-9 54 Local United Way chapter set to launch Legacy FundI By-STEPHANI-E THIESS.EN ta',f, Anne Eadie is glad to know that wben her life is over. she'I1 be con- timing the work she did while she was alive. It's the United Way of Multon's new Legacy Fund that makes Ibis possible, said tbe organization's executive director. I like 10 tbink that when 1 die, l'Il still be supporting the commu- niîy," she said, explaining the Legacy Fund is named in ber will. TMe launch of tbe new Legacy Fund - an endowment fund - will be celebrated at tbe upcoming Mayor's Breakfast for the United Way of Milton. It will be held May 19 at Granite Ridge Golf Club witb registration at 7 a.m. and breakfast at 7:30 a.m. Tickets cost $20. In an endowment fond, tbe capi- tal amount isn't spent. It stays put, collecting intereat, and it's the Legacy Fund, that money is always there," Ms Eadie said, adding, I think i's an amazing concept that after 1 move on, I'm stili making an impact." There are several ways to con- tribute to the fund, mncluding desig- natimg money to the Legacy Fund in a wiIl, naming the United Way as a life insurance beneficiary or givmng gifts of securities wbere company shares are purchased and given to the United Way. With a gift of securities, shares can be sold when their value increases, with the money going mnto the Legacy Fund. lnterest from the Legacy Fund will be spent differently from the United Way of Milton's regular campaign funds, Ms Eadie said. lt'll be put toward less immediate - but extremely important - pre- assist with drug addiction, the Legacy Fund will be able t0 start and fund programs for drug educa- tion and teach youtb how to say no," she explamned. The prevention programs will be mun trougb the United Way of Milton's funded agencies. Donors 10 the Legacy Fund can choose what area tbey want their money 10 go toward. For the time being, Ms Eadie said she's nervous but excited about Ibis new initiative. "'Me challenge now is making the community understand how important it (the Legacy Fund) is." For more information about the fund, or for tickets to the Mayor's Breakfast, call (905) 875-2550.' Stephanie Thiessen tOfl he reached ai sthiessen@qmiltont-ana- diarnhampion.com. It's a at MN DIFinancing IQup to 48 months on select models** At rèrucingI new Chevrolet models. MALIBU MAXX Malibu Maxx gives you the functionality of an SUV with the style of a midsize sedan. MALIBU The Epsilon archi- tecture of our new Malibu uine pro- vides better per- formance and a quieter ride. EPICA The refined Epica is luxuri- ous, yet unbe- lievably practi- cal. And practi- cally unbeliev- able. OPTRA Sleek, simple and stylish, Optra fits per- fectly into your lifessyle. And almost any parking spot. SSR Tomn heads in the SSR with street-rod looks and real truck- grade otility. SALES HOURS Mon .-Thurs. ... Fnday .. . . . . Satsrday .... SERVICE HOURS Mon-Fn ..............i Tues .... an8c Saturday .. - ..see sales persan for details. RICHARDSGN evn Miton CHEVRGL6ETGLDnSMGBliEEi enerations HWY. 25 S. AT DERRY RD., MILTON 878-2393 TGsemb'0yoby s~.woIw~b.vvw'w - EQUINOX A sophisticated blend of capabili- ty, comfort and style. Equinox can take you any- where. Anytime. OPTRAs With great mies, bold style and a ton of standard fea- tures. Optral has it ail. Now you can too. AVEO Enjoy the f ree- dom that cornes with having your own car. Especially when it's such a thrill to drive. AVEO' With a roomy interior and available 4speaker MP3/CD player, Aveo' will rock your world. COLORADO Colorado packs more standard horsepower than any V6 midsize pickup in its class. Period. SILVERADO CREW CAB The perfect full- time pickup truck for hauling al kinds of Ioads. lncluding loads of people. lîi» or77