Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 May 2004, p. 20

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20-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, May 14, 2004 A ts«dP erain»zn Chrstis ee rt35 nnsyJ By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion hen Judy Hunter ~fJ gathered fine women TVin her living room with the hope of for ming a choir, she had nu idea she was creating what would one day become an important piece of Milton's histo- ry. On tbai evening ii 1967, she jusi knew she was anong kindred spiris- womnen who loved music as mucb as sise did. They soon deemied lhemiselves the Milton Chansoncties. "'The idea that il (the choir) would stilI be going is sornething thai 1 didn«î conceive ai the ime.' Ms Hunier said. More than îisree decades and one naine change laier. the now Milton ('horisiers has grown to include about 40) singers who, like the women who paved iheir way, sim- ply love t0 sing. For the past live months, the Milton File photo by GRAHAM PAINE The Milton Choristers bell out a lune dluring onelo0f their many concerts. Choristeiers as heen gearing up 10 celebrale is 35th anniversary with iwo celebration concerts May 3(1 ai the Missîssauga Living Ants C'entre. 'Outiof the Ordinary' will be performed by the again ai 7 p.m. Conducted by Sonja van de Hoef and accompanied byjohn Govedas (out (Ob the Ordinary A gala concert v# aIl time tavourite Operatic Chorusea Sunday, May 3Oth at 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm The Royal Bank Theatre in the Mississauga Living Arts Center Tickets at Box Office or Tel: (905) 876-3203. Also available at Delacourî's (Main St. Milton), Lewis Craft (Milton Mail) and Leslie Music (Oakville) www.miltonchoristers.com Chonisiers ai 2 p.m. and We believe... 'n helping. Anyone. Anywhere. gLAS The conccrt will feature popular opera choruses and tise Milton Chorisiers will bc joined by tise Georgetown Bach Chorale and Mion's own Women of Noie enssem- ble. 'Me combined group of more iban 60 singers will be accompanied by pianisi John Godevas. The prograrn will include special per- formnances by soloisîs Deanna Sarkar and tenor Chuis Fiscber, as well as pasi conduc- lors including Ms Hunier, who will also sing wiib the Chorisiers. Classica] opera choruses fromn Puccini, Verdi and Mozari will be arnong the selec- lions, as well as excerpîs frorn Gilbert and Sullivan. Tickets cosi $23 for adulis, $20 for stu- dents and seniors and $16 for children. Ms Hunier said when she lîrsi rnoved 10 Milton, il was clear a choir was needed. "Wben 1 rnoved bere in 1966, I felt like il was a desert. There was noibing gouîg on bere culîurally," Ms Hunier said. "So peo- pIe said 10 me, "You'll jusi bave 10 siari your own (choir)."' Sorne major changes bave iaken place in "The business that considers itself immune to the neeessity for advertising soonter or later finds itself immune f0 business." Derby Brown the past 35 years, notably the addition of men 10 ihe choir, which happened in 1978 - also the year the choir's narne changed. Ms Humer said a number of men frorn the comrnuniîy had joined the Milton Chansoneites for a Christmas choir and before long were a permanent fixture. "We made thsee records and performed ihree concerts a year," said Ms Hunmer, who still resides in Milton. "Ai ihai tinte, the iown was small, so we were the main source of eniertainent." Ms Hunier directed the choir for 15 years before she decided the choir was ready for new leadership 10 bring a fresh style and perspective. And so the baton was passed. "Aller 15 years of direciing, 1 ihought ibey were ready 10 expand the horizons of their musical knowledge." Time bas flown since siariing the choir, Ms Hunier said. "We celebraîed ai 10 (years), 25 and here we are ai 35." Good leadership, Ms Hunier said, is whaî she aliribuies the longevity of the group 10. Sonja van de Hoef, the curreni conduc- tor/ariisîic direcior of the Milton Chorisiers, said the May 30 gala concert will be a iribute to the past as well as a glance ai wbaî lies aisead. "'he Milton Cisorisiers are one of the oldesi surviving choirs in Ontario," Ms van de Hoef said, adding, "That's quiîe an accornplishmeni for a cornmunity choir." She said much of tbe music ibat will be perforrned aitishe concert will be farniiar to people. "'Me concert covers ah ibhe bases. As you look ai the repertoire, you'll sec how opera bas developed over tise years." In ber second season witb the Choristers, Ms van de Hoef - who is also tbe director of rnusic ai Knox Preabyterian Cburcb - said one of the cboir's strengiha is its will- ingness 10 tackle new challenges. -Their wonderful entbusiasm cornes ibrougb," sbe said. "They always strive îo take the nexi level." Another of the cboir's strengths, she said, is ils unity. Instead of serving as a difficul- iy, tbe wide range of ages and skili levels un the choir is an asset. "I tliink people don't realize tise wealib of arts un Milton." Tickets can be purcisased by calling tise Living Arts Centre box office ai (905) 306- 6000 or 1-888-805-888 or by visiting www.livingaris.on.ca. Tickets are also available ai Delacourt's, ai tise corner of Main and Martin sireets, and ai Lewiscrafi ai Milton MaIl. You can also cal (905) 876-3203 or visiî www.rnùl- ioncboristers.corn. Stephanie Thiessen can be reached at sthiessen@miltoncanadianchampion.com. OpPe-GARAGE SALE Milton Communlty Resource Centre May l5th, 2004. 8 a.m. MCRC Parking Lot, 917 Nipissing Road. Reni a parkilng spot tasii your own items. For info. cali 905-876-1244, ex. 13 FAMJLY CHJROPRACTIC CARE under my roof Ili n#elik 311 Martin Street, Milton (905) 878-5165 "Brain weighs 2 lbs. on/y and uses 20% of the ovvgen vou breathe."

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