Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 May 2004, p. 32

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32-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 11, 2004 Taylor Nursery ~~< ~ 905-876-4100 FIILawton I'd like to plant a perennial garden. How do 1 start? A perennial is a herbaceous plant that thrives for three or more years. Perennials corne in a variety of sizes, shapes and colours and can bloom from early April until late October. They are generally easy to grow and there are perennials for every soit and light condition. For these reasons, they are becoming very popular. Landscape Ontario bas some recommendations that we pass on to our customers. Planning - Some factors to consider are light and soit requirernents, plant height, tîme and length of flower, and colours. You may also think about plant fragrance, suitability for fresh cut or dnied flowers and form and texture. Take the time to plan your garden on paper and consult with us for recommendations. Bed Preparations - We can advise you on how to prepare your soil whether it is dlay, sandy, or peaty but in ail cases, we recommend workîng in an all-purpose fertilizer and top dressing the bed with mulch to keep moisture ini and weeds out. Care- After you have planted and watered in with transplant fertilizer, perennials are relatively easy to care for. We suggest fertîlizing three times a year. (spring, summer and faîl). Some perennials may need more nutrients. Water new plants regularly but once established, perennials will only need watering when there is a dry speli. With care, your perennial flowers will bloom and be enjoyed for many years. Are you connected to your community? Get ail the news from Milton, Oakville, Burlington and surrounding areas quickly and conveniently online and on voiir çchedîîle www.h- ~itonsearch.com 24(7 Wal If you flave any questions mhese 4, professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" c/o The Canadjan Champion 191 Main Sýtreet F. or Fax to: 878-4943 Dr. Ron Strohan Carpet M Optometrist IC r 0 ýkefield -Professional -Centre C r 0 60m i 106 Wakefield Rd., Milton Dr. Ron Strohmn .905-878-5882 Opometrlst Mon -Thgrs 9-6, Wgd-Frî 9-5, Tues 9-8 Satgrday AM by appointment Ve-nily e-r le-er? Prustre-tnp Opte-metry and 1 base a mssion te- ielp people peserse viste-s. Wire- i ensoufrier daeiy prastîse, i am fae-d mie-b que-sete-ns as:Wirat irappened? Wiry sue-t 1seet Usually sîimetbing iras irappened te- a porteneye iealtir mhie-ks a direect rese-tef tbe persens iealtir 1 bud rase-peopleinte iepast meek admit. I. "1irrd a feae if I1irad my eyes esamnsed tirai semethiîg me-e-d ire-fe-end mre-ng.- Weli tirat muywee-lbi re -ee-net tee-e. Hemeer, aim reese-if e--titoee-k t ieast an asdes-a-de-ng ef yen' vst e-arele-i, uand ailty te- te affests ye-er leveiy ire-edand abnlîry te- semme-ne-sureand itee-ct mur rire merld. The me-est possible teenuro e-f hairag an epe esamtsatte-s s fisding e- ai -he you san and eanse-t see-, and ter eecessuey steeps te- prese-eye-er vsiuon and irealtirTire irest e-ing e-r ue-s--d iruppen ese-at pan me-e-d ftsd e-t ye-e-anireueltiry, and tiret pe-e- eyes are fane-ete-ste-g perfee-ly. Ye-e may ese-eu ernse-mee-ieng ye-u dide-'e 2. I mas te-e- n o e-see-e-eeglasses. e-eree e- ire-sk tiraiI m-e-d irase te-mear tirent, se- I igne-eed irusîng an epe esame-nue-e-en - Relie-se e-e-e-ene-e, e-ieses a sery e-emmo e-souen peple de- see- hase an eye esae-rra-t--e. OnIy 40 