The Canadien Champion, Friday, May 14, 2004-1 CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR..i Open for business With 39 years In poiitics - 23 of those tm.h helm 0of town council - Mayor Gord Krantz has- n't exactly found the need ta brush up on his job earch skilis. Here, he gets a littie heip from summer empicyment officers Kate Miller left) and Krista Rolllngs at Monday's officiai opening of the Milton student employment centre on Main Street. Farmers' market opens May 22 Fruit and vegetable vendors - plus those with an assortment of other goodies - will returu to Main Street May 22 for the start of another season of-the Milton Fanners' Market. As a result. Main Street parking between Martin and James streets is prohibited overnight Fridays until the end of October. If a vehi- cie is parked on the street, it will be towed at the owner's expense. The farmers' market will oper- ate froru 6 ar.. b 12:30 p.m. each Saturday until October 30. MILTON GOOD NEIGHBOURS COMMUNITY DAY MAY lot,92004 Many thanks to the businesses and organizations that supported a successful gooci neighbours community day. Halton Regional Police 7~ft#O~ [~1}~N t (MATM pamaW -M Friends of the. riEnvironment Foundation est frBýl'.@ c M. - "Op' a ()The Meat Terminal ICuSue 8uky .-d Dbu.t- .me Rotary Club of DCN4ALDSON, F 1N AN C 1A 1, GROU P zPflk s-- fhbeW, The FIower Shed Milton Hydro rierans.The pepl of Annue MTown GofMod Nerghbour Cmmuiatyv ofayois M a l co/2005. on dpca %Rab to Via Spa & MYC subsudbersfor mal t a roaliyl. SÇYLC Suppa ortV1urLocalCanl 42 BOMMe St. S. 90549-1943 j 7ý 1 -1