitied, Please serd yoor resorne taý CLUBHOUSE MANAER Fax: 905-M3-484 Distinctive prîvate club requioes a HEAD CHEF Culinary si fis for camsaitfnt & banquet din- ing as veeli as. excellent kitchen management & team building skif s. FT including safary bonus & benefits. Apptly in confidence: Mark Porter GM The Ombvilic Club - 56 Water Street mponno@oakvîlltcluh com - 905-U45-0231 X201 »Full tr aprogram suml9s-M 7or Ww.wrdomtuderîb canVcea Usmu vii s seeking 183 Lakeshore, Oak. Ti: 11115409-1919 Fac 9111111441-1913 Must bo oeif groomvd & fitness mîvdvd requîre a respxesîbie penaon fo train for a posi- tion as an instaler for our f1101 toppifg. We regoire a person sfoios abile to afitain a DZ drivers, a person sfio is abile 10 iem hoie Ix operalo our mînîng mnachine and lin- ish the pioduct. Wo notait oui prnduct thioughoul Ontario Piesse Fax resomo 10o 905-821-0342 or catI M-5827-6358 Nee a Job? Are you 16-24 years oid? WE CAN IIELP! cili JOB CONNECT at SIHERIDAN 90"47"49% PRESTIGIOUS PRIVATE CLUB requîtes Seasonal fI Dishwasher inierestod applicants Please Ian resumneItn chef Fax: 905-634-4843 a, llv-m

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