HOUSTON - The tamiy ot thetml eCilltHoua- tonsh to epress our inoere appreclaton tamils- Oives and friends for their kind expessionsof oym- paOns cardusforai tîibunes & donations duninq or rn Mae, cKobsik ren aday, ndste ddca MARGARLP & sAm mcR1uRE at 5 Osybor CeeSent. Georetaown Sale 10 inctude dning room, living room& btdroom suites, etc. Aiso oit & watercolour by 'Margrer. Watch tor signa. ROBBIE WHITE AUCIJON SERVICE 905-876-2884 PUBUC Auction tOvee 200 Lots, Treadmilia, Fr Weigfta & Matenes'Loas tion: 4610 Dates St Tor- 1M0 GMC 3500 Damp, onto, Ontario. Aactan CVI, STD, DUAL, netd Oste: Tatsday May 18, be5lc, runs welwith goo 7pm. W ,âa mi host&11'thanrpbox. Be asseU.aom pliont 416- offer 905-878-8251. 738 1367/Pax 416-736- 2M0 GMC Savane 250( 4159 3/4 tonne. 37000/1ri - $16000 in.Cati SM 6991098. CASH paid for antiques and oofelta, china, fCg- urines, jeweltery, tumtsrt, corre, eM. 906-t78-3145 ceit: 905-876-7960. COCKER Spaniel fensie poppes, mgtertd, micro-i chipptd, irsI shots. (905)702-1946. 1986 Corveete. Newfy te- buit engine, transmision, atm brakes, res, stere. $16,000. Cati 905-877- 2467 aster Spnn. 1992 Buicli Regat, 9t,3ttkms, ctrtlfitd, e- tested, rew brakes and Oires. $4500. Cati 905- 703-0300. 1992 Ford Atrostar, new Yokohama tres, new hMcli. angine ix grest Body needas; onl. $700. Cati 905-702-8249. 1994 Blue Dodge Shadow, 4 door. automatic. 1t5,OO0/toms, $1.200. Cati 905-693-e067. 199, 4 door Culaso, to- cellent condition. No ruot. certditu, nec rakes. ties, votrauxi. air. automatîn, 154.000/limo. $3900. Cati 905-693-9499. 1996 Pontiac Sunite, dcyi, auuomatîc, 03,OOkms, $3.90 certified. Stesoor Molors, Milton (905)875- 50t0o 2000 Nissan Maxima, blacki, 5 speed. poser ev rying, t2e,000/kms, certi- ied, e-tested. Excellent condition, newclcrl, & tires. $15.500. Cati 905- 875-1380. 2001 Cavalier, 2-doar, dsrk biat, 7t,00Okns, 5-apeed manua, A/C, top rond., of- fertd t $9.900 or Oinsncirîg take-over l$337/resO asSit Juiy 20061 416-453-1352. 2002 Hyundai Elanir, 4- daar, low tere, blac, p/o, p/w, pifs, a/c, AMIFM/CD. Vty dlean. $14500. Cati 906-873-M8.0 GREAT AS 18 DEALS 88 Jetta-sotd $500. 90 Jet- ta-=.002 for $9W0. 88012 Cyi, JsgS$1000. 95 Expior- er$1500. Cati JeCI 905382-0220 Oys 9Z)875«019 NIaMiMd SeIli ' today in the (Mb ( cz1 eds cod ms, INTERLOUX metal rot systeni insualled on thear home ar a rea- sonable cost. This lifetime product is fast capturne the interest of home-ownets across the country who want to know this will be the last ime they will have ro re-roof their homes. Our product is envi- tonmentally friendly and cornes with a lifetime, transferable warran- ty with an excellent choice of colouts ro compliment your home and is going to be introduced ro vour local market. Your home can be a showplace in your neighbouthood. We will make t worth your rime ro investigate the many benefits of metal roofing. Plums cli: 1-888-OM0902 - A*k fer Alan Laird cooaponà.it 0 ff's W m 10"flros ussuis n Md r cy Wnoeotion f«o ou80,0 " lad yorm. hiffl for nmmu IWJonm.sfor fou DZW oea Ow uiDvos/CumuStono S resroohlo(GSR) roprosontSWhrod-l cS u d'smesoof busiaos (Rs oa rc y ih foc.of *wd-I. *Wo rq*ui n oxpoubncd r"olloblpooor (GR) tes«now oid"on etih locoion, by O pid S uod *shrd m g 1oir c loco p e n "jod dosgosww odâq #iudms. ' a As o SR, yums Io dm oprioiocls «W md a lm spositionil .11. dvntgo kd~h.u>à okd bo..h. W