percents- ef peple irave regelar eye exae-e-etinuer-s, and ef tirese, tire me-se-e-emme-n age ef irasng tefir isteee eume-saeie-n es tire age ef 40; tere pmie-n reuding and se-e-mge-pele-se- ias affee-eed a pete-e-s abrlity te- de- eire-gs e-iey me-e-deortreliy de- en a diy bass lie- enfe-re-e-eateaspect- ef e-iis atie-e-de, is tire mespere-pete-n rirar ye-e- abrlity e-e se-e- s selely dependene- en plusses.le- de-pends osnireule-. ir e- many peple trieek preeene-ate-e-ei. Asne-aI eye- esannenaete-ns are- rse-eded rît keep ye-ure yes ireuIiry. Wrire-e-e- iltir.yoe- tee ne-e-ingt A eue-er feegitfe-l rire-gir if ye-e- stisider e-irai pee-ple are seeîsg we ireriey are dris teg. e-routneîspe--e-e-m a x :(905) 875-a44m85ioit Whe deectd 1r80 sOtaio Si.an be lcontr n t So),i Obsrve hetefthehed s iletd ifectshaouter ofi isete higher 11e-an hea other, or i tesan ois curv to rete spin eTeedar sig so posibes colie oir ow haedyour chirogrspn ds in rntly adbn ona asD h Hribir apearhihek on neidean theoHave your child mv i trnh sideas fand bendwn again.atirsther acn excessive curvigeor tante nthe urbckiatherehan the ormat gvetie curve? If you see one or more of theire signir, report your fendings to a Doctor of Chiropractic and have he or she conduct a thorough examination, Remember that scotiosis, when detected early, can usualty be treated quite successfully with conservative methods. What kind of treatment is necessary? For mitd cases, regutar check ups are suggested with a programn of flexibitity exercise and chiropractie adjustments. For moderate cases, chiropractic adjustments are given, atong with exerciseir designed to strengthen the musctes and pult the irpine into a straighter position. For more severe cases, a brace us frequentty used. Extremety severe casesr may require irurgery and hoirpitalisation. Keep in mmnd, the carlier the detection iir made, and any necessary treatment s begun, the better the resultir Robert Rushtofl Guidelines for Stain and Spot Removal from Carpets and Rugs (X)PS!As caeful a e may bcte keep eue sarpets lbe- ng thierebesi, smnetunnes spilit jsti happen. Aithaugir mosi saepets produced te-day feature stasn-resîstant treatments. no caepet can b ir ad te ire ompieteiy stain-proof, The longer a stain tentantsin tire Car. the mare difficali it map ire ta remoee He-ever. if pou ase Ras, Statis s famous Ce-pet Stae-r Remoser, and fallets these gurdelines peu'Il ire 1. lrmedrately hie-t ep a musir ef a liquid spili as posible asie-g a soft. mite. absorbrent mateeral lire aie-e-el or napin. Nevermitb. se-b r b erusira stan; abrasioen canlutre-tire libres and may cause themesote, cset ie, the carpet reg. 2. Centy sape awaya orda se--seird depositraemg a blun spa-e-a or spon Never usea' knfe ore any irard edged e-e-I. as e-iis eorld damage the pile fires. Vaeuum ateay as muci of rire solid debrme as possible. 3. At a pre-auioe-, prere- Roto--tic'e-s Carpet Stmae Remoser e-n an ineene-pie-neus arerfire sarpert. irile sarper dper or spneirrrr maierials are resally eerystairie, ALL cleamng sele-iens mustrbcireteesred te- deteet unstable eaepet dyes before ue- Read and feue-m tire maier',instructions caeefelly. Cali peu, le-eaI Re-te-Statie prefessional for advice if ttnse-ondeion existe. 