The Canaidiar Champilon, Friday May 14, 200-âIl C ag 1fsifed EII.±I 1Iw0 SQ. FT. cf nucaly fis- DISTRESS ifia office space Avait- SALES elle vmedraely C/A *Cati Bank Steve 0 905-878-2823. Forscloouroe maIE OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASEqf« Fres kit of Forsclosre Great location on Ste"le proertresis Miltics in Miton aum ro floet Georgetown, & court flouse. LMoetpark- mig. Newfy renovatait Oakvlle. Receve I a wfo usina fre c-ometed ponlt. lice. Availabla rmediete- eut. Free racorded ty Lsse te ta negeftei message Cet Joe 905-875-1 10. 1-888-266-3496 twwcem S Rent it today in he OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2-4 PM 243 Quit S Ates) $229,000 Lcvingty .resterit tekxyse ybikhome. This 2000 squarefout home fias4 badrooma ,3 hate tao c tl are. Gleasiing pisandt rapla Bomtraugftout wt 9 foot cellungs Upitatea induite, wrng, plutslng, mooffumace, wIndws. Et ieIîlIes Uaentire fose or; felp pay your rortgage ahlIe rsriting out tae one bsdror apailmnent.mIsai te adhoola ahopplng etc Large tisait lot C& co e ic(905)867-2235. SAT May 151h, 123pm. 8529 t Une, Mitlion (north et Siea).fouse on27 acffl $589900. 905-878- CDMu gefing you dean? 0897 me cen fllp free coitauta- - S~ton, ertsnaelif.bulli waath, fins Ifs. 1-806590- 7203 Ex# 3378. BULCWNG LOT FOR SALE Builit your dream home ou .thîs beautifol privata ut l ron ostt0 ft x 132 IL in Rockwooit, Ont. Servi es suit permits available. Waik to schoois, lbrery, tennis, uaigfbourioodit parks, shopping etc. Pri- vata sala, asking $89,900. Cali toîl free 1-866-220- 2195 and leave amessage. FFMONEY$$ 100% lst, 2st suit 3rit Mortgageu. Bat credit OK. Cal Ontanio Wele 1-888-307-7799. 5-YR 0 5%, Aso equity morgage progremu regard- iess cf income or credif. Cal CHRIS O 1-800-328- 7887 or visitius et ww.sin- - i -Waro mbassament apr frrant May 15,2004. Suif- ala for single perecu, non- smoking, uiities, laundry, 4000 sq t rutustaispaca oitcalainclotai. Shardi for lase, availalla mme- entrance. 5750/roosth. diately, Mais St., Mitas. Fir5tltast reqireit. Cal 519-767-9353. (905)878-0410. ANNIVERSARY Jack & Eleanor Snow Innluersapy From Your Famiy ACTON 2-hedoo ment S675/month 'indue heat. Hydro/ater extra. Avadlable lune lst firaiat Caf 905-454-4559. ACTON 2-bedroore spart- ment newly decorated, parlrlng/ppnvate en- trance/sundeck, ne amo- ing/pets, firut/lat. Refer- ences/credit chleck. $750/mth plus utiteies. 519- 853-9109. ACTON 2nd fluor 2-lied- mcm, June 1lut Non-so- er, ne pet, S8OCmtfl plus hydre. Parking. Cati 905- 702-3301- Actait Apalmnt 1& 2 bedreore apartruent a ait- eble New and for future. Fridge & Steve, iaundry faciiie No doge 5192- 4374 open 7 daya/wek san day apprevat. ACTON large 2-bedroom apartrin $775/mIl iplus; 519-853-5080 519-853- 5M.2 BASEMENT apartrrt for ret S800/nitf, utIlISes sn- cludeit. Avail"h Jufy let. Cati Nidi or Jedy 0 905- 875-4802. DOWNTOWNMILTON MM"ld Towers 82 Miltid Drive. 