Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 May 2004, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May il, 2004 *Commenut We applaud Transportation Minister Harinder Takhars push to toughen Ontarios penalties for motorists who carry ebjîdren in their cars without adequate safe- ty restrarnts. Last Tuesday Takhar announced plans to apply demerit points to drivers caught mis- using or flot using infant/oddler car scats and booster seats for older children too small to be adequately protected by just a seatbelt. The proposed legisiation also recom- mends Ontario follow reviscd federal car seat standards and exîend the mandatoty use of forward-facing car scats to anyone - grandparents and babysitters included - transporting a child weighing betwcen 9 and 18 kilogramns. Currently in Ontario, only parents of a child travelling in their famnily-owned vehi- cle are required to provide approved safety seats. With today's hurricd lifestyle, too often our children are being transported around in cars, vans and SUVs by parents, rela- tives, family friends and caregivers. Regardless of the distance and speed trav- elled during these joumeys our children are at risk of personal injury - or worse - if flot properly secured inside the vehicle in which they're riding. Even short trips in residential neighbour- hoods pose significant risk to unrestrained children. In proposing amendments to existing traffic laws, Takisar presented a compelling argument including the comparison of the impact of an unrestrained child in a 50 km/h cra.sh to a faîl from a third-siorey win- dow. The transportation minister is also pro- posing that children too big for their car seats but too small for seatbelts be required to be placed in a booster car seat. 'Me Canada Safety Council estimates that properly installed (and used) car seats and booster seats may reduce the risk of death or serious injury from an accident by as much as 75 per cent. StilI, some people arent getting the mes- sagc. Just last faîl, during an OPP traffie safety blitz one car stoppcd wa.s found 10 have a cbild being held on the lap of an adult. Meanwbile, the front passenger seat of the car was occupied by a brand new approved infant seat - still in its box. *Our Readers Write Milton stili a friendly place, says reader Tree plantîng once again a major success, Dear EftS: 1was aing in lime to use a bank thanks to generous support: co-ordînator Thlere have been several etters dmn t hemacie %le aa n ad tof mw paper recently regarding the growlb of Milton and about what our future holda. Many people who've lived bere for a long timie are gmowing more concerned that Ibis town is in danger of becoming like a big city. Yet i my opinion, while our town chanîges, the people who've given Milton its core fibre haven'. An associate of mine recmnty made the comment that gestures of simple good manners are becooeing rare. However, an incident tbat happened to me the other day reaffimned my belief in Miltonians. doing some ftransactions. He asked if 1 was only making a with- drawal. When 1 said yes, lie offeoed to let me do it first because lie had several items to transact. He was under no obli- gation bo do so. He did it becaus to hm it was the neigbbourly t"Sgo 0do. I waa vey impressed by Ibis andtold humn so. To the gentleman who made tis geataire, 1Isay thanks again. As far as l'an concemed, Milton is stiil in very good ba"da GrgNelso aMiln Dear Editor: On May 1. Greater Halton Area Scouting had 163 Beavers, Cubs. Scouts, L-eaders, parents and sib- lings out planting 3,5(X) trees for the envirofiment at Dufferin Aggregates quart-y. The Greater Halton Area is now made up of aIl the smaîl and large communities of Acton, Camphellville, Georgetown, Glen Williams, Homby, Limehouse and Milton. Through the generosity of these communities. our organization was able to raise significant funds toward our activities with our 33rd annual planting. On behaîf of ail of our members, I 'd like 10 offer a big Scouting thank-you to the staff and manage- ment at Dufferin Aggregates for again providing us with a planting site, the trees and of course the kids' favourite part - a super lunch after planting was done. The weather was cool and wet that day. which is the best type of weather for young trees to be trans- planted. We look forward to our 34th Scouîree projeet next year. Again, thanks 10 aIl wbo helped. George Henderson, Scoutre. co-ordinator Thanks for being neighbourly, says grate fui woman *The Canadian Champion Box 248, 191 Ma (905) 878-À" 905 905 905 905 As.so Mc 'roda, iinSt.E., Te Canadietn Champion, publshed every Tesday and Frdas, at 191 9T 4N9 Main S5t. ., Milton, Ont, t9T 4N9 (tox 248),. s one of The Metoland Prstiîsg, Publisig & Dstributing id. group of sobrtan companles wic5 3 1 includes: Ajax/Pickering News Adverliser, Allistos Herald/Courier, Barrie 23 4 Adasce, Softes Eterprise, Bramptos Guardiani, turlisîtos Postri, go GSpping News, City Parent, Cilsy of York Gardias, Col5sswsodfWasaga -878-4943 Cossection, East York Mirror, tris Advocate/Cousfry Routes, Etîbicoke Guardian, Famborough Review, Forever Young, Georgetown -876-2364 Independeso/Actos Free Press. Halton Business Times, Huronia Business limes, Lidsay This Week, Markham tconomisf & GS. Midlad/Penetang- -875-3300 uishene Mrror, Mifss Shopping News, Mssissauga Busiseslimes. Mssissauga News, Napasee Guide, Nassagaweya News, NewmarsetjAursra -878-5947 tra-Basser, Northumberand News, North York Mirror, asille Beaser, Oakoilfe GSopping News, Oldfimers Hockey News, Orillia Today,, Publisher Oshawa/Whitby/Carigtos/Port Perry This Week, Peterborough lhis Weefi, ubserPctos Cousfy Guide, Richmond iILTorssîif/aughas Liberal, Scarborough >cate Pbihr Mirror, toutftille/Uxbridge Tribune. fldssor-in-Chief Adverfisisg is accepted on the conditiosnftaf, i he eoesf of a typo- grapsical error, that portion of the advedîisîsg stiace occupied by the erro- lanagieîg Editor neous item, togeilser wih a reasosiable allowasce for sgnature, cuti 00f 55 rfsinsg Dires for charged for. but the balance of the adedtisemest will be paîd for af the appli- cable rafe. The publisher reserves fhe ight to cafegorize adoeyîisemests or if ion Manager decine. istribution Maenager Office Manager Dear Editor: This letter is in regards to the recent Milton Good Neighbours Community Day. 1 really don't know what 10, say for the help. 1 had four wonderful people arrive at my front door that Saturday moming and before t knew il my windows were aIl cleaned - inside and out. 1 haven't been able to do them for the (ast year-and- a-half. I'm etemally grateful to these people. My thanks go out to Milton's good neighbours. Kay Bratty Milton 878-4943, or e-mail them ta miltoned@haltonsearch.om. Pud by Steve Nease StMiton Canadian Champion is a %ecyclable Product j' ,-O Editorial Fax: Advertising Fax: Classified: Circulation: Ian Oliver Neil Oliver A Jili Davis Karen Smith Wendy McNab Ai Tim Cotes Pr Charlene Hall Dis Teri Casas mýmýý 1

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