The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 14, 2004-25 x Just passin' through route to the batl durng senior boys soccer playoff action at BR Wednesday afteonon. Dan Sonsini talleet wice and Androw &o aise dentd the twlne ln SuRoyale' 3-2.. Thu e «wNior s heluquafrlerflul ndwy. tmsW* hel, junio Royal. we lbmn by Loyola on penalty shWMhIqmsing mund play et SBR WOdnosday, Photoby GRAHAM PAINE Haydar's Admirais up 3-2 Darren Haydar and his AHL Milwaukee Admirais can clmnch the West Division finals with a victory tonight over the Chicago Wolves. A first star in gaine four Monday, Haydar had a goal and an assist ta lead Milwaukee ta a 5-2 wmn and put Chicago on thc chop- ping block. But thc Wolves would prolong the series Wednesday witb a 2-1 decision. If necessary, gaine seven will be played tomorrow night. Haydar has 13 points so far in a dozen playoff gaines. WEAR A HELMET!M an ern hle ep. Who DoeslIt...I pAwesoÎe aiuf' -Birhd»P@rtieà; * Princess Parties (4to6yrs. A tL. Girl s She VW Dreams lo be a PreNt Pnncess, * lamour Girl Parties( gds7 &up tEe r g a girl asort' Mae-up, ar Styles Pirled Nais, Crats anA more OrlS JUatWant to Have FunhI GRSlPRTE& LOOT BAR3 Craflh, stres:, make up, hair, naile, coetumes, cake and lot bagel colun am (518) 853-808 AUT SRVC service ~ie4u+7 cmentreL Spectalrign..*-FUEL INJECTION *AUTO ELECTRIC & CHARGING #*AUTO AND TRAILER WIRING SYSTEMS # DELCO BATTERIES *TUNE-UP & EMISSION - BRAXE SERVICE CONTROLS - SAFETY INSPECTIONS - AUTO AIR COND11ONING 18 Thompson Rd. Unit 12 878ï7 211 Coal Steve Boots 706 Mvain S"t, admu. MilO (905) 870-1110 f .A i 9 :0m -12mo Fer JOP hws Mm CO M) 97-879 Goodlwmlerh FreÈy terr3 Geneus t ns FIWY 25 S.ATDERRY RD.,MILTON Milton Import Car Centre 00 Hond Aoed, 1999 VW PassatStw 1998 Toyota Corolla Spectivzng in aul import iehlclko Volkwag.r-sFuellnjoton & Diesels GERHARD & RUDY (905) 878-5330 583 Main Street E., Miton. C-N T SeninelAutomotive ýni342 Bonte St. S., Uni 12 & 13 r Milton 905-878-8066 Computer Diagnostics ' Air Conditioning a Tune-ups Brakes & Suspension e Muffiers s General Repairs , Emission Repairs & Pretest 24 HOUA TOWING 905-878-9229 "High Tech Service, Old Fashion Value" WE USE HIGH OUALITY CAROUEST REPLACEMENT PARTS WHODIl I TO ADV ERTISE 1YMI R AI7OMOTIVE BSINESS UN THE WHO DMES Il SECTON For as litte asl 19"$27 per insertiae CALLJOICE AT 905-879-2341 civve ur cat a Sprig CIeaing with the Purchase of an Includ.s 6 i 011 Change 4 5 * rake Inispections 8 * Fuiot Top Up *Fiter & Doit Chck4 MAisoreceive an Enin. & Chaus Power Waeh "FREE" ... te wash away t6t WI.toedSelul EsTrIMATrES AMM 5J "gff unt: 411 & 12, Mton