1 &2 Bedroore Apts. Close te Dowrtewn. Bus stpet Front Dor 905- 87t1-249 wwwroaWutaca DOWNTOWN MIti ,2- bdbs apt Parking, frldge. steve, heaZhydro imcludecl $95W/roffi Caf 905-856 8723 after 4:OOpm. DOWNTOWN MILTON, 2- bdanaspiparking, laundy -us renboved. S95mih Availahble mmediatey Cet 416-986-0690. FIJLLY fumisheit basement bacfrelor apt. Uilites, Ca- ble & parking mnciuded. $85000 montfily lst &ilast. 905-876-1500. GEORGETOWN 1 -bed- mcmr aparliment w/tialcony iu umali, cdean, quiet build- mng. No umiokeru/pet, one parftigspot lmmediately or June luti. 905-877-863. GEORGETOWN 1-bed- moore apartruent w/lialcony in smail, cean, quiebuildt- I ing. No smOkems/pets, one parking spot. lmmedil or Jue 1si 905-877-8639 GEORGETOWN 1-lied- moore basement apartirnentf First/tast refeences. Avail- stri mmediately No pets 905-702-7649. country uethung. Aalable immediately. $900/mth. Only 5 minutes to Mlton. Cati Jne or Chlristine 905- 875-1110. ONE bedroora loft apt or val, - single occupancy, $725/mth. Lausdry, park- ing uSInites ilndoded, HS lu- temet extra (905)702-1978. ROCKWOOD speclous 2- bedroom apartreent $850/mosth inclusiv. Main fluor 1 -bedmore apertreest $695/month. Aine store/office available. 519-856-4900. 3-lidrm, 2 storey flouse, Milton, appliasces, C/A, large fenceit for itt teck, garage & double itnveway -Avalabie July lai. $1400/uth + utiiies. Cati Fereando 905-8-3067 or GEORGETOWN 2 bat 64-8211-2146. __ rooe, 5800/mtinldies ACTON, 3 bedrsom, mca uhtlSlcble, firUlaut/cra- street, gas hlemt Avalalile il chleck requiret. No 1Fahruary ftt SIOS/mth + pets/smoking. Cali 905- utilties. Cati (519) 853- 873-965 to view 5658. GEORGETOWN 2-lied- FARMHIOISE for rent 4- moore snflousa. New ap- bobs S$1200/mth, btwsan piancea, lausdty, intemnet, Georgetcoan, & MltnCati parking. No smooking. 905-878-886 51,100/mt includes utili- Ses. Cal 416-543-5187. GEORGETOWN Actos 1 FIRST TIME large 2-liadrore apf.' BUYERS S77Shsnth +- Alto cita led-1 Why rent allen you ces mcmr apt., SSSGimt +. Cati i cas afth zero clown? (519) 853-5350 or 9519) Free leif homes avait- 853-535. ala GEORGETOWN wg ith neorooney dows brigt 1bedromunder briglabt $-idam 11 00/math in immediataly, S750/mth. i Miftion, Georgetown & Alto ose bedmoorn bDatru itsit 5895/mt, avaitalite, June HMMAOP 1l NewrGo, hastwater or Cali inclutait, hydro extra ne 1181111+26-340 pets, (905)877-3761. N»1051 GEORGETOWN, 1 t ~ Rsa la va bedracre besement spart mnt Newty rertovatd GEORGETOWN 3-lied- ga ce 08Lwrgakrcdten ' mcm bungalow upper fleor, plWth u uflihea No 51,300/montfr, inclusiv, et peta/smoking. Call906- pina, 0 877451smoersiets. References. f miediate 906--72993 GLEN EDEN &&TON 3 bedroomtac COURT MD" ore se, appilances, APARTMENTS C/A fenceit lot wit usOt 122BrantSblueout from ltclleit 1780 sq. SUIsIs, Mtait IL Avalabla ssmedllsy Weerm nouecei- CredtdhecK epkient in 77 - Uuîoe latte 2 reerencea, f*9tand 1-2 betrae lest mont. 51650flsonth Ansit June 15 pu t.i irajp.Esclusive ct 3-1 bedracre Katina mallai, Sales Rap, Aval. July 15 REMAX Blue Sponga, 906- 1-2 bedSom 878-7777. Aveu Jo/ly 15 ________ MLTON, tac toey semi- Furmoe dtached rerk 1500+ mé n room, 3 ahraors,5ap j fl el plances, air coudihiouiug, fireplace and garage. 