:ý. - ý 4 r ., i ,,r-r- r t " ,r r-)r 8-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May il, 2004 Mi*lestone is marked with peace garden St. Peter's takes green thumb approach to celebrating 25th year By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion Aecording to traditionalists, a 25th anniversary should yield gifts of silver. But tor students, parents and leaciters of Si. Peter's Sepatate School. dint, plants and even flice odd wormn or lwo are a much lter way 10 com- memorale such an important occasion. Thley decidcd that planting a peace garden was the best way to celebrate tite school's quarter- century milestone. "'is is a benef-it to the enlire communiîy.11 said Frank Cleare. principal ai St. Peîer*s, now that te gardert's nearly donc. But as organizers quickly fouîd tout, peace gardens aren't crealed ovemigit.'Te projecî was in the works l'or a couple of years betore a shovel even louched the soil, Mr. Cleare noted. "We've been dreaming ol surîtait idea for te past three years," he said. Tite first lwo stages involved diggiîtg anîd planttng larger trees. Tite titird - which ssill happen this sumnter- will sec sntallcr shmbhs and plants put in place. Tite work Itas A becît doîte by studenîs. their parentîs antd leachers. and plants citosen are "WVe've been dreaming of such an idea for the past thre years."1 spectes native to the Milton area. Tite garden is already quite popular with the students, Mr. Cleare said. and a scitedule dictates witen eacit grade gets t0 use i. Afier scitool. il's open to thte public. 'Me idea, he said, is the garden wiIl provide a peacelul place for studetîts 10 sit and chat or rellect. Some of te challenges. ite said, itave been geîîing lte necessary approvals and funds. A grant from thte Town's Communiîy Fund helped. Grade titree teacher Lisa Pietila - wito's heen involved witithlie projeet since day one - said if's been a partnersitip between te scitool and lte scitool couitil. Now taIlite garden is nearly finisited, Ms Pietîla said sites -blown away'. "I'm thrilled wiîhit is progress," site said. adding lte peace garden will be a place where students can leam about the environmenî. "My class has asked to corne and do an art projecittere." site said, adding, "Ne could talk abotîail different things.- .Su'ph<înj<' 'eT/ies.çe,î ('Oflbe î'earhed cil lbuy oaG eleviion hann l 1 Programming Schedule - Tuesday, May 11 - Monday, May 17,2004 w w . o e o. a . [- Pugdln .p. .6 . .. , 5,6. ., p,6pe Pýgd ý p Gp, Pýqd , p pm Pge j 30p' ihr- 36', r - " eperpr,, "' 5"J pý ,,r O , rrAIr, £ArrrArr A Op r- ',DWSA Srý,rrg he,5 r O, R Or-p, ta h Laurier Plaza 8 orrrr c., o o- o 0pre ,,pbik o o 7OOpr- The l--r7 Olp POoS ~rrO;,.pý eýwý 63pr-o Fr-aun MA' M4 3 8 00p', H.k ,q 8,OOprr Th raleroan Lrp 8A p-r Arr,1We, rrrrr-IyA-dr, 500 Laurier Avenue Uor, I Ar, 12 SpeflrU Be 8A3P"' Fr Arr, ý, ùp, .Iý, Milton, ON L9T 4R3 oprrA-, 0, 9 JOUA peOr, grîrBeUA U 905-878-9306 "The Grate Groan Up Spelling Be."l Thursday, 9:3Opm& Monday, 9:OOpm ..tJ