28-The Canadian Champion. Frday, May 14, 2004 CHILDREN LE ARN WVIIAT TIIEY LIVE My wife, Natalie,. has -a heart for chIdren. God lias blkssed. ber with the won- derful opportunity of bringing leadership and diftcion to our denondna- io,'s Chikfren's Ministry Departîmct on a national level. Regularly, she is hwolved in motivating and mspirng others to take up the cause of reaching kids for Christ. A colourful poster hangs on her office door to silently remmnd her of the significant rote she can play ini a child's life: If a child lives with criti- cism, A child learns to con- dernn. If a child lives with hostil- I. OUR AIM: to make it h best houe in every childa week... Ah im rnovKea ate nu iiiso u choldren cm ent igeaty etegad O j Sunday Momlng Service 10:00 - 11:30&mi Milton Seniors Centre SM0 Childs DrIve (near tisemail) Every Sunday www.the ancury.ca/mnhton "Attsdi tdes fo Mti SUCUSSUI ivig."A Church Foi Yen, Hean. Mmid &Spirit Senior Pastor eu an mroue >pr 82CHlldren N RDelSeMIONg YohOffyt1rk oth ofm Seensoa 9:30 hA.m - Sunday c holfralaes Se 0:4 a.m.- ecod orsh ervc Ghremuicanâateltlnie@drma 6:30 .m. - Sunday Nioo oritIVes 104 .M ecod o* erve ity, A -child Iearns ro figha'. Ifa chdld lives with ridicule, A child learns to be shy. If a child lives with shame, A child learns tofeel guilty. If a child lives with toler- ance, A child learns to be patient. If a child lives with encouragement, A child learns confidence. If a child lives with praise, A child learns to appreci- ate. If a child lives with fair- ness, We welcome you to... ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH 123 Main St. E., Milton 4 ONE CONGREGATION TWO GREAT SUNDAY SERVICES ai 10:30 ami Sat. May 16, Worship Guest Speaker: 5Ç,' Rev Gaylyn McLean (in Graham Hall) 1(outis Connection & Churcis Nurse,; Heaven's Gate lheme 'Eater round Tihe World' &Rev. John Benham & Rev. Gerry Hofstetter Church office: (905) 878-8895 www.stpaulsmilton.org 2850 Deîiri Rd. E. PO Boe 332, * Mîhun. OinL9T4Y9 905-878-5664 outhside Fax. 905-878-6676 ni a sa-1 uffici@souiituîdemillon.org A CBuroTeChrTistiîan and Missîoiary Alliance of Canada WAM ulldm etacnew tiena hehhstte eigS the Bible' A îuiy ofPal arA Lm Wai, "UrtiinkubiPaatbuôae- Eposaans 3.1i-21 WInn sthoIa aa LOaUb Come loitn ue Alpha couu tuday at 12.1i5 pe. wihloS uok s ai dte diffuaS quernse Luinh and dayuetee amt. baSped .rwotbide "Youtb Mlnwarie& la à- Tnawwaà n6W20pn fr geadai6- The jagla Wabdada0a700 pu for grades -taý GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH Clergy: 317 Main St. E Rev. Dr. Mark the Church on the HÎBi McDermott 905-878-2411 Rev. Carole Langlotz Father Mark Curtis ~l Services Sun. 8:00 Holy Communion 10:00 Sung Encharlat followed by cofféee our Thurs. 10:00 HoIy Communion followed by Tes and Sbaring & Wheelchair Access Through Parking www.grac«hurchmifton.com MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. - 878-3873 10:00 arnm. - The Lord's Supper 11:45 arn. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study Looking unto Jesus thte author andfinisher of our fait/t Hebrews 12.2 Make an investment into the life of a child today! Determine to bring your kids to churcli to provide them with the moral and ethical foundation they'll need to make good deci- sions along the road of ÇRACEWAY 'BAPTIST CHURCH 103 Martin Street S 905-878-1629 Pastor Walter H. Isaak 10:00 arn. - Sunday School 11 :00 arnm. - Morn ing Service 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Thursday 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer Captain's Crew for Children (ages 6-12) 'You'iI always find a friend at Graceway" www.gracewaybaptist.org MILTON SVNHDAY Àogk CHURCH Invites you te oui weeldy Sabbat services at Hugh Faster Hall, 43 Brown St Milton Sat. 9:30 a. m. - Sabbath School Sut. 11:00am.-Divine Service FREE BIBLE SCHOOL Duscover the umazig Bible aiswets te hifes perpleutng questions, aid tbe secret ta atappy life. For FREE BIBLE LESSONS, write: PO. Bot 23012, 55 Ontario St., Miltou. Oit., L9T 5R4. Ou the INTERNET, http://www.vop.com aid wwamazingfact.og/bbleschoolUrhoolmain.asp PASTOR. AJ DaCost.a 519-835-B3BI For moue infotmati about out service and peogrues. pieusecall.~ KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WELCOMES YOU 170 Main St. E., Milton 905-878-6066 Minister - Rev. Joseph Gray Director of Music & Children's Ministries - Sonja van de Hoef Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Nursery Sunday Youth Classes Grades 7-12 9:30 arn Sunday School Age 3- Grade 6: 10:30 a.m. "Growing together in the grace of Christ" Vacation Bible School JuIy 19-23, 2004 SWheelchair access and washrooins provided so that ail nsay corne and worShip. Ai. off Mary Si. To Advertise in the Church Directory please cail Colleen Gorman at 905-878-2341 ext. 228 I I loin U-q gunda!J at.. MilItn Eible Church 200 Main 9troeet E. 1020 AM CoffoS & Convotmtion 11:00 AM Wortilp -qamic C-hildîen'st piogtam îunning eoncutrently A NJew Chut-ch for i aNeJw enet-ation! www.Miton RiblîeCturch.ca 'I + Ml 1 -1 -t- T 1 l»pqvý m