9005-878W75 Mnuteato Go Train. $1500 Buding u-a ,ra plus uiies. Non smoking. Leoar&Penny Avadlatle Joly i. 905-332- GREAT ueigflbourfxood sn SPACIOIJS Mattamy sari Miton, suiable for nos- itetacfad fhome. lucludes 5 smoking couple witflrio1 appliances, central air & pets. 2-lidrm iret levai ut F/P, availalile June 1, flousa, large kitchen sud 9 51500/roouth. Credit feat cailingu, leuudry sn check, refrences rsquired. basemant. Availalila Julyi Minimum 1 yaar leasa. Cali lut or souner. $1100/mth Barti Laflacfxe O Royai Le- plus utlies, retrences re- Page 879-101 for dtais. quirad. Cail 905-878-2737.I TWO badroom bungalow, MILTON 2 badroore avait- I iishait basamant sn doan- ala. $945. +. Clean and town Millon. 51100mt+ quiet buiding. Cail Jacki utiliies. Availabie May M 5812e096 Avetlable un- 29th. For sala, comae & sea madiately for the offer. 905-878-4748. MILTON- 2 Badmoom aliova stoe on Main iucl. frtge, steve il gas ireplace $726900 + hydre. Cati 906- 876-2828M GEORGETOWN 2-lied- mcm nsemi. Nealy renevat- ait S975/month plus utilifies, f irst/last, refereuces re- quired. No smoking/pela. Jane lst. Cai 905-846- 5449. OAKVILLE ' 3 Beitroore towuhoutes avallable immediaty tfrougfl Marcti 1 4, apphnce. Hopedala Mail ares. Lakeuflore Management, 905-878- CAMBELLLLE om femnala preferreit. $450/mth, uou-sroeker, share kitcfren, bath & laun- dry roore. Cati 905-854 4008. ROOM for rent in Miton towrrfouue, full use of1 flouse. $lloeei. Cati 905-693-0782. SONGLE working Matle look- ing for an aparsnent/moom,1 in the nerth sud of Miton. POaseCeO (403) 330-8316. ML1w1-qlomate wn-d fteshrsnea home Privaf mcom & bathroom, A/C, laundry, torege, uacunty. Non-amoker, ne pets, fa- maie preferred. Cati Jens 905-875-0481. SHAMR 1900 sq. IL tomn- flouse, unumMaed bad-, mcm, pmte bath & show- er, A/C, avellalimme-i 1diately. $500/mtli. Cali 905-875-4875. I-eaNI.wj arr ic"os.= No poknt = ne insurance mireme eand...aa an for leas. Free consulaton. Cal 905-257-1789. A Ditsg Rore, Cherry- - emadoblea -» »»bl, 8 chaire, buffet, fiutsh, tonsteli coittru Son. Nwsa sf8nbhass. Coat $511,000. Sacriie $2M0. 905-567-9 A KMng RtIowtep Mattreas Set Nea in plastic. COat $1600. 905-567-9459 BEC, Amazing bergers, qoaan orlhopeadic pliowtop set, sew in plast, warranty $150 905-567-4042 wilI de- iver. Bhtroots Charrywooi, Bed, chaul, tresser, 2 ihtstands. Dovetail Con- stnion. Neyer openeit Cour $8,000. Sacrifice $2,600. 905-567-4042 CARPET I hava severai 1,000 yrds. 0f new Stinroaster & 100% uy-I l on carpat. Will clo living- roin & hall for $389. ln- clucles carpef, pacl & in- 1 stallation (30 yards)i Steve, 905-639-2902 22, 2004. Megan as weicomed by fier v"execifeit brother Tanner est siater Taryn. Prouit gredpereuts are Bilnan sd Heather Smith sud Bob andt Sharon lsrlon. Speciai thanks te Dr. aasigham suit the nursing staff et Miton Diic Hospital. Stag~ Poe JOHN IHILL SH4ANNON - -MY1,10 WOL.F: Bsvuty(Baudffl Peacefufty,th fi er tamity by fier aides et Miton Dr,- trct Hospital on Monday May 10, 2004 Lovrng arfe of Davd BoustieldLovingl y remerelieei sud gready rossai by fier son Niogan sutepchsldren Kers Bras- don, Sera sud Michael. Chenteit gaudma of Ryano Afwayu remerelereit by fier roother Erteen and the late Stewart Wol Beverfy leaves bahitfebrhr Bradley taoffantdfier parents-etluTm ntRI Bousi . .5he wll ,.sav issd har h., h..a Janice. Frienda art be receM ivede taJ. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAI. HOMF, 21 Jean St, &Mm (005 878-2»0 on Frlday, May 141h front 2-4 & 7-9, PM.. A Funera Servicew8 lie held rots the Knox Preatrytaran Chuch on Saturday, May 151h at il AM. tutament te flea at Evegeen Cametly. As ex- pressons eofsympaty, donatIons te the Canadien Cancer Society would ha apprecatad. *DWRW: DawUvhy Peecefuly, ater a thor n ita at Alondals Long Terra Care Factlty on Sttnday, May 9, 2004, Dorotft Ed- wards-Brewsn ier 9tst year. Prsdaceaaed by fier husandu Fred Edwarcdu and Clifford Brown. Sur- vmise by her aleru Phylli Head and Vers Dredg. 511e wil atways ta rereerWe by fier nier Marjory Vonajo and nephew Geog Voisard. Dorefthy was a terig lana resident of Mon andt wes active in tfte Sen- ior Ctfizens Association. Arrangements entruuted to tae J. SCOTT EARLY FIJNERAL HOM, 21 Jatte St, Millon (9W) 878-26M. The tamily ut MICHAEL EAMON CUNNEY would like to express 0cr sincere tftanks 10 Dr. Michael Gibert, Heather Cass-Kerr and al of tfte VON nurses that provideit such weouderful and corepassionate rare of Eareou. A special thank you to Fr. Dans Wilflelm and Fr. Javier Arias for the beautlfut tuerai service, for your prayere, andt for your spirituat guidance. mIe eroulit alto fike te thank ottr cowevrere, fiends andt lamiy for your support, for dixe sympathy cards, forte flowere, for Utaetfod andt for the eronderful reception that wan filat the Irshi Center iu Brampton. Last but net least thauk you te atI ef you SIt Mderale-Koche Funerai Home. YOU MC APPMUVEDt. Gel a MDG Horizon PC for only $899 or juat .81 cents/day Free Lesmari 3 li Printer Fre DigllCamnera, Free CD Bumner Free Microsoft Word, Free I7 Sameung Monitor. No Money dowrr, Cal Todayl 1-800-510- 4042. FREE Bufimates. oct aob- bly chaire, fireit lookiug wooit finuhes? FeuCus- tom Wood Rehnlafring est Furture Repaire. 9-9,905- 632-9090. Hot TIdu: 2W04 80 optIons, waltaraOZuNËar, Ast- wood cabiie ,neyer used, mIIIItn areper Col $B"90. Sl9A 416 03197. KOEKSISTERS for tale 0 54/doz. Pteae cai Maria 0 905-876-2883 with your srder. .Debiv"ryavallahlin te Milton ares. SEAT Sale! Fresheu up your dinette/itiningrooo chair seats w/aeacted faI- ries frare 519.96/es. Seat cuahiona quasty uea re- placment hfors 29.95/es. PlaidaFumeiurs sud Fa- rrcs, 9.9 taly. 906-832- 9090. SOF & loveseat for sale. LMe uew, beige, wfth bIsa thread. $500.oio. Cai 905-878-4814. $$ 5WANTE - AI Cla- ns, Sîlver, Crystal, Tes Cape, Royal Doultait Ser- ovi, Glas, Jewellary, Olt toyn Co8aectes, Estates. Cai JohnfTracy, 905-331- 2477. LCOME%* ~ÇJAGON *Newin town? " Gefting married in 3 mootis or more? "*Having a baby? "*Establistting a new business? Please cail us Uinda 905-854-1563 Donis 905-332-4799 Eltze 905-693-0313 U*y Wuk..s Michelle 905-332-8634 adiai Wd.. taons 905-878-0126 Laune 905-878-0126 Il r ==a or-