htootd oput ..o .frqh nu.b do u Fox (905> 8els»6 BLUE BEACON TRUCK WASH is nîw hiring full rime and part ime 4 pin - lZpm and 8-4 full ime The successfuI applicanrs must be flexible, highly motîvated and able w work the weekrnds. Your motivational skills could earn you an average hourly wage of betwren 510.00 and 1 6.00/hr wînh a base pay of '8.OO/hr. Please apply in person ae 40 Chisholm Drive No phone colIs please CURVFS.PARTIIME World'o lrgeot ineos orgoolootion os looking for a ma- ture, onorgetic, outgoig person to worlî ai tht Mikon lo- cation. Must be avoulable ohtemoon, evening, and some Soturdoyo .W/I train tht oght person. Fax Resumes to: 905-875-3512 No Phone Colls Pleae 95 Nissu Pattinder SE $4.000 080 - aliras bret & rotors/2 yres ec rsnsmisslan/tuiiy ioadi- eraîbiactac/grty Neds approx $2000 body ctr front Iteder/glit Cat 5 1- 242-5612. >1- - CAREE SHIIIN REALESTAT If yoo are carrentty on course; recentiy tcensed; considering a change from yoar carrenf broker or looking for a new carter, yox owe il fo yoarselftof attend this seminar. tou WYiiFiai Out About Wh s5 hould conoîder real ette (and whvo houtdnoti *Provincial icensing course R oyal LePage truinn, peroonal deveopsent and suppo H -ot to att a quick tart Howa to maxîmixe vour incomne Th.uIIIIIIIISMaY 2oM 70M a. UM M.M HMtm M"CiUCam à BPM M"kv 9 fa " hSt, korpbsu Seatmog is lmmte ,cati 00W to rvoerve a eat' îoeemaîî11 ROYAL LEPAGE MilIc 905-07U-101 inuîîîîîiîîiiGoegeltown 905077-8262 -ý,d Missauga905-821-3200 SUMMER AND FULL TIME PRODUCTION WORKERS NEEDED .. tumork for ont oC tht very beot in the ibergtano manufacturing business Are you a dependable, dedicated and nafety conociotas person? Guardian han immediate needs for good people like you 10 loin our teamn working 12 hour roesting shifts (10:00 - 10:00) 10 cover our 24 hour operation. You can have every other weeflend off. Studenta can eam up tu $800000 (wfth premlums) May thru September and even more with overtime. Muat be 18 yeara or oven. Full Time Workers can average $48,000.00 + per year mth overtime and lok orward t0 heaittcare, dental, prescription dnag. Ite, short and long torm disablllly insurance beneft, pen- sion, coenpany match RRSP, salety boot and clthng allovwances, pald holidays, performance, safety and attendance incentives. Whother apptying or fulIlime or as a summer student, corne preparod 1u complete an arn- poymnent application and provde three wortr references. Apply In person up until May 21, 2004 from 7:3Osm - 4:OOpmn att Guardlan Fibergiba 300 MaiSU"tretEin, Ontario NOB ITO Fax: 519-833-9749 (30 n*ws.EW o a rd Id16n*u * O00cVOgM.u.on H M 4u* oaar'Rs124) Af &ocmca pàiss. a* ffiom dabod fW - hsm v sf5. narh JOB FAIR -. TUESDAY MAY l8th, 2004 A railà a N . 9807 Regional Road 25 Halton Hils, Ontario ClubLinks newest golf club, Glencaim Golf Club in Milton is looking for energetic individuala to filI the following Clubhouse Operarions positions: JR Sous Cbef * LUne & Prep Cooks * Disbwasbers * Golf Cart Maintenance * Faciliey Maintenance This highly anricipated new golf course and clubhouse will be opening next month and we need some grear people ro assast us n delivering exceprional service ro our Members and guests. If you are interested in working in a dynamic private club setting, we would like ro see you. Please drop by an person on May l8rh with a copy of your resume. CLU3LIN