4. Toe-eran tiresptper applp a small ame-int ef e-r Caeper Stai Remoser eo your soft. mi-ie, abse-rbee-t matenial and genre-y apply te, e-ie spot, woeking from tire edges te-marrie rire centreefrire spot te preeent rt fronnm tpmadmng.De-ne-t oser-met tire aeea! Conttin-ue as le-eg arirestaiar-transfemtinge-nre-ye-urre-mel. 5. Afier tire stars iras bees eeme-eed ee-mpietely, dry tire affected aeea meil Te- effectisely blet apuree ematstng moistiree. pou map ese fresir. dry tomeis meigirer de-ms by irai, ire asp e-jest ire- aire-ek, k eep sirangtng te-eels as tbep irreome satueated. Rote-Staùs s Caeper Stars Remose, te-ueique! Our parenred mater-bae eard.eeneut-al pH, NON SOAPY eleaing selette-e- s sey effective on a wierri aety ef spilis. insiudie-g geaseides. pae-r.t.andfoode-re-in-sirkne manrpothrieimg produseir eille-e-leaestrrky. sotl-atrmarntgmrsrduesmpn our arpetr Patiresceamd peaper iee-imque are rire keys rose-ecees Hoeee, se-me problems map seed peefessîoa atnia n nrs rtieeaeeof a subbomstain rse-teobtarn a be-tleeofe-e-e tante-s faeset Stin ene-ee , sî Ries ae ec-ert- - e-'dt 5e- eiat e Ope tominigt 7da week CaraeSquare, 265 Cain St. E. MCHLWO 905-78-4492 Question: Willyou give me an idea how some o the drugs work for nasal allergy? Answer: Alîegre- Rhires-e(AR) affe-ts e ctiraut20%o~ef Cue-tedian pope-le-eion. Ire order tee- e-e ctire o----n ef tire deuse mvecd, e-is see-essry teheeaee-simple endeseandisg ef e-ie me-e-ianism ef AR as fe-Ile-me: LDe-gniUiL n i vAeding lierges s erappcd by an immane-gle-in r e-in and is sabseqe-ene-ly enge-lfe-d iy a spee-iale-ze-d ee-l sue-iras auamacrophrage. freeati neauTire aile-cge-n is paee-aliy"digcsed" and is preened tee-tihe se-rfae-eeoef tire cecl forc u me-o-rere-egir re-ognition biy a T-enI(u kisd ef lymphecye-e). Simnnlino* Tire T-ee-l in e-em scnds e-ut a serres ef ceiceal signe-le- ee- ae-eisae adjaen -ese l---ls la differese- lympre-cye). Ae--evae-cReeIls tereiegistespende-ce e- moe nefrncd' gre-ep ef imme-nogle-irelis ht ir--es moe spee-ifle- te- e-ie inie-ie-l allergen snve-ved. âgnàgg a" "Tins spc-efre- moraegle-irelis migrue-es te- attue- itese-Iftee-e-ie- se-e-ae- efa mase- ecl lue-e-mme-neelle-nne-irenasal me-e-esa) mirir arts as a recepe-ge for ter specifre- allerges Thirs indis-de-al es tirerefoeseaid te- ie- sensitizd tee-tire specifle- allerges. InflaMMaUM nWircn tire eepror tc-egnize-s tire llergesi, tire mase- celI mdll ecse- a senies of ceireteals me-diate-es se-e-i as hietanee, pre-seaglandins and le-ke-eens &ce. Wire- tirese me-drue-ors ae-r e-s ile-ed veseels, ncrvcs and me-ee-es glands, tery milI ce-aan enhg, te-e-ing, munsy ne-te and e-e-ngeste-en m-iis mine-ees. Infiltration: Ar a luteestage, e-n15eretie-n bi fiemma--ey eelle- me-e-nasal tie-se-t-es e-p e-irre-ie- enflammate-n>Tuis milI prime tire e-esale-se-see su esceptible-e-nn-. allergie-irreants, se-e-ias perirmes e-r -moe. Aneiiiseamr s almuys eee-aItee-AR tectnene-. le- e-mpotes mie-r histamine for ie-s e- e-gee- sites. and iresce- mîsîmizes e-e-s damage-. Tire tirerapeutie- effee-e- ef eoeie-estere-rds s iretir prompt and e-empreiensive ircae-se mediate-re mie-ii mase- cecls are presentcd front beie-g eeeased. Cee-moiyn seabiriezs mas e -cls and, as e- rese-le-.dumpens tire sensite-et-e-e and inflammatie-n pre-ee-se- Dee-engese-ane-s e-e-e-te-euet tire immediate effese- e-I mdia-ers os blone-d ssse-ls and me-e-e-s glands. In generul, îmmue-te-trapy ntms te- saify tire prese-srueie-s, signalrsg and se-ssitize-ie-e cascades. le- tire adsene- ef a gene-mice- ru. me arc astie-rpare-ng moee cie-ing dre-gs in the immcedi-ee fe-ture. Stay e-ncd. e-e-~~ r

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