NEWS SPORTS Spelling bee Royals go unbeate~.r. quite the buzz in regular season Page t o Page 24 r' 1 A METROLANO COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER VOL. 145 NO. 18 44 PAQES "Using Communication to Build Better Communities" ýBig-stretch- MPemnbers of a weoky exorcise program offred the Milton Communfty Resource Centre and Goodfitoes Clubs do a 11W. stretching prlor to headlng out on a Wednesday afternoon walk. lb. prograin features a 4&aiýn stroller walk wlttm three str.tch breaks along the route. Body identified as Joseph Manchisi By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion DNA resuits have con- ftrmed a fathers worst suspi- cions. Peel Regional Police announced Wednesday that human remamns found in Quebec two weeks ago are those of missing Milton man Giuseppe 'Joseph' Manchisi, 20). Two people discovered the human remains April 27 in a rural area near the St. Lawrence Seaway in Coté Ste-Catherines, south of Montreal. Just last wveck, Milton businessman Joseph Manchisi said although he knew the remains found were likely those of bis son. there wa.s stili a small glimmer of hope alive. Mr. Manchisis remains will be transported from Quebec to the coro- ners office in Toronto in the next couple of days. Peel Regional Police and Halton Regional Police said they're continu- mng to ivestigate the circumstances surrounding the dcaths of Mississaugas Robert Grewal, 22, Mr. Manchisi and I 5-year-old Rene Charlebois of Mississauga. Convictcd pedophile Douglas Moore, who killed hiruself ast month at Maplehurst, is a suspect in A three murders. Hiis ex-common-lass wife, Mississauga resident Sandra Martin, 30. bas been charged with two counts of accessory after the fact to murder, as ha.s a 14-year-old boy. Mr. Manchisi and Mr. Grewal wcre ast seen Noveimber 12. The remains of Mr. Grewal were discovered Novembýer 15. Police said its believed both mets were murdered ini Mississauga short- ly afier their disappearance. with Comment.........6-7 their remains transported to the Clasitied ....... 29-32 Montreal area afterward. Peel Regional Police took the role Dateline .......... Bi as lead investigator in the three mur- ders. *'We'll continue to assist (Peel *ffIda, MhW 14 Regional Police) in whatever way Ladu uf&Wmr0* *M0bpi11, possible," said Halton Regional C&f Wef M -FM*-Fu W Police Sgt. JeiffCorey. ,, * C f, -"m f* * mm - * Funeral arrangements havent yet -Sw fà-Vab m4ld*-ks om been announced. * oowuo* -pu»M VO amhq * Ms An lm Imhy* * ZuUm.* - Sm* HHpr Ste;u/înie T/iessen <'on h<' reched *Ra Sàc* - Car,.. - oil viiiessenCa milltn( anadi(incharn-*S.oleariasnon nly Versatile hairstyles based on classical shapes and colour. Cuts are chosen ta flatter your features, and work with your mood in mind. Contrasting colours reshape the SAO GRU short haircut and a blend of hues 155 MARY STREET, flow for long. MILTON 905-878-9533 Inside-