MORE SOLF ~% Scott, Batenchuk & Co. LLP Chartereai Accountants YGU RAVi SPPUTUITII TO »MU A WIMN TE!! Celefrafing ifs 301h year in business. Scott, Bafenchuk & Ca. LLP, is a regional leader in accounfing and professional services for Halton and sorrounding municîpalif les. thinner of tht 2004 Borlingfon Chamber of Commerce Award of Excellence, Scott, Bafenchuk fias heen recognized by tht business commanify for ifs prowfh, leadership, enfreprenearship, innovation, employet welfare andl commonify contrbutions. If you would like la become a member of Ihs winning teurs, isif Carter Opporfanifies af wwscoffbaf ca. Current opporfunifies inclade: " SllOI/ MAIamLiM..CHAiITI ACCOUITUT " CIIAITM I M~0hANT i*1 TEAM ACCOUANT *OW REw - M -111 PefCare Insurance Brokers, a rapidfy expandîng niche irrorance brokerage localed in O aklrle, Ontario is seeking an exptrienced Accountlng Manager Reporting lx the Director of Finance, the Accoonling Manager is responsible for ail aspects of tht occoonfing dept., preparafion of pertodic financial statements, bad- geting, analysis and ensuring excellent interniat cootrols are central aspects olfthe position. Quaifictions inclade: e Soccesoful completion et a college or unioersity de g ee progrorn with a focos on occounting or financu, * Mnimum 4th year CGA; *Superion hnowltdge and toperience in areas of inaocial control and accxuoting reporting practices; * Excellent skilîs and experience in compofetized accxunting systemo, incloding advnced spteadsheet and dafabase anolysis; e Excellent interpersonol and communication okilîs f0 fouler an afmosphere of ttamwork, professionalism and respect. PIeuse forward resume and salary topectations lx. accountingjobs@pefcareinsurance.com The Touch Up Fczctory n Milton a hhnng for tht followng positions. Painters, Preppers, Drivers, Office Help Femole upplicanlo welcome lu apply fon ail positions. Plecase cali 905-878-4455 STOPP'S DRYCLEALcnERS Hax a Ful l ime Presser posiio avoulable for June, July & Augoof. No expenience necessary, w/Ilfrain. Apply In persn Monday-Fiday 8awn-pan 885 Main St., Unit #4. Milaon Snrc reps a e oo* omu icto klsbt 45 hoan era; esefmotivte wh f fcietm maagmntsils cndeo staecso rsrve ablt, oddrvn ecodadavlddies Pk f510>a ust. e pr 3iFescprio51 ag) compnsa Qiy Please Kecycle *118 Paper wm. 1ub i *a oi AFI Internationail Groupp[ne. Canada'& High Rù1C Seewzay SpeciaLùas la Currntly Hirlng ENTRY LEVEL SECURITY OFFCERS For Labmouispm ute salnestOnty -Sfeangrate $1/hr -nfra advancement available -Musf be oble tb fravel ouf of fomn -Trovel expennen and accommodations provided by AFR -Must pooses excellent Engliofi verbal & wnitten skills -Vehicle an asoef -Must be ovailable immediafely Ph-anc fax revuma-sIr o Brin: Jenmifer 1-800-3041-3998 No phone colis pleose www.afi-nternational.com rPART TIME LUMBER Ei YARD STAFF Part Tme Yard position available fa work weekends, mif i train, heavy lifting invoived. Fax Resume to: 905-878-4049 Milton Home Hardware Building Centre 385 Steeles Ave., Milton -'Shoppers EDrug Mart FUJL-IME/PART-TIME COSMEICIAN To be available for etl shits inctuding holidmays. Apply in pereon 10 the commetlc Counter et: Shoppera Droag Mart (Mlton Mail) 55 Ontario St. S., Miton W 1 N D 0 W CLEANER WANTED ExPerlence Preferred, but wlll train. Salary ta compensaIs. Muet be able ta wortc off ladders et varlous helghta. 